PhD. Students
Jack Thelin af Ekenstam (joint supervision with B. Mesland).
Yufan Ge.
Master Students
Yufan Ge, Subproduct systems from SU(2)-representations (M.Sc. Mathematics 2021).
Baukje Debets, Properties of Graph C*-algebras in the Cuntz--Krieger, Cuntz--Pimsner and groupoid models (M.Sc. Mathematics RU Nijmegen, jointly with N. P. Landsman and K. Strung), 2018.
Bachelor Students
Levi Kegel, Ideals in Leavitt Path Algebras (B.Sc. Mathematics), 2021.
Line van Nifterik, Algebraic topology and real division algebras: The 1,2,4,8 Theorem (B.Sc. Mathematics), 2020.
Stijn Velstra, The Berry connection and the Novikov problem: trajectories of Bloch electrons (double B.Sc. Mathematics and Physics, jointly with V. Cheianov), 2020.