Research Interest: Birational geometry, Hyperkähler geometry, generic vanishing theory, Hodge modules and Hodge theory.
Preprints and Publications
- Relative compactified Prym and Picard fibrations associated to very good cubic fourfolds with Lisa Marquand.
- Twists of intermediate Jacobian fibrations with Dominique Mattei and Evgeny Shinder.
- Some density results for hyperkähler manifolds with Elham Izadi, Ljudmila Kamenova and Lisa Marquand.
- On symplectic birational self-maps of projective hyperkähler manifolds of K-type. with Dominique Mattei. and Yulieth Prieto-Montañez, International Mathematics Research Notices vol. 5 (2024). DOI
- Maximal variation of curves on K3 surfaces with Daniel Huybrechts. Tunisian journal of Mathematics. vol. 4, no. 3. (2022)DOI
- Generic Vanishing, 1-forms, and Topology of Albanese Maps. with Feng Hao and Yongqiang Liu. Math. Zeitschrift. Volume 306, no. 56, (2024) DOI
- Vanishing for Hodge ideals on toric varieties. Math. Nachr. 293 (2020), no. 1 (January). DOI
- Effective generation and twisted weak positivity of direct images. with Takumi Murayama (Dec 2017). Algebra and Number Theory, vol. 13, no. 2, 2019, DOI.
- On the effective freeness of the direct images of pluricanonical bundles.(Jan 2017) Annales de l'Institut Fourier, vol. 70, no. 4, 2020, DOI.
- Some Effective Problems in Algebraic Geometry and their Applications, PhD Thesis
Other notes
- Oberwolfach Report from my talk at Arbeitsgemeinschaft: Twistor D-Modules and the Decomposition Theorem.
- Notes from my talk at the Bonn/Paris learning seminar on moduli of Hyperkaehler manifolds.
- Notes from my talk on D-modules in birational geometry - Short course, Univ. of Chicago, 2018
- Notes from my talk in the HPD learning seminar at Bonn. Semi-orthogonal decomposition of . Supplemental notes computing the cohomology of