Preprint Algebraic geometry and Number theory CAKE Seminar (Pancakes) - Leiden

Thursdays 2:15pm st. - 4pm, Organisers: Y. Dutta and D. Lilienfeldt

Keep in mind that it's a broad audience, so please make an effort to motivate your preprint. That being said, please also aim to present at least one proof from your preprint. We've left a break after the first 30min so that people can escape, should they want to.

Date Topic Speaker Location Cake Duty
20.02.2025 (Wed) Organisational meeting titles will be chosen from submitted suggestions.
27.02.2025 Conditional algorithmic mordell after Alpöge and Lawrence Emre Sertöz BW 0.06 Zhelun
06.03.2025 Non-vanishing of Ceresa and Gross--Kudla--Schoen cycles associated to modular curves after Kerr, Li, Qiu and Yang David Lilienfeldt BW 0.06 Emre
13.03.2025 Jonathan Love EM 1.19
20.03.2025 Céline Fietz BW 0.06

Past Pancakes
Date Topic Speaker Location Cake Duty
04.09. (Wed) Organisational meeting titles will be chosen from submitted suggestions.
10.10.2024 Irrationality of the general smooth quartic 3-fold using intermediate Jacobians after B. Farb. Emma Brakkee Huy 2.07 Yagna
17.10.2024 No seminar Special AGNT seminar and Rational Points day TBA
24.10.2024 Rationality of Néron-Tate height over function fields after Yang Zhelun Chen BM 2.26 David
31.10.2024 Shafarevich’s conjecture for families of hypersurfaces over function fields after Engel, Lin and Tayou. Chris Peters BW 0.32 Emma
07.11.2024 Degree two Gopakumar-Vafa invariants of local curves after Davison and Koseki Adrien Sauvagnet Chris
14 25.11.2024 protest tegen bezuinigingen hoger onderwijs Link Utrecht den Haag will not go better with cake
21.11.2024 DIMANT symposium No speaker
28.11.2024 Conditional algorithmic mordell after Alpöge and Lawrence Emre Sertöz CANCELLED
05.12.2024 The Néron model of a higher-dimensional Lagrangian fibration after Kim Yajnaseni Dutta BE 0.08 Adrien
12.12.2024 Non-vanishing of Ceresa and Gross--Kudla--Schoen cycles associated to modular curves after Kerr, Li, Qiu and Yang David Lilienfeldt CANCELLED Emre/Jonathan/Zhelun