Date | Topic | Speaker | Location | Cake Duty |
20.02.2025 (Wed) | Organisational meeting | titles will be chosen from submitted suggestions. | ||
27.02.2025 | Conditional algorithmic mordell after Alpöge and Lawrence | Emre Sertöz | BW 0.06 | Zhelun |
06.03.2025 | Ceresa Cycles of X0(N) after Lupoian and Rawson. Also possibly, Non-vanishing of Ceresa and Gross--Kudla--Schoen cycles associated to modular curves after Kerr, Li, Qiu and Yang | David Lilienfeldt | BM2.26, BW2.18a | David L. |
27.03.2025 | Derived categories of quartic double fivefolds after Cheng, Perry and Zhao | Céline Fietz | BW0.07 | Jonathan |
03.04.2025 | An elliptic surface with infinitely many fibers for which the rank does not jump and There are infinitely many elliptic curves over the rationals of rank 2 after Zywina | Jonathan Love | BW0.07 | Emre |
TBA | David Holmes | TBA | TBA | |
TBA | Reduction modulo p of the Noether problem after Amborsi and Valloni | Alexander Molyakov | TBA | TBA |
17.04.2025 | Quotients of non-classical flag domains are not algebraic after Griffiths, Robbles and Toledo | Chris Peters | TBA | TBA |
TBA | Galois sections and p-adic period mappings after Betts and stix | Ellie Studnia | TBA | TBA |
08.05.2025 | The smooth Mordell-Weil group and mapping class groups of elliptic surfaces after Farb and Looijenga | Nikolas Adaloglou | TBA | TBA |
Date | Topic | Speaker | Location | Cake Duty |
04.09. (Wed) | Organisational meeting | titles will be chosen from submitted suggestions. | ||
10.10.2024 | Irrationality of the general smooth quartic 3-fold using intermediate Jacobians after B. Farb. | Emma Brakkee | Huy 2.07 | Yagna |
17.10.2024 | No seminar | Special AGNT seminar and Rational Points day | TBA | |
24.10.2024 | Rationality of Néron-Tate height over function fields after Yang | Zhelun Chen | BM 2.26 | David |
31.10.2024 | Shafarevich’s conjecture for families of hypersurfaces over function fields after Engel, Lin and Tayou. | Chris Peters | BW 0.32 | Emma |
07.11.2024 | Degree two Gopakumar-Vafa invariants of local curves after Davison and Koseki | Adrien Sauvagnet | Chris | |
protest tegen bezuinigingen hoger onderwijs | Link | will not go better with cake | ||
21.11.2024 | DIMANT symposium | No speaker | ||
28.11.2024 | Conditional algorithmic mordell after Alpöge and Lawrence | Emre Sertöz | CANCELLED | |
05.12.2024 | The Néron model of a higher-dimensional Lagrangian fibration after Kim | Yajnaseni Dutta | BE 0.08 | Adrien |
12.12.2024 | Non-vanishing of Ceresa and Gross--Kudla--Schoen cycles associated to modular curves after Kerr, Li, Qiu and Yang | David Lilienfeldt | CANCELLED | Emre/Jonathan/Zhelun |