Google Scholar
Publications in journals
Contributions to books
Books edited
Other writings
- Canonical local heights and Berkovich skeleta (joint with Farbod Shokrieh). arxiv
Publications in journals:
- Rings of Siegel-Jacobi forms of bounded relative index are not finitely generated (joint with Ana Botero, José Burgos Gil and David Holmes).
Duke Math. Jnl. 173 (2024), 2315--2396. arxiv | journal
- Jumps in the height of the Ceresa cycle (joint with Farbod Shokrieh).
Jnl. Differential Geom. 126 (2024), 169--214. arxiv | journal
- Rings of tautological forms on moduli spaces of curves (joint with Stefan van der Lugt).
Expo. Math. 41 (2023), 531--565. arxiv | journal
- Computing heights via limits of Hodge structures (joint with Spencer Bloch and Emre Sertöz).
Experimental Math. 33 (2024) arxiv | journal
- Heights on curves and limits of Hodge structures (joint with Spencer Bloch and Emre Sertöz).
J. London Math. Soc. 108 (2023), 340--361. arxiv | journal
- Chern-Weil and Hilbert-Samuel formulae for singular hermitian line bundles (joint with Ana Botero, José Burgos Gil and David Holmes).
Doc. Math. 27 (2022), 2563-2623. arxiv | journal
- Tropical moments of tropical Jacobians (joint with Farbod Shokrieh).
Canadian Jnl. Math. (2022), 1--31. arxiv |
- Metric graphs, cross ratios, and Rayleigh's laws (joint with Farbod Shokrieh).
Rocky Mountain Jnl. Math. 52 (2022), no. 4, 1403--1422. arxiv | journal
- Faltings height and Néron-Tate height of a theta divisor (joint with Farbod Shokrieh).
Compositio Math. 158 (2022), no.1, 1--32. arxiv | journal
- Frobenius' theta function and Arakelov invariants in genus three.
Pure and Applied Math. Quarterly 16 (2020), no.5, 1387--1418. arxiv | journal
- Chern-Weil theory for line bundles with the family Arakelov metric (joint with Michiel Jespers).
Michigan Math. J. 69 (2020), no. 1, 3--40. arxiv | journal
- Faltings delta-invariant and semistable degeneration.
Jnl. Differential Geom. 111 (2019), 241--301.
arxiv | journal
- On the height of Gross-Schoen cycles in genus three.
Research in Number Theory 4:38 (2018). arxiv | journal
- Singularities of the biextension metric for families of abelian varieties (joint with José Burgos Gil and David Holmes).
Forum Math. Sigma 6, e12 (2018). arxiv | journal
- Néron-Tate heights of cycles on jacobians.
J. Alg. Geom. 27 (2018), 339--381.
arxiv | journal
- Positivity of the height jump divisor (joint with José Burgos Gil and David Holmes).
IMRN, rnx169, (2017).
arxiv | journal
- Néron models and the height jump divisor (joint with Owen Biesel and David Holmes).
Trans. AMS 369 (2017), 8685--8723.
arxiv | journal
- Point-like limit of the hyperelliptic Zhang-Kawazumi invariant.
Pure Appl. Math. Q. 11 (2015), 633--653.
arxiv | journal
- Asymptotics of the Néron height pairing (joint with David Holmes).
Math. Res. Lett. 22 (2015), 1337--1371.
arxiv | journal
- Canonical heights and division polynomials (joint with J. Steffen Müller).
Math. Proc. Camb. Phil. Soc. 157 (2014), 357--373.
arxiv | journal
- Asymptotic behavior of the Kawazumi-Zhang invariant for degenerating Riemann surfaces.
Asian Jnl. Math. 18 (2014), 507--524.
arxiv | journal
- Normal functions and the height of Gross-Schoen cycles.
Nagoya Math. Jnl. 213 (2014), 53--77.
arxiv | journal
- Second variation of Zhang's λ-invariant on the moduli
space of curves.
American Jnl. Math. 135 (2013), 275--290.
arxiv | journal
- Special values of canonical Green's functions.
Math. Z. 274 (2013), 199--208.
arxiv | journal
- Conjecture de Shafarevitch effective pour les revêtements cycliques (joint with Gaël Rémond).
Algebra and Number Theory 5 (2011), 1133--1143. journal
- Local heights on Galois covers of the projective line.
Acta Arithm. 152 (2012), 51--70. arxiv | journal
- One half log discriminant and division polynomials.
Archiv Math. 97 (2011), 251--257.
arxiv | journal
- Symmetric roots and admissible pairing.
Trans. AMS 363 (2011), 4263--4283. arxiv | journal
- Admissible constants for genus 2 curves.
Bull. London Math. Soc. 42 (2010), 405--411.
arxiv | journal
- Covers of surfaces with fixed branch locus (joint with Bas Edixhoven and Jan Schepers).
Int. Jnl. Math. 21 (2010), 859--874.
arxiv | journal
- Local invariants
attached to Weierstrass points.
Manuscripta Math. 129 (2009), 273--292.
arxiv | journal
- Theta functions on the theta divisor.
Rocky Mountain Jnl. Math. 40 (2010), 155--176. arxiv | journal
- Explicit Mumford isomorphism for
hyperelliptic curves.
Jnl. Pure Appl. Algebra 208 (2007), 1--14.
arxiv |
- Arakelov invariants of Riemann surfaces.
Doc. Math. 10 (2005), 311--329. arxiv | journal
- On the Arakelov theory of elliptic curves.
l'Ens. Math. 51 (2005), 179--201. arxiv | journal
Contributions to books:
- Torus bundles and 2-forms on the universal family of Riemann surfaces.
In: A. Papadopoulos (ed.), Handbook of Teichmüller theory. Volume VI. EMS Publishing House 2016.
arxiv | book
- Short introduction to heights and Arakelov theory (joint with Bas Edixhoven).
In: J.-M. Couveignes, B. Edixhoven (eds.), Computational aspects of Modular Forms and Galois Representations. Annals of Mathematics Studies 176, Princeton University Press 2011. arxiv | book
- Applying Arakelov theory (joint with Bas Edixhoven).
In: J.-M. Couveignes, B. Edixhoven (eds.), Computational aspects of Modular Forms and Galois Representations. Annals of Mathematics Studies 176, Princeton University Press 2011. arxiv | book
- Bounds for Arakelov invariants of modular curves (joint with Bas Edixhoven)
In: J.-M. Couveignes, B. Edixhoven (eds.), Computational aspects of Modular Forms and Galois Representations. Annals of Mathematics Studies 176, Princeton University Press 2011. arxiv | book
- Gauss map on the theta divisor and Green's functions.
In: B. Edixhoven, G. van der
Geer and B. Moonen (eds.), Modular Forms on Schiermonnikoog. Cambridge University Press 2008. arxiv | book
- Faltings' delta-invariant
of a hyperelliptic Riemann surface.
G. van der Geer, B. Moonen, R. Schoof (eds.),
Number Fields and Function Fields -- Two Parallel Worlds. Progress in
Mathematics vol. 239, Birkhäuser Verlag
2005. arxiv | book
Books edited:
- Geometry and Arithmetic.
C. Faber, G. Farkas, R. de Jong (eds.), EMS Series of Congress Reports, EMS Publishing House, 2012.
Other writings:
- In memoriam Bas Edixhoven: Genereus, optimistisch en betrokken.
(joint with G. van der Geer, R. Schoof and J. Top). Nieuw Archief voor Wiskunde 23 (2022), 201--207. journal
- Explicit Arakelov geometry.
PhD thesis, University of Amsterdam, December 2004. book