About me
Since September 2023, I am the inaugural Edixhoven Postdoctoral Fellow at the Mathematical Institute of Leiden University. Previously, I was an Emily Erskine Endowment Fund Postdoctoral Researcher Fellow at the Einstein Institute of Mathematics of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem working with Ari Shnidman. Originally from Denmark, I grew up in France and have since then lived in Switzerland, USA, Canada, Israel, and the Netherlands.
- PhD in Mathematics, McGill University, supervisor: Henri Darmon, defended on May 20, 2021
- MSc in Mathematics, Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, supervisor: Eva Bayer-Fluckiger, 2016
- Master Thesis, Harvard University (exchange semester), supervisor: Benedict Gross, Fall 2015
- BSc in Mathematics, Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, 2014
- 06/03/25 : Talk in PANCakeS (preprint seminar in Leiden).
- 05/03/25 : Talk in AGNT Seminar of Leiden University.
- 25/02/25 : Paper on Darmon-Rotger cycle accepted to IJM.
- 12/02/25 : Talk in Séminaire de Géométrie of Ecole Polytechnique.
- 31/01/25 : Talk in Séminaire AGA of Université Sorbonne Paris Nord.
- 09/01/25 : Talk in Cardedeu Number Theory Symposium.
- 27/11/24 : Talk in the Algebra Seminar of Universität Bielefeld.
- 11/11/24 : Talk in the Arithmetic Deformation to the Normal Cone Seminar (learning seminar in Leiden).
- 10/10/24 : Talk in the Algebra Seminar of EPFL.
- 08/10/24 : New paper on the Darmon-Rotger cycle is available (pdf).
- 04/09/24 : I'm co-organizing PANCakeS (preprint seminar): link.
- 14/08/24 : New paper on Chabauty is available (pdf).
- 08/08/24 : New paper with Ari Shnidman is available (pdf).
- 23/05/24 : I am organizing the first MI Bouldering Evening at Boulderhal Krachtstof.
- 13/05/24 : Talk in the conference "The Ceresa cycle in Arithmetic and Geometry" at ICERM.
- 11/04/24 : Talk in the AGNT seminar of Université Grenoble Alpes.
- 14/03/24 : Talk in the AGNT seminar of Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam.
Research interests
My interests lie in algebraic number theory and arithmetic geometry
with a special emphasis on modular forms, elliptic curves, algebraic cycles
and special values of L-functions.
I am also interested in rational points on higher genus curves.
Mathematical Institute
Leiden University
Gorlaeus Building, Room BW.2.30
Einsteinweg 55, 2333 CC Leiden
The Netherlands
Email: david.lilienfeldt78 (at) gmail.com