Universiteit Leiden
Welcome to my homepage! Currently I am assistant professor in the Analysis and Dynamical Systems group of the Mathematical Institute at Leiden University. Here you can find some information about my research and teaching.
Research interests
Noncommutative differential geometry
Bivariant operator K-theory
Mathematics of topological phases of matter
K-theoretic approaches to Langlands functoriality
Current events
Institute Henri Poincare workshop: Intertwining operators and geometry, Jan 20-24, 2025. Talk: "Theta correspondence via group C*-algebras".
Functional analysis seminar: Hilbert C*-modules, spring semester 2025 at Leiden University.
Past events
Noncommutative geometry seminars and meetings: NCGLeiden research group website
Functional analysis seminar: Harmonic Analysis, spring semester 2023 at Leiden University.
Lorentz Center workshop - Quantum Probability and Non-commutative Harmonic Analysis, November 15-19 2021 at the Lorentz Center.
Japan-Netherlands joint seminar: Index Theory and Operator Algebras in Topological Physics, January 31 - February 4 2022 (details TBA), Tohoku University, Sendai, Japan.
Lorentz Center workshop - Noncommutative Geometry along the North Sea, May 30- June 2 2022 at the Lorentz Center.
February-June 2020, Friday afternoons: Seminar Operator spaces at Leiden University.
February 3-4: Workshop Noncommutative geometry, analysis and topological insulators at Leiden University, Netherlands.
February 21- March 21: Visitor at IHES, Paris, France.
Currently I the 3rd year B. Sc.course Linear Analysis at Leiden in the fall semester, and the Mastermath course Operator Algebras (together with Martijn Caspers, Delft) in the spring semester. In the spring semesters of 2021-2023 I taught the course Differentiable Manifolds (now taught by Emre Sertoz), and in the fall of 2023 I gave several lectures for the Mastermath course Functional Analysis (taught by Marcel de Jeu and Onno van Gaans). These courses are foundational to many areas of mathematics. In particular, they together provide a good starting point to get into noncommutative geometry.Contact
Bram Mesland
Mathematisch Instituut
Niels Bohrweg 1
2333 CA Leiden
The Netherlands
Room Snellius 238