Escher and the Droste effect


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Lars Lund2005-10-19 10:12:42
Hi there I just stumbled over your amazing work, very stimulating and impressive. However, I find the combination of the four scales of the reconstructed Droste images a bit unsatisfactory, since it appears to me to be necesssary only due to the resolution problem. Escher, I suppose, did not use this transformation either. Have you considered to produce a vector version of the Droste image? This could be made to cover one full period, and thus make the transition phase unnecessary!

Maaike Strijbos2005-10-19 05:51:24
Na een bespreking op een bijbelstudiekursus in Ronneby, wilde ik graag een van Eschers tekeningen laten zien. Vriendelijke groeten. maaike

I don\'t know2005-10-17 22:00:06
It was so cool! It was really great looking at and learning about.

Nitin 2005-10-16 01:56:10
Nice webpage, and some cool pictures. Ahhh.. the aesthetic pleasures of conformal mapping! ;)

Walt2005-10-13 18:46:33

Devi Keeling 2005-10-07 19:10:46
hay MC could you send me a picture of all you dragons

Kay2005-10-06 12:38:53
Thank you for sharing the results of your work. Can't say I understand the math, but you help me get a feel for the basic ideas. Mind-boggling results. (Think I'll lie down now until I get over feeling dizzy.) 8-)

spongebob2005-10-04 23:15:32
what a weird site you weirdo

sandra halat2005-10-01 03:43:34
Looking for easy instructions for students who want to learn and do tessellations

lauren2005-09-29 08:06:06
this site is rubbish these are not proper escher patterns and most of them are the same sort it out i cant believe i wasted my time on this!!!

pathak bhavesh A.2005-09-28 14:32:52
i am math teacher i want to know about illusion in maths

bart van houtum2005-09-28 12:26:04
tis geweldig

heather2005-09-28 08:16:17
More math than I can understand, but WOW! Very intriguing. So kind of you to put this on the web.

math freak with no life2005-09-27 15:04:03
i had to cry wenn i saw this site for the first time

emmamugu2005-09-26 07:59:08
thanks for your good newsoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo

nnamdi andy lasdon2005-09-21 13:04:13
I am highly impressed. Your work here is outstanding. I would enjoy seeing these techniques applied to other prints of Escher. This site is a fantastic teaching resource. GUY man mugu

kathy2005-09-20 10:56:30
hi(", jst nid help 2 my project. . tom na kc psahan

NWAIGBO NWAFOR2005-09-19 21:19:08

Suus2005-09-19 17:53:26
Very nice site, but i only see a drawing of that museum-city... or something... why don't you guys show all other drawings Escher made??? there're thousands of them!! greetz, Suzanne P.S.: I'm very proud of Escher, becouse he's a Dutchman, and i am dutch too... so now holland is getting some attention finally :p

nicolas huybrechts2005-09-19 17:21:28
this is a very good site greets nicolas

brchty2005-09-18 09:23:43
ok, i don't have inspiration

hayden2005-09-15 23:45:17
beaufiful, i love it. check out '' for a more recent development, its also extremely cool.

Becky Gourley2005-09-12 23:12:31
I Love M.c. Esher's work, you could look at it for hours and always learn something new!! M.c. Escher inspires me so much!

Hannah Schweke2005-09-10 22:28:39
I love you!!! Tell me where you live I'll come make love to you I promise!!! Seven times I will and you can touch me!!! I love Satan so I love you you sexy beast let me make love to you!!!!! Please email me I'll love you forever no matter what M C Escher my god of the underworld!!! I worship you I licked your picture that's how much I love and adore you I will be a loyal companion to you!!! Don't let me down PLEASE email me I beg of you I love you sooooo MUCH M C Escher!!! You suck the living energy out of me every time I see your sexiful face!!! Please write me back!!! -Hannah Schweke

Marc2005-09-10 00:18:52
An artistic use of an interest in mathematical phenomenon.

plupske2005-09-09 06:53:39
nou ik vindt dat Escher een dikke reet heeft gekregen van al die Droste chocolade, maar jullie presentatie was wel jottems!

Eric Victor de Oliveira Ferreira2005-09-07 19:52:52
Sou fă das obras de Escher

David Pinyol2005-09-02 14:28:26
Very, very beautiful! Spectacular!

deborah2005-09-02 09:20:29
this stuff is good

Alan Eisenberg2005-08-23 16:03:05
thank you for this wonderful site

Johannes2005-08-20 11:41:49
Ik heb mijn profielwerkstuk gemaakt over Escher, Het kunstwerk klimmen en dalen hebben we aan de hand van het filmpje op schematisch na kunnen maken. Alle respect voor Escher!

MARIUS SIDORIUC2005-08-18 09:37:40

Savoia maria Teresa2005-08-17 18:47:04

mgbada2005-08-17 09:36:35
guys i day hereooo so keep on your good working.

STRUYVE G. H.2005-08-16 08:25:58
vandaag zag ik het weer, het volgd nog alle normen.

Shaheer ul Asar2005-08-12 05:50:54

wiebe2005-08-06 14:38:42
You are all pathetic by promoting your (adult) site on this it somewhere else...Its not a site ment for marketing, so f*ck off. Oh before I forget: even the best people were human, its good to know that Esher couldn't draw it himself. That makes life worth living...nobody is perfect! It gives hope to many people...

Kristin Olle2005-08-02 14:47:55
My maiden name was Droste. We have been eating Droste chocolate and Droste cocoa for years. We are not related (that I know of) but I would love to get as much info as possible regarding the history. Thank you.

Lisa Droste-Satawa2005-08-02 12:40:19
Very interesting.

MITCH2005-07-31 22:26:21

Jaime Cerdas2005-07-29 03:10:33
Really cool, what kind of program did u guys used to do it?

kiki2005-07-25 12:27:58
pretty cool~~~teaches me a lot!love escher

Geraldine Davidson2005-07-21 00:33:33
Thank you to my wonderful friend Hans for forwarding this to our family. Geraldine

Luiz Petroni2005-07-19 02:16:29
Really cool site! The more I read about Escher the more I like his works!

ARPAN SARDAR2005-07-08 07:54:58
hi i want to see illution picture

H. Peter Alesso2005-07-05 20:36:55
Please contact me with information about obtaining permission to reproduce some of your images in a forth coming book. Thank you.

Pirate Chief2005-06-29 20:29:28
Love the site!

Kitty Curran2005-06-25 09:25:27
The work of MC Escher has intrigued me for years. Thank you for the delightful visit.

imoaba 2005-06-23 20:41:03
i love this page please keep on the good work

joyce2005-06-21 10:30:52
hmmm ik weet niet eens wat hij doet je die vlakvullingen en die mooie tekeningen maar wat doet hij nou werkelijk?