Escher and the Droste effect


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piwi2005-03-31 07:50:05
het valt wel mee hoor: hij haalde op sgool maar zevens en ik negens, uitslover

Charles Bobo2005-03-28 21:26:19
I like the book of infinity just to the boy's (observer's) left, and how it seems to emerge from the center and move along the "walkways" of the image.

Iris Schwartz2005-03-27 18:52:06
I enjoyed Escher and the Droste effect. It is avery interesting.

andy2005-03-24 17:24:06
Incredible !! excellent development of the drawing. I hope Escher would approve, as I certainly do. Thanks for sharing your work!

bob2005-03-21 20:06:20
i like ure pictures!

閲者2005-03-19 12:31:28
すげ〜カッコイイHPですね! エッシャー最高!!(^^)

Sander2005-03-16 22:06:02
Prachtig gedaan, echt hypnotiserend... Ik doe een CKV-werkstuk over Escher en deze site is daar heel bruikbaar voor!!!

Marieke2005-03-14 12:16:35
Onwijs! Hier wil ik echt graag een werkstuk over maken voor Wiskunde, maar waar moet ik beginnen? 't Is wel Heavy hoor! Groetjes Marieke

Jos Roca2005-03-13 22:44:07
Soy un admirador de la obra de Escher y la utilizo en mis clases con mis alumnos. Cartagena- Espaa

caoimhe2005-03-11 14:02:21
escher is my hero!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

james wood2005-03-10 19:05:17
great website

me me me2005-03-10 16:44:30
this is my kind of art

richard2005-03-09 08:43:25
Voor wiskunde moet ik in 1 VWO een aantal opdrachten doen over Escher. Heeft u uw verhaal ook in het Nederlands?

Ikke2005-03-02 11:42:19
Hey man, ik snap nix van deze website. Ik ben een jongen van 16 en snap nix van wiskunde. Ik doe graag andere dingen dan op deze website kijken. Maar iedereen heeft zijn eigen smaak. wiskunde valt trouwens wel mee. Ik heb allemaal 7s en 8en. Ik heb raar. Vaag he?! Verder is het best een mooie site. Ik ode een werkstuk over Escher, maar ja. Ik probeer dit gewoon vol te praten. Daasa

Milou2005-03-01 14:56:24
Heey luitjes ik ben milou en ik ben 13 jaar ik zit nog op school maar ben wel een slimm meisje mijn beste vriendin is melanie en dat is ook gelijk mijn hartsvriendinnnn!! XXXjes milou

ron lovasz2005-03-01 07:01:27
Very enjoyable. Thanx from an old Escher fan.

thomas2005-03-01 02:16:34
i need to find out what makes eschers art so appeling? please if you know why please address an entry to "thomas" at your name. p.s. write your name then say to thomas. thanks__________________________thomas

Helma Vermeulen2005-02-28 17:18:51
i don't tink escher could not fil the empty place he wanted it to be there. in my oppinion you dit not make this picture complete you have just rowend it. my grandmother new escher himself end he said so to her himself. so stop with nowing it better en let art be art.

wow!2005-02-27 09:56:33
Thanks for a few delightful hours of neck-twisting fun! I particularly enjoyed that you added in an Escher drawing in the spot where information was missing! so clever =). I will definitely be sharing this with my students (and many others). cheers, UCLA ph.d. student

alex2005-02-26 20:42:29
I really love this art!

H.J. van Elburg2005-02-26 06:28:21
Wonderful to see how a rather simple procedure like a conformal mapping truly adds something to the picture in a sense that I think would have pleased Escher himself.

thomas and emily from 5 spaces down2005-02-25 23:08:27
hi I like Escher but we need some facts because we have a project due next week on him!!!!!!!!!! P.S. Escher is super kool!!!!!!!

kieth 2005-02-25 03:22:00
hi - thanks for explaining the print gallery to me in more simpler modified version!

laura and melissa2005-02-25 03:21:43
i really enjoyed this site

K.J. 2005-02-24 23:21:07
Escher was one cool dude. His imagination was abosolutely amazing. I wish I could have met him before he need to put in here his reasons for making his works though. that is a question on my geometry project, and I fail to find an answer.

Juanita Zeinstra2005-02-24 19:43:54
Absolutely fascinating. I have long been a fan of the Escher art. I did not realized this about the incredible "hole". How interesting.

Sara Lyerly2005-02-24 14:42:09
I love the work!!!

thomas from 2 spaces down2005-02-24 03:45:41
do you have a screen saver option or somthing? no? you should make one so i can marval at it all day long! _

thomas2005-02-24 03:41:08
what is the blury spot? i would like to know! have you figured it out? i hope you have, i hope i dont sond demanding 'cause i don't mean to. thomas

RES2005-02-21 17:26:54
so, even though the method is cool and suspected to be known, what's the point? Is this simply an artistic rendering of light's convective properties or a lesson on infinity or some such thing? Or, is there another meaning here? I appreciate the artist's graphic representation of logarithmic values, etc. but perhaps the hole in the middle of the drawing represents something else. Maybe the hole in the artist's life, a hole which is ever expansive and eternally deep, filled with meaning, ... read more

da manda2005-02-21 13:52:59
ja mooi werk maar ik moet hier wat info over hebben wa needeerlanders heierj kfkasdjfckasdfjcasknsm, kngf geleidenhonden zijn hier osdkfsdasdfkmaaar dar week io k niks van ad sajkfsqgdus rot maar eenes fslekker esadkjf sadofppdf

niel le blanc2005-02-21 10:43:19

qaisar ayub malik2005-02-19 16:25:59
please send me gw basic spiral curve & coordenate progeraming

OLIWIA2005-02-17 15:30:08

loesje2005-02-17 11:36:38
haai, wij doen ons profielwerkstuk over MC Escher, echt zown leuwk onderwerp :D.. deze site is echt fett.. vooral da je zover in kunt zoemen in zijn schilderijen, echt een aanrader om eens un museum van Escher te bezoeken!! groetjes loesje

G.2005-02-12 02:29:48
Wow, both you and Escher are geniuses in my mind. To take apart Escher's pictures is simply amazing and yet your explanationis amazingly simple. Wow, this definately calls for some Escher paraphernalia! Ditto about the screen saver; that would be awesome!

rene2005-02-11 18:56:47

Jess2005-02-10 21:44:13
I just went to a lecture that discussed this! I am impressed and inspired! Way to go!

petra2005-02-09 17:46:27
coooooooool gewoon

Tiffany2005-02-08 17:42:40
Were you a math genius

Julie Ann Droste2005-02-08 15:42:44
Very interesting work.

andy2005-02-07 15:44:56
best wel een leerrijke onderwerp. Een combinatie om er even stil bij te staan.

uwai2005-02-06 12:34:03
Excellent! This is what I was looking for. BTW, how about my poor trials?

John Kostoulas2005-02-04 21:31:27
I just visited the M.C. Escher gallery in Athens and I was amazed by your animation. How possibly is it to be able to download and save the entire animation in my hard drive. Do you have a screen saver version of your work? Thanks, JK

Carola2005-02-03 21:11:41

sadie 2005-01-31 19:49:42
I liked your web site,it was realy good,if you have any more information please e-mail me @ Thank you,for all of your help.

Anton Bogers2005-01-31 12:13:02
Een waarlijk perpitum mobile maar dan in perspectief.

klok2005-01-31 03:14:19
holy cow! im almost having a fit in amazement at how cool that is. there are also sound artists who have created circular ascending tones etc. ill find out their names and post them up later. if u are interested in illusion/anamorphic/movement art check out japanese artist Shigeo Fukuda. well done lads at unravelling an awesome work of art!

cristina alvarado2005-01-30 00:06:19
Escher has such an amazing mind that visually (in a 2d format) represents motion. MOTION: anatomical motion, spatial motion, evolutionary motion, circulatory motion and subconscious motion. He plays with one's psyche and sight creating a link or dimension in which both realms meet!! Truly fascinating work!!

Donizetti Louro2005-01-25 14:03:15
Iエm mathematician from S縊 Paulo, Brazil. Iエm very happy about your talent and job to showing people terrific concepts throuhg Mr.Escher's Arts. Congratulation