Escher and the Droste effect


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Koos Smit2005-01-23 11:19:52
Great site. This proves that math can be fun too.

Phyllis Hambleton2005-01-20 23:44:34
This website is genius. Escher is absolutely "The" example of a truly educated and talented artistic genius.The site itself is also wonderfully executed and the information is exciting and great to find. Thank you for such a great contribution to the public domain.

Indigo2005-01-18 17:54:20
Well, I had been searching for pictures of Escher because of a school project. I didn´t expect to find something like this. It´s simply amazing. I haven´t thought about this particular image that much but now I´m brooding. Anyway, I am thankful for putting this in the net. P.S.:Those animationes gave me a real headach. Schöne Grüße aus Österreich

Hans2005-01-17 21:58:34
Onbegrijpelijk mooi.

Céleste2005-01-17 12:43:00
Ik ben een vette alpha en logaritmen zijn n iet aan mij besteed, maar de lezing van afgelopen zondag in Paradiso was geweldig swingend!

IJsbrand Steentjes2005-01-16 17:35:06
Voor wiskunde moet ik in 1 VWO een aantal opdrachten doen over Escher. Heeft u uw verhaal ook in het Nederlands?

GC Floor2005-01-16 17:28:00
Mathematics = Art! Art = Mathematics!

sacha vries2005-01-16 15:12:08
Very impressive indeed!!

didem2005-01-15 21:26:58
The only way I can express Escher inside me is "wonderful"!The way he sees the world around himself opens people -who recognizes the perfections of the nature every single day- a new world inner their mind, and makes an excellent combination with their brains and their hearts.Absolutely fantastic! ! !

Sosthen Hennekam2005-01-15 13:55:13
Escher is still very powerfull. The endless zooming in can be made easily by using some chroma. An Escher screensaver would be very nice.

Linda Carrasco2005-01-14 20:50:52
AMAZING!! Escher's work just blows my mind. Muchas gracias desde el Ecuador.

Ivan Hlušièka2005-01-12 09:36:57
Escher je genijalac i veliko nadahnuæe nama obiènim smrtnicima!!! mAth : arT * rulEs

JanetLopez2005-01-11 19:24:28
Escher I love all your art work.

Marc van den Akker2005-01-11 04:21:54
Wat een knap gemaakt filmpje. Over het algemeen wordt ik niet vrolijk van de grouwe sombere stijl van Esher, maar dit is een fraai affect! Nu Kleur!

Fred Laan2005-01-04 16:22:45
Geweldig, heel goed opgebouwd.

anna2005-01-02 10:43:28
BRAVO!!!!!!!it was extraordinary,unique and perfect.ESCHER`s genius inspired me to work harder and harder in order to achieve my aims and in order my wishes will come true.THANK YOU for such a good website.WELL DONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Evn Tomeny2004-12-31 05:24:58
This is a very great site, and I am impressed with the amount of work put into this project. I came to this site after finding the following ZoomQuilt on a site called Kontraband. If this link doesn't work, you can try and search for Zoom Quilt. The rest of the site is quite racy, but you may enjoy this part. VID=1064&DISPLAYORDER=20041202142349&CAT=pics&NSFW=

Ángel Moreno 2004-12-30 23:23:37
Sitio magnífico para penetrar en el trabajo de Escher. Gracias por el trabajo que usted presenta en su Web. Este sitio será uno de mis favoritos. Magnificent site to penetrate in Escher's work. Thank you for the work that you present in his Web. This site will be one of my favorites.

Donald Stewart2004-12-27 19:10:33
Excellent work! Thanks

hoi2004-12-23 10:56:44
Ik wil gewoon wat informatie hebben over het stomme droste effect maar ik kan helemaal niets v9nden en nou kom ik op allemaal engelse siytes waar ik helemaal niets aan heb dus als ik nou eens goeie informatie kon vinden

Conrad A. Escher2004-12-22 22:26:43
I wonder if we are related.

roelien van duinen2004-12-22 15:50:30
ik heb een escher plaat gekocht bij antiek winkel. Het is de plaat zeester en schelpen symetry. het is geen poster van nu want de achterzijde van de plaat is ruw. misschien kan iemand mij vertellen wat dit is en uit welke tijd. Het escher museum kon mij niet helpen. vriendelijke groet roelien van duinen

M.C. Escher Fan2004-12-21 00:57:59
Escher was a gifted genius!

MC Escher2004-12-20 14:17:51
what a beutiful site ik vin zo mooi echt om van te huilen zo mooi moet je nog eens doen please (anders ik jou hack)fear me!!!!!!!!!! //tonnos

Maurisch Escher2004-12-20 14:15:08
wat een prachtige site en zoveel plaatjes en filmpjes echt beautiful.

Ferdinand Hendriks2004-12-12 19:22:05
I enjoyed your website! As a young boy I met Escher in Hilversum, Netherlands when he gave a lecture to the general populus. It is amazing that he was not more liked in his own country where he was just considered a graphic artist outside of the favored world of oil painters

jon mehlhoff2004-12-11 13:02:08

lucy lou2004-12-10 15:08:20
hello im 2 from romania and i look at your pictures from computer in england is good ja lucy

Max Masetti2004-12-09 16:58:48
A very grate work: thanks! p.s. Mr. Escher opened my mind.

Ruud van der Bijl2004-12-08 11:51:13
Verbazend interessant! Bedankt.

max2004-12-07 18:56:38
geweldig! ik snap er verder niks van maar wel mooi :)

ZOZO2004-12-07 15:54:43
I have never heard of Escher before, but when our maths proffessor taught about tessellations and gave us a project and gave the name Escher i was surprised at the beauty of the work of Escher. Long sentence right? Anyways, I think that Escher was a very talented person and when you look at the pictures, you see more than just he drew. You can see what he was thinking about. WOW!

Jess2004-12-05 01:45:28
amazing animations, makes my brain hurt thinking about it but this helped to understand how it works! thanks

J. A. de Haas2004-12-04 17:14:10
Er is me een helehoop duidelijk geworden. Perfecte uitleg, bedankt.

scuola media statale Stanzione2004-12-04 11:42:14

beatrice admiraal2004-12-03 21:22:50
I like to mail martin boekhout aubout his sucses

Christian Andrew S.2004-12-02 01:57:35

maga ole2004-11-30 14:00:58
i dey hhere i love this site

brooke2004-11-30 03:49:01
i lloovvee Eschers work espesialy the snakes one it it soooooooooooooooooo cool!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

piet2004-11-28 13:59:31
hoe zie jij de vergelijking escher met droste? komt niet duidelijk naar voren in de site.

timmy2004-11-26 18:06:35

Jonathan Van den Broeck2004-11-24 19:59:49
hello, this site is great, more than great, I went here because I like Esher's paints and I will never leave this site before I understand completely how Escher do this great job!!! also the weblink on this website that links to the mathematical version of the picture is so great! in dutch now: de website is gewoonweg fan-tas-tisch :-D

Martine2004-11-24 14:44:33
Hele goeie site, kan ik goed gebruiken voor mn pws.. Maar wat ik me nou afvroeg, wat was er eerder, de afbeelding van droste of die van escher?? wie heeft het dus van wie?? xx

dima2004-11-24 10:49:08

quel2004-11-23 00:50:00
yall crazy this aint cool

kevin koh2004-11-22 00:02:10
Well, I found this now, but the thought is really nice. It really is hard to see that there is a part missing to Print Gallery if you are not informed. Maybe Escher, after all, knew that this picture could have infinitely continued if not for the white hole. (Although you can infinitely zoom out...) I thank to the people who conducted this project.

juan manuel jaramillo2004-11-21 03:10:30
Permítame felicitarlos por esta excelente página sobre Escher y el efecto de Droste. Creo que trabajos como los que hacen Uds. son muy importantes, no sólo porque permiten un acercamiento instuído a la obra de este gran artista, sino porque frente a la mirada miope y en veces ignorante de los crítcos que disfrazan su ignorancia tras el velo aparente de un lenguaje sin sentido, Uds. hacen un aporte interesante y fundamental para la exégesis e intelección de una obra que, por lo general, se quiere desconocer u ocultar. Felicitaciones, JUAN MANUEL JARAMILLO U. COLOMBIA

Tiana Stocks2004-11-16 23:29:15
When did escher die.

gao jian ping2004-11-15 15:31:46
I like it

Dayle Wickham2004-11-12 14:23:44
Hi i am Dayle and my teacher is having me do a easay on M.C Echer and what his work was , also what he did for the world of mathamatics. So w/b if you know any thing that may help plz. thanks Love Always Dayle Wickham.