Escher and the Droste effect


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David Rajter2004-11-12 08:14:49
I was first attracted to Escher as a young teenager in the 1970s. I bought a book of his prints and would draw my own as an imitation of the Escher style. Recently, I was reading about the concept of tangled hierarchies in the book The Self-Aware Universe, which uses Escher prints to make its point. This rekindled my fascination in his work, which led me to a web search, which led me to your fascinating site. Thank you! David Rajter West Hollywood, CA

Roger vanVloten2004-11-10 23:49:08
Hoe gaat het met je? Nog in Denemarken? Ik zal nooit de tentoonstelling in het Lyceum vergeten. Woon nu in San Miguel, Mexico

mandy2004-11-10 12:39:10
hello Greetings from belgium a href="" love /a ya all xxxx

Rafael2004-11-09 03:20:01
I have a lot of years studing the message MCE is trying to communicate us trough his prints,He himself saids that this are ideas related to the laws of nature that operate in the world around us.If somebody have the same line of thinking, I will apreciate to contact me. I think that this animation is the esence of the idea MCE is trying to comunicate us in his "Print Gallery". Excellent Work!

Tiago Estill de Noronha2004-11-08 18:01:09
Hi! Greetings from Brasil! Amazing page man! goin' straight to my bookmarks!

Lynda2004-11-04 21:42:47
Greetings from Canada! This is a very interesting site. The artwork resulting from this process is stunning. Lynda

Adam2004-11-04 10:30:29
Hi, VERY COOL SITE! Escher is ace, as is self-reference in general. Wow, well done for all this!

JONATHAN SMITH2004-11-02 13:37:32

Van Nooten Tiffany2004-11-02 10:14:18
I have to make an essay about a person that you admire in English and I dont know a subject . Could you help me please ??? thank tif .

arno peeters2004-10-30 19:36:28
Hello nice site, never knew that there are that much droste collectors, look for also droste items at

jimmy2004-10-26 13:39:34
good good

Rania from Hellas2004-10-26 12:39:50
I did not know much about Escher since lately! And I am becomming a great fan. Great information at this site!

tjalling van wijck2004-10-26 09:55:46
really cool, since i'm a huge fan of escher...well done! my compliments

Alessandro Pellegrini2004-10-26 09:10:15
It's great site . guys i'm italian from rome where M.C.Hescer is shown in "italian period" in Musei Capitolini... See u

Kees Kan2004-10-24 10:40:37
Great site, fascinating animations!! Thanks guys.

Anthony2004-10-24 10:39:26
I never realised this picture had a regular design behind it. You'd never suspect it at just a quick glance. How did you find out about the design and underlying grids used for this picture in the first place? Did you ever consider applying the same grid to a different picture? Well done!

cindy2004-10-23 13:23:42
salut,comment sa va bin oui moi sa va bien bon ba je vé te laissé

cindy2004-10-23 13:21:42
salut comment sa va moi bin oui sa va trés bien bon ba je dois te laissé

Niek2004-10-22 14:31:31
Ik vind het bijzonder mooi stuur mij een paar foto's thank your

Melissa2004-10-20 07:42:53
I think Escher's art was very talented and his art is amazing.

bob2004-10-19 18:56:10
intresting but it needs more fun and not so boring but good i surrpose

Abigail2004-10-18 07:10:46
hi great web site found it useful in everyway. keep op the good work.

PJHinman2004-10-15 03:36:28
Very original approach and style. Great for cd artwork too.

Dear Dutch Man2004-10-13 22:17:16
I like the droste effect... please do more trippy animations... great when on mushrooms, acid also tends to make them enjoyable - yay...

Rudolf Misset2004-10-13 13:28:26
The original Droste design was made by Jan Misset. He was inspired by existing design, but Droste was his. Who contradicts this? (See message George Moorman, below.)

James Miles2004-10-12 00:02:46
Escher is amazing. His work will never be outdated. The animations on this site are awe-inspiring. Good job!

e2004-10-09 07:45:26

micke !! :p2004-10-08 12:00:38
great site !!!!!!!!

michele mottrie2004-10-08 11:58:47
op omdat ik voor schhol een taak moest maken van escher en die mij totaal nie interesseert heb ik maar opzoek gegaan naar een toffe site !!! Ik kwam (na veeeel zoeken) op jullie site terecht nu heb ik 19 op20 goewd e!!!!!!!!!!!!! :p xxxxxxx michke

Melissa Currie2004-10-07 02:30:21
This man is a genius. I never liked art until I saw his work. Absolutely amazing.

yaseer2004-10-06 00:31:09
wicked pictures fo Escher

Greg Yeardly2004-10-01 15:54:25
I've seen some interesting floor patterns that incorporate Escher's work.

Peter de Wijs2004-09-30 12:00:15
Lovely animations! Always wanted to make such a thing myself but i've got too many other things to do. I'm sure there are many other pictures that can be transformed to an animation. See you!

Ellis Thomas2004-09-28 18:32:35
wicked pictures and i love the painting

fred2004-09-28 17:45:47
frankly my dear i feel this art is beautiful

ryan2004-09-25 15:23:07
my heart is pounding. this is beautiful.

Maria Alzira Loureiro2004-09-24 13:33:44
Sou professora universitária(59), na UNIVERSIDADE PAULISTA (UNIP), na área de DESENHO EXPRESSIVO (DESENHO E PLÁSTICA) e também na área de DESENHO EXATO (GEOMETRIA EUCLIDIANA, GEOMETRIA DESCRITIVA, DESENHO GEOMÉTRICO, DESENHO TÉCNICO, PERSPECTIVA). Sempre me interessei pelas obras de ESCHER, e portanto, tenho muitas de suas obras. Esté site da Universidade Leiden está um espetáculo! Gostei muito, e até tirei muitas cópias, porém não conseguí copiar as animações, porqwue não sei em qual o ... read more

Marcel Lubbermans2004-09-24 08:52:35

shelly2004-09-22 08:28:10
i asm a 4 year student in scotland and i was loking for a biogrify on m.c escher can u hellp me ?? this is a grat website shelly xx

ellen goldman2004-09-20 17:15:16
As an artist, I greatly enjoyed this Escher show. As a translator, I enjoyed translating the Dutch version of a book about Escher by Harrie Welles into the English language. The title of this book was: 'Playing with Continued Fractions in Escher's Garden'. I wonder if you know of the existence of this book. The book was published by Harrie Welles himself and only distributed to friends and colleagues but I think it deserves more official attention. Ellen Goldman

Glenn2004-09-18 02:25:10
This art gets better with age. Imitators can try to improve the technique but won't improve on the underlying concept.

Scott2004-09-14 14:16:16
Thank you for the great work on this site. I found your site while investigating Escher's work. I am an animator looking to create an Escher-esk animation inspired by his tesselations. I am finding it difficult without a solid understanding of the math behind it. I like the concept behind the "loop", creating the Droste effect.

Pablo2004-09-14 10:24:09
Everytime i see this site!!! i feel the presure in my chest!

Samie2004-09-12 11:19:19
i love your paint

robin morris2004-09-11 03:56:01
I believe this was like most of mce's later work a woodblock print...I imagine he might have been able to work out the center but rather than have it get muddled Aas it gets smaller he quit at a certain scale. Thanks for this very fascinating site.

Krasi Spasov2004-09-09 17:39:25
Ñàéòà å íåâåðîÿòíî äîáúð. Ïðîèçâåäåíèÿòà íà Ìàóðèö Åøåð ìîãà äà ãëåäàì ñ ÷àñîâå è íèêîãà íÿìà äà ìè îìðúçíàò. Âñåêè ïúò îòêðèâàì ïî íåùî íîâî. Âåëèêîëåïíî!!!

Krasi Spasov2004-09-09 17:35:18
Verry good site! The Best!

madrabbi2004-09-09 11:30:15
I have very much enjoyed this excellent site. I greatly appreciate the accessible presentation of your work, as I am no mathematician myself! The overall style of your work is excellent and takes nothing away from the genius of the artist, but simply embellishes one's understanding of his unique talent. I hope you bring the wonder of Escher to many more people. Congratulations.

Yuri Lim en Perry van Oosterum2004-09-06 20:25:27
our project has been finished, just take a look at our article, sorry but it's in Dutch. Sorry in Dutch now, je moet dus de scriptie hebben van Yuri en Perry, hij is redelijk groot 1,2 mb, kan even duren dat je hem hebt gedownload, en het kan gebeuren dat sommige plaatjes niet goed overkomen, even afsluiten en opnieuw openen. Nog even ons doel van deze verdieping: "het in redelijk begrijpbare taal zetten van hoe deze invulling in elkaar zit." laat hier of via de mail weten wat je ervan vind!

mootube2004-09-01 08:32:17
Very interesting work. Thank you for making the net that little bit more interesting. And remember... Never refresh your quote :p