Escher and the Droste effect


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FUNDA B.2004-02-08 15:26:57

Philippe Berard2004-02-07 00:21:13
Congratulations again for your priceless contribution to making Escher's work available to a large audience. Congratulations too for your effort aimed at opening the public's eyes onto the depths of knowledge reached by Escher's mind at his most productive time. I also would like to know if the software used in deconstructing "Print Gallery" could be made available to those who like me would want to apply similar techniques to original pictures in other words to apply the grid algorithms to ... read more

Jack van der Marel2004-02-06 22:06:23
Geweldig hoe de avi is gemaakt. Ik heb verschillende boeken van Escher. Deze tekenig heb ik jááá'ren geleden nagetekend. Zalig om te doen. Jack

Daniel2004-02-04 23:48:11
...Wow, that really is amazing. I am amazed and completely interested in the physics of this 'escher art'!

Mikkel, Denmark2004-02-03 21:12:27
I really admire the brilliant work of M.C.Escher. He is really a genious, but almost the greater genious is the people who maked the animation on this site, it really uncovers the "secrets" in the picture. GREAT WORK!! ;) -Mikkel, 8th Ground School Pupil, Denmark

Talib2004-02-03 11:58:19
I m awestruck to know the details taken care of by the artwork...Great soul...definitely!!!

Miles2004-01-29 13:47:06

jan korff de gidts2004-01-28 06:01:08
Prachtig: in één hit via Google op jullie site. Ik wil er meer van weten. Graag tot ziens. jan

wim de vries2004-01-27 22:39:56
ik heb verschillende kunstboeken met werk van escher, ongeloofelijk wat deze man getekend heeft. zelfs een hedendaagse computer zou er moeite mee hebben. een nederlandse kunstenaar om trots op te zijn

JOHN ZIMMERMAN2004-01-23 19:51:54
Not sure this is the website I am looking for

robin2004-01-23 13:26:21
ik wil info over escher

Óscar2004-01-19 18:26:57
Hola. Soy un artista español y creo que mi trabajo tiene algo que ver con las matemáticas, como Escher (Teoría de Grafos, imágenes dobles...). ¿Qué os parece mi web?: Un saludo.

Eduardo Camara2004-01-12 17:59:46
Hi, I`m Eduardo from Brazil and work in a educational institution (SENAC), and I´d like to use some of your images, for educational use. I would like to know if you authorize us to use this images in a course "Digital midias", that is a lato sensu, pos graduation. Thank you Eduardo Camara Gead - Senac (55 11) 3868-6940 ext. 7215 Rua Tito, 54 05051-000 Sao Paulo - SP - Brazil

Pea Tear Griffen2004-01-12 14:16:16
this is a terrible "art gallery" due to its bad paintings... some of them arnt even finished and others dont even look realistic and belong in a chirldrens book for god sakes!!! so my advice to u is put a few portrates of Peter Griffen or Homer Simpson!! so stop confusing us with your "twisted" paintings and drawlings!!!! this has been a Pea Tear GRiffen production, good day!!

Peter da Silva2004-01-12 13:22:00
The mouse and his child would never find the last visible dog.

Liz2004-01-12 03:17:40
Hello Mr Escher!! i have to look up some information about you for extra credit in school.. thankz

Emily Zajdel2004-01-12 02:19:42
Hello. Escher is a genius and I love his work. I have the 2004 calender containing his work. That's all i wanted to say. Thank you :)

Riccardo Badinotti2004-01-11 11:40:45
I relly liket this site of Escher!!

heather nelson2004-01-08 19:33:24
I just wanted tpook at this site

Lizzie Hildebrandt2004-01-08 02:40:44
I like it! I really like it! I think it's so cool.

quincy dadisman2004-01-07 20:35:36
this is fascinating

Paul Hildebrandt2004-01-07 17:27:20
Very nice work, especially the animation. I will enjoy sharing it with my 8-year-old daughter, who is becoming an Escher fan.

Pau Casan2004-01-07 13:41:04
simplement increible!

Hubert Antoine2004-01-05 20:34:07
Wuz up a I like your paintings but you can't touch mine.

Colin Benders2004-01-03 12:16:51
whoa... this is becoming quite scary...

Alfredo Llanos2003-12-30 16:36:25
Wonderful work!... Just let me say, that this proves again, Escher was a genious!. What could happen if he had a computer?... Wow..nobody knows!

GUIDO SALTON2003-12-26 11:59:22

sana2003-12-25 18:03:39
this is the coolest thing ever!

James Branch2003-12-23 22:54:37
I'm excited that someone actually went to these lengths to finish this picture, although the underlying philosophy of the droste phenomenon in a picture is held to near perfection. I'm so happy that there is not a white ball in the middle to hold back on the infinite window (mirror) issue apparent in the original. Escher is a total genius, so I really can not wait for this piece to be scoured mathmatically and by other various artists to procure the best possible solution to the photo taken ... read more

Marco2003-12-20 09:13:09
Ik zal eens een keer wat in het Nederlands schrijven. Ik was eerst heel sceptisch over het 'knoeien' met Eschers werk. Hij tekent zoals die tekent, daar moet je niets mee doen!! Maar bij het zien van 'de oplossing' ben ik erg enthousiast. Ik gebruik deze site zelfs in de klas!! Goed gedaan!!

Ser Dado2003-12-19 13:18:54
Great Work! Thanks.

sh2003-12-18 16:22:47
escher is (was) a genius!

cindy Aucoin2003-12-08 22:19:52
Just looking for something to use for your Youth Art Guild Meeting in Jan. It is very hard to keep the young involved today. Young artists with talent, but looking for something different - well Escher's work is different. I hope to get some of them interested enough to try this on their own. Thanks for the website. Cindy

David Reazin2003-12-08 03:08:40
I LOVE Escher's works. Just the plane way that so many of his works defied physics would most likely be what I like the most. My hat is off to him.

Sara Edsall2003-12-07 17:55:38
I'm doing a High School project in math class on tessellations and Eschers art and the math side of it all and I found your website very helpful and I would just like to thank you.

Terry2003-12-07 12:29:42
I never spend long at a website... until now! What a fascinating piece of work. It all seems to link to Quantum physics in a strange way!

Michael2003-12-07 06:24:51
I have tried to download the files to show to an art class without success. Are the links working for others? I can not view in a browser or download. Any help would be appreciated as our semster ends in 2 weeks. Thanks Michael.

Hanns Porr2003-12-05 17:27:13
You finally solved the riddle of the white spot. Hofstaedter, in 'Goedel, Escher, Bach', only gets to Print Gallery after 700+ pages, and he writes "that center of the whorl is--and must be--incomplete. ... Escher has thus given a pictoral parable for Goedel's incompleteness theory." Well, now you have shown that this is not so, but that we are dealing with an infite discontinuity. It is not incomplete, we just 'can't ever get there', like Zeno's paradox... I wonder if this can ... read more

valeria2003-12-04 07:04:53
why is Escher so popular in maths???

Barbara Henson2003-12-02 19:21:56
It seems Escher anticipated Mandelbrot and his Fractals. Escher was so far ahead of his time. I recently saw a Public Broadcast Station 3 part series on String Theory (The Elegant Universe with Brian Greene). They said that the math infers up to 11 dimensions(so far). Escher must have known it on an instinctive basis. I wish he was still here to visually guide us through the strings!

kelly2003-12-02 18:12:39
well, i dont know who's site this is but i have read nothing but compliments! well done! i dont know whether those animation things actually exist within Eschers work but if it does, the man is proper clever! i am a gcse art student and i would love to come up with ideas like his for my projects. unfortuneatly, my brain doesnt strectch that far and Escher comes across as an itelligent, sorry, understatement there, an extremely knowledged man so there no way i could compete with that! however, a great website and very influential. keep it up.

stef2003-11-28 20:48:38
wicked site! it's nice to see the progressions with the zoom and the animations! great idea. makes it easier to understand.

marieke2003-11-26 16:48:19
WOW ! this is most amazing... I do my thesis about Escher, he is the most amazing artist I've ever known... I will learn a lot of this site. it is so interesting... I can't really understand all this now, but I will vised this site often untill I understand What the mathematical thing are behind his work...

John Dodge2003-11-25 06:59:11
Great site! Ever think of making the mpegs into screensavers? How about for macs?

Naima Garcia2003-11-25 02:32:42
look, i'm no expert on art, but this artist, according to myself, is the best artist i have ever herd of. he is my absolute favorite. by the way, i really do love this site, it is very interesting~!~ wow, who ever did this is a genious, i give u my best compliments! LoL! i love this site, and i especially love this artist! keep up the good work! :p its a smiley face.Hee hee!

Rinus Wijma2003-11-25 00:29:13
Nice job, I'll show it to some people. Was Escher a 'bad sleeper'??? At least he had a spinning mind.

stacy2003-11-21 16:45:29
Excellent, just excellent! I enjoyed the works of his art and I especially enjoyed the graphing techniques.

brittany Garza2003-11-21 15:11:51
I really enjoy the unique techniques that he uses to capture a little picturs in a big picture. It really grabs peoples atention and people actually take time to study the piece of art, unlike some other art work.

Chickrock2003-11-20 19:54:29
this is like so cool man this is crazzy shhhhhhhhhhhhhit

David Terr2003-11-19 01:56:09
I love this website! This is a great application of elliptic curves, among many others. I enjoyed your talk last year at the Lenstra Truerfeest. Dave