Escher and the Droste effect


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Erica and Lesley Peastin2003-11-18 20:28:47
Lovely site I must say ! why yes just marvolous !Me and my mate had a wickid good time ! hope to visit again some time.

Lugansk Art Gallery2003-11-18 13:42:59
Dear Sir/Madam! As far as your site deals with art Lugansk Art Gallery( would like to exchange banners or links with your site. Our Gallery represents professional artists of Ukraine, members of National Union of Ukrainian Artists. At our site you can purchase works of art for collection, home or office design. If you have any comments or propositions - do not hesitate contacting us at Best regards, Alexander Zarochintcev Director Lugansk Art Gallery 8 Pochtovaya St. Lugansk 91000 Ukraine Tel. +380642523032 Tel/fax +380642522240

hailey grimm2003-11-17 19:12:06
I have been doing a report on M.C. Escher and your site has really helped my partner and I out a lot! Thank you

Perry Balzouman2003-11-17 16:22:23
Toch heel bijzonder dat droste effect...zou Escher een workshop fractals hebben gedaan?

trudy2003-11-15 17:38:20

Idoia Elosua Lizárraga2003-11-14 18:22:43
Impresionante!Con un lápiz y un papel puede crear realidades tan fantásticas e irreales.La realidad virtual tiene mucho que aprender de Escher.España

luis fernandes2003-11-14 14:45:51
suberbo que preceba a linguegem de desneho ve neste hommem um verdadeiro mestre

PJHinman2003-11-14 08:18:58
Just stopped by with great interest in Escher's works. Thank you. PJ

Megan 2003-11-11 20:25:42
hi MC ESCHER i just wanna say tht im a yr 9 studient and im very much injoying doing pieces of your work in my lessons

boris2003-11-11 13:59:36
een goeie site

Angela Vanegas2003-11-10 20:19:05

Aujune2003-11-09 22:38:11
I am trying to find some facts about you,but the computer won't let me!

elfe2003-11-09 10:50:54
beste meneer de koekepeer!! u site is echt uitzonderlijk goed ik hoop dat u er zelf nog veel plezier aan heeft! en ga zo door zouw ik zo zeggen zeg ik zo!! groetjes elfe

German Garcia2003-11-07 01:23:54
Muy interesante y Fabulosamente torcido. Que imagenes y que imaginacion . Un mundo AParte. German ( Mexico )

well thats just crazy...2003-11-06 05:33:56
damn thats insane.... trippy.... i have so much eschar hanging on the wall, i wish i didn't rip down the one you did, i'd loko at it close and shit

Peter C2003-11-05 18:56:09
Ik sta echt versteld van de tekeningen van Escher, ben er sprakenloos van geworden!!!

j.c 2003-11-05 14:30:44
he has given me a new image of art

jemma callow2003-11-05 14:27:27
Hello mr.escher i just wanted to say that i love your work

Eva2003-11-04 18:18:24
This is a very good site!! Bye, Eva (Holland)

kathryn2003-11-04 00:45:42
He did some egreat art works. Although he is hard to sometimes find!!!!!Its worth it though!!!!!!!!

kuttuva2003-11-01 15:14:42
simply amazing ya! karthickuttuva

Bertine2003-10-31 23:49:45
Ontzettend coole gave en perfect ontworpen site. Samen met mijn dochter van 12 waren we op zoek naar een leuk onderwerp voor haar spreekbeurt van 12 dec. hierbij viel onze keuze op Escher. Via de originele homepage van kwamen we bij jullie site uit. Ik had al eerder gehoord van de reconstructie van het schilderij Print gallery, maar nog weinig van gezien. Alleen op het journaal een hele tijd geleden. Jullie site verduidelijkt heel veel van de theorie van Escher. Daarom wil mijn ... read more

Tessa 2003-10-30 11:00:02
o i loooooovveee escher, i love it that you can zoom in, i did that many many times... at the first sight i thought escher had drawed it himself, i couldn't believe it! i wondered and wondered how he had done that, i thought maybe with a microscope of something.. i just couldn't believe..but then someone said it was made by a dream was gone.. :) i do "next" and then i can see over and over again the zoom-in effect on this work.. i really love it! i discovered this site by an accident, i'm glad i did! Tessa

Ashish J. Mehta2003-10-28 13:30:03
An outstanding job. Needs to go into the Escher museum I saw this summer when I visited The Hague. Ashish Mehta Professor Department of Civil & Coastal Engineering University of Florida

Mark DeLoria2003-10-27 21:57:10
Just wanted to say that Escher was the GREATEST artist that ever lived. His art will FOREVER influence those of us with a flair for the unusual. Such masterpieces will live on in my heart and the hearts of all who care!!!!!!!!!!!

Henry 2003-10-21 16:53:25
I hate to say it, but this site blows Lego Escher AWAY!

Sofie2003-10-19 13:26:38
Dag Nelleke ik moet voor school plaatjes van Escher's werk vinden. Best moeilijk, ik hoop dat er op deze site wat geschikte plaatjes staan. Jammer dat alles in het Engels is. Sofie

Alex Seesing2003-10-15 23:30:14
As far I studied your entire site, I got another acknowledgement that everything can be explained in pure math. My theory is based on the mirroreffect using a spiralcurve. I cannot believe there are really people out there understanding part of my theory but you accomplished you do. My congratulations. Please continue on this matter and please add another dimension to your work: Time in 3 dimensions as well. There you will find a seventh dimension which can be defined as 0=1 or 1=0. Good luck. You are now very close to solve the mathmatical mystery of the universe itself.

Nelleke2003-10-15 09:38:31
hoi kan iemand me helpen aan informatie over drawing hands van Escher, wanneer, waar, hoe het gemaakt is enz.

ali2003-10-13 18:51:52
this site is c*ap for info THANX !!!!!!!!!!!

Tania vanessa2003-10-13 11:20:12
Quais sao as suas grandes obras

romani2003-10-12 06:20:10
What a fabulous and informative site. I loved the droste effects. I have been a fan of M. C. Escher since 1969, I was 9 then!! Was Dali inspired by Escher?

Cleber Favaro2003-10-11 22:58:14
I've first met Escher's works when I was 13 years old. The Sao Paulo Art Museum here in Brazil presented a relevant part of Escher's masterpieces. I must confess he changed the way I see the world...

Sam :D2003-10-08 19:55:31
ello ! i'm doin coursework on escher ! thanks !!

Wout Voskuyl2003-10-05 14:38:21
Schitterend. Wist niet dat er zoveel achter zit. Leuk om in een les over relativiteit te gebruiken

suvarna2003-10-04 06:10:39
hey its great site ,i really enjoyed the way u have explained the mathematical discuusions and the animations are really fascinating

Andrew2003-10-03 15:06:06
FONT SIZE=10 COLOR=#FF0000 VERY GOOD!!! /FONT If previous message appear in red color, you must lock the HTML Tag to prevent any abuse of this insecurity.

Andrew2003-10-03 15:00:13
wuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu !!! Hypnotic !!!

Jean Y. Haley2003-10-02 05:24:02
Learning what I know about M.C. Escher began when I was over 50 years of age. A widow, I went back to teaching, and I found his picture of the waterfall in a textbook. I have enjoyed his type of work ever since. In addition to a book of his prints and his life, I have a book about tessalations, and I am wishing to make a quilt which will be like an Escher print before too long. Do you have any ideas or suggestions about making a quilt from his sort of interlocked designs? Thank you. Jean Y. Haley

Bert2003-10-01 16:33:39
Knap werk, interessant om de website te doorbladeren.

amy h2003-09-27 15:39:59
i neede help on a geometry echer project and this site really helped me! thanx a bunch!

kristofer yap2003-09-27 10:42:29

carmen sanchez2003-09-25 16:12:40
The art work is really great!!!!!!!!! I'll get a copy soon

Ashley Ramirez2003-09-24 23:20:39
Dear Escher, I really enjoy looking at your art work its so cool!!! How long did it take you to make up these things. I wish I could meet you in person but, your probably busy making another amazing picture. How I learned about you was when my teacher (Mrs.Tutino) told me about you today I thought it was amazing how the pictures looked............... (Lubbock,Texas)ASHLEY RAMIREZ

Marthe2003-09-24 19:36:14
heeeej! mooie site, ik heb hier veel info kunnen vinden voor mijn prensetatie!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

stephanie2003-09-23 17:13:10
hy , i would like to have some information about Mc Escher it 's four school and it 's raely importent thank you bye

Stephanie Wagle 2003-09-19 23:33:33
MC Echer is simply set apart from then rest of the human race. He has the ability to look at into the dark and turn it inside out. He is gifted beyond imaginiation. I am only 14, I was born long after his time. yet I still admire his work, as children hundreds of years from now will as well.

m2003-09-19 14:55:07
Very impressive and inspiring..

dAb2003-09-17 18:46:13
Amazing!! Shocked person in Taiwan.

Fabrice Ianda2003-09-17 11:11:06
I'm astonished by the animation. I'm writing my philosophy-thesis on Kafka's "The Castle" and find a huge parallel with Escher's "Print Gallery" concerning the infinity-theme 'Person looking at itself looking at himself looking at himself etcetera see-you there-at-the-finish-kind-of-thing'! Bye...