Escher and the Droste effect


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Daniel Barker2003-09-16 14:25:28
when did M.C Escher die

Hollie2003-09-16 07:26:47
your website is not very helpful when wanting to find out facts about Escher or tessalations, all you leave are links you should have the actual name of the site instead of going to the official Eshcer site and getting links from there, and i don't find your five steps very understandible, and you should have instructions on how to make Escher's tessalations. other than that you website is not half bad.

Piet Hein en Michiel de Ruyter2003-09-15 21:21:31
pracht site jongens.... de groeten uit rotterdam

anke walraet2003-09-15 18:01:02

aleksandra_Z@yahoo.com2003-09-13 22:44:32
Great site!!!! Thanks!!!

L. Verdonschot2003-09-13 14:57:46
Een prachtige presentatie op 11 sept in Wageningen. Ik heb nu nog meer bewondering voor de inzichten en technieken van Escher.

Suzanne Poyck2003-09-12 11:13:01
Echt een geweldig interessante lezing, donderdagavond 11 september in Wageningen!

eliman2003-09-12 02:44:33
wat hebben die chocolaatjes er nou mee te maken?

Tory Clower2003-09-11 16:05:58
MC Escher is the greatest graphic artist ever! I luv his work reativity.

patricia soffiatti2003-09-11 10:25:02

Dulantzi2003-09-10 17:16:05
Ederra benetan, a ze lan lortua egin duzuen!!! Milesker anitz. Wonderful and fantastic. Thank you for making this material available on the internet.

Stacey Koeven2003-09-10 14:24:58
Hey whatz up? Everything is cool way out here in the country. Have a nice day! See ya

MUGU UWANILE2003-09-09 11:42:36

Christian Vogelbach2003-08-31 14:21:04
Wonderful and fantastic. Thank you for making this material available on the internet.

Steve Wenner2003-08-30 12:58:57
Wonderful paper and web site. One question: are non-integer parameters allowed? What would parameters 1 1/2 generate?

Steven2003-08-29 20:47:08
Its a wonderful work.Thank you!

Riet Bosman2003-08-29 08:00:46
Ik ben bezig met een serie van 10 lessen waarbij ik het werk van escher als leiddraar wil gebruiken.

Caroleann2003-08-21 05:39:31
Such visual eye candy! Thanks for the trip....

Tom Moore2003-08-12 13:34:16
Fantastic piece of work by Lenstra et al. I can't wait to share this with my colleagues and the students in my general mathematics classes. Thanks for maintaining this site.

Jar Jar Binx2003-08-10 21:57:30
Awesome! Where can I get the software?

mudra mehta2003-08-10 09:12:51
hey... this is really a good site. it helped me a lot in my academic study of escher's work as graphic design.... .........mudra mehta/ interior designer

Daniel Hinostroza2003-08-06 14:41:51
I stand in awe. The work of Escher is just beginning to unravel. What else is to be discovered in his drawings? I can only imagine that in the future all unresolved theories in science will be visually explained by Escher's drawings.

mimi2003-08-06 06:04:24
hello to every one out there. i hope you all enjoy this

Hardeep2003-08-05 04:23:37
Great ! Can't express it.

rick Heald2003-07-30 14:36:47
Loved it. Thanks for doing this and posting the AMS article. Rick Heald New York, NY

fred2003-07-29 07:31:34

Roberto Avanzi2003-07-24 19:09:36
Wonderful: I have just attended the lecture in Oberwolfach! Too bad it finished... but all good things...

Pierre2003-07-23 07:28:05
GREAT! Do we know why Escher let the center blank? It's not in his habits! Or was it a joke for us?!

SJOO2003-07-22 05:10:22
I saw Escher's Print Gallery recently in Greenwich, CT, USA. It was the most fascinating picture of them all because of the purported Riemann space that it would signify. I am no mathematician but I understand that the Rieman theorem on primes remains unsolved up until this day. Perhaps not a bad idea to attack the world's most famous unsolved Theorem with the Droste effect in mathematical terms - by using Escher's painting as a postulate. Sooner or later someone is going to have to take the price on that one. Good luck! YO

christopher morgenstern2003-07-21 02:50:22
found you because of the mise en abime reference to droste effect

Bohumil Horák2003-07-18 12:07:37
Wery nice graphic, i have information from 100+1 journal in Czech republic.

susan jones2003-07-17 01:41:14
My grandparents are John Conrad Droste and Rose Todtmann. They were born in 1889 and 1891 in Germany. We grow up being told that are relatives owned the Droste Candy Company in Holland and In Germany. During 1944 we received care packages from these places. Could you help me find out more about these people or relatives. Thank you very much. Susan Jones (DROSTE)

Rusty2003-07-17 01:26:18
Prof Lenstra showed an early sketch of a grid by Escher that used simple straight lines from each corner of the original square to the opposite side. Have you made a transformation of "Print Gallery" using this grid? I wonder how it would look.

Rusty2003-07-17 01:20:56
Very nice! I have been a fan of Escher's for many years. It was most interesting to see his lithograph "unravelled". I attended a very entertaining and informative lecture by Prof Lebnstra wherein he acknowledged the work put in by the various people. Congratulations to you all.

Martijn Martens2003-07-15 15:57:15
Very cool to know how this Escher picture was finally "finished". I'm curious what the big artist himself would have to say about this! Unfortunately, we will never know...

birkoff2003-07-10 19:47:51
Nejpůsobivější dílo jaké jsem kdy viděl... Not even our math teacher understands him:) Very exciting set-piece. Thank you!

ajudua mugu2003-07-10 13:45:18
i don reach here and i see say na good site

Max Hodges2003-07-10 02:25:43
Excellent site. The next logical step would be to animate the water, boats and people in the drawing/animation.

Milton Prado2003-06-28 23:46:13
congrats for site ! Milt // Sao Paulo - Brazil

Moormann2003-06-28 07:50:36
Geachte mevrouw, mijnheer, Graag zou ik willen weten of u mij kunt vertellen wie de oorspronkelijke bedenker is van het Droste-effect. Eerdere berichten dat het om de reclametekenaar Jan Misset (1861-1931) gaat zouden zijn tegengesproken. Ik dank u hartelijk voor de de te nemen moeite, hoogachtend, George Moormann

Dave Rsh2003-06-26 20:04:45
ive been looking for a M C ESCHER picture that i cant find anywhere--a friend of mine has it in costa rica and i would like a copy or just have it on my computer- the picture looks like a large circle with 3 snakes interlocked kinda in a triangle--the circle has lots of little circles being large around the edge and continues to get small into the centre--this is probably a poor explanation of the picture but only seeing it once in a dif country you'll have to bear with me-the whole picture is ... read more

Karen2003-06-21 11:27:32
I am currently constructing a research paper on tessalations and am very impressed with your website! Outstanding method of bringing Escher's work to life!

Koos Schols2003-06-19 20:41:46
mooie site

Ali RB.2003-06-18 04:56:59
I enjoyed the mathematical discussion of escher's drawing. The animations are interesting, and provide a fascinating effect. A very nice effort indeed. cheers,

Bharath2003-06-18 04:47:52
wounderful.this is the first time i have seen a picture of such great detail.the concept itself makes it even more interesting!

Mike Germain2003-06-17 23:56:23
I think Escher would have loved to see the animations on this site, and all that computers can now do in assisting to produce mathematical drawings. Very consuming. Thank you.

Sridevi Srinivasan2003-06-17 22:27:58
i am overvelhmed looking at the five step is just outstanding,exquisite,fantastic(..........many more).the drawings depict the artistics skills in a very explicit manner.i have fallen in love with these drawings.i feel bad about missing the opportunity of not been able to see Sir. Escher. Thank you

Joăo Paulo Figueira2003-06-17 21:21:53
Recursive beauty.

Stephane Barraud2003-06-17 21:03:13
Many thanks for this good site about Escher's work and these amasing animations !

Carol V.2003-06-17 19:55:36
Great site!