Escher and the Droste effect


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Guilan Raphaelle Gistand Runty2010-08-07 22:33:10
Uitstekend! Dank je wel! Nous pouvons exploiter les excellentes informations sur ce site, Merci pour les instructions du grand professeur de Recife (Brésil), le Prof. Dr. JOSÉ CLAUDINIER DE FREITAS FILHO. Fabulous économiste, maître, écrivain, commissaire de la Trésorerie, analyste de systčmes et spécialiste de la culture, en particulier dans le nord-est du Brésil. Guilan Raphaelle Gistand Runty – Avignon - France –

Tonya M.2010-08-02 22:57:33
On August 1, 2010, I saw this at the New Britain Museum of American Art in CT, USA. Amazing to see this animation and plenty of Escher's originals in person!

Xezlec2010-06-19 15:21:02
It would be interesting to use some version of hypercomplex numbers to do the same trick with a three-dimensional grid. Make a 3D gallery that contains itself, for instance. Anyone trying that?

Xezlec2010-06-19 15:13:56
Wonderful explanation! Thanks for this.

Cheryl2010-06-17 13:20:48
This is amazing!!!!!! Thank you for giving such a clear explanation.

Marco2010-05-27 07:11:22
very confusing Oo, the artist drew very well, we're talking about this picture in mathematics ^^ from switzerland

yak2010-05-13 18:30:44
this is amazing !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ive never seen anything like this before i tell my friends about this . i like this guessed book lots . thank you for your time . from k and k :)

kay2010-05-13 18:18:59
this is us people and we like this a lot !!!! from k and k :)

Shannon2010-05-13 18:14:48
So trippy, I feel like I should be on acid. Sitting in math class, teacher made me check this out.

Reinko2010-03-30 20:17:18
This evening (30 March 2010) I visited a public lecture (the so called Bernoulli lezing in Groningen) given by Mr. Lenstra. In the lecture Lenstra explained a bit of the math used, most boiled down to taking the log of a picture and 'store' that in the computer. (This is not that difficult, you go from rectangular to polar coordinates and apply the complex log. A piece of cake.) But you can also create easily a picture with eight of those disappearing points, think for example an ... read more

rinke Visser 2010-03-29 10:11:02

rinke Visser 2010-03-29 10:08:01

Michael Hann2010-03-24 14:13:20
An excellent resource

Arlene O. Consiglio2010-03-23 16:14:11
I have Art. No. 80 2351 1943 Cordon Art Baarn- Holland Made by Pussycat 32075 Bad Salzuflen, Germany. I am looking to get an appraisal. It has never been used and is a picture of Reptillien/Reptiles, 1943

Serena 2010-03-09 16:06:45
I saw u on Plenty of Fish and you said to check out the website That is what I am trying to do I don't know the last name of the artist to whom this site is

hennie2010-03-07 00:40:26
Ik vind het werk van Escher zo fascinerend! Erwin bedankt voor het leuke programma gebaseerd op het Droste effect

Andrea Wall2010-01-28 06:50:12
Very interesting! I never knew about the Droste effect in Escher's art. It was fantastic!

Erwin de Groot2010-01-26 08:47:02
Awesome work. I should've found out about this site a while back before I started writing my own software (that would've helped a lot). Anyway, in case you're interested I made an application which can create these Droste images with a spiral:

Richard Millette2010-01-08 20:57:52
I'm so glad to have found this site. I saw a documentary about the whole project a few weeks ago and have been fascinated by it since. I'm sure Escher would have used the computer for this project, if it has been possible at the time. Amazing work, thank you. How about something with Magritte, now?...

Iyad2010-01-05 07:13:32

Frauke2010-01-01 20:18:56
This site is very interesting for me because I and a friend of mine take part in a German competition called "Jugend forscht"(I'm a German, you know). We write texts about platonic polyhedra used in art. Escher used them in some of his pictures, so we want to know many things about him, too. You made very clear how this Droste effect works. Still we don't know if we might use this in our texts just because it is not about platonic polyhedra although you made a very magnificent work.

PLMartz2009-12-28 14:04:00
Could this effect be used to illustrate the interactions of many layers of magnification, some "layers" might include: subatomic, atomic, chemical, DNA, cellular, microbes, eukaryotic microorganisms (parasites, intermediate size), macroscopic. It could also "expand" in scientific layers to include the Universe. Just a thought.

Rob van Gerwen2009-12-16 12:12:03
Mooi gedaan en zeer verhelderend. Het Droste-effect is niet alleen een wiskundig probleem, maar allereerst een conceptueel probleem. Wat het Droste-effect ons laat zien is dat een afbeelding niet zichzelf kan afbeelden. Dat is ook een filosofische analyse waardig. Een beschrijving kan nl. wel zichzelf beschrijven: "Deze zin bevat zes woorden." "Deze zin is waar." En: "Deze zin is onwaar." Dat taal dit kan heeft te maken met haar arbitrariteit, en met het feit dat ze indexicals kent, woorden die verwijzen naar de omstandigheden van de uitspraak, zoals "ik", "deze", enz. Afbeeldingen betekenen niet op arbitraire wijze, en ze kunnen niet naar zichzelf verwijzen.

Piet Smits2009-12-16 07:27:04
no html tags, please

janz2009-12-15 18:44:04
fantastisch mooi om dit zo te zien. ik ben escher liefhebber. dankzij een artikel in de nrc over hendrik lenstra kom ik op deze site ze verdient meer aandacht!!

geraldine de fijter2009-12-12 15:08:14
l have been trying 30 min. l hate you

geraldine de fijter2009-12-12 15:07:34
l am interested in grafic design and especially the droste chocolate box

Aryan Shahabian2009-11-27 00:32:41
For me as an architect & a designer, geometrically & at the same time aesthetically analysing Escher's works had been a real challenge. These days I'm engaged with a postgraduate program of urbanism called "Brain City Lab" & during my studies about the geometery of brain, I found that in some cases the geometery of Riemann surfaces are related to the topic. Searching in Wikipedia about these surfaces I encountered this PDF file from Notices of the AMS that encludes very practical, important & critical alalysis of grids, methodology & etc. This is to thank the authors for their perfect reasearch...

Verónica2009-10-30 22:03:07
I think that what it is most interesting is that Escher decided to put that empty spot in the middle of his work.. i think that's brilliant! If he hadn't done it we wouldn't be talking about it. He wanted to make us think.. and that's why I admire him so much. Verónica (from Argentina)

jack leeder2009-10-06 23:05:58
Wow very very very cool! I felt like Alice tumbling through the looking glass. I have studied the print gallery lithograph many times and it blew me away seeing your reworkings. most wonderful. The masterful MC Escher has always been a great inspiration to me. Check out my own work on FlickR ( and my own website, (

vicky van Hees Martin2009-10-02 23:24:58
truely amazing!

Garamvölgyi Attila2009-09-27 16:31:21
This process is very-very...nagyszerű látni, hogy milyen csodálatos lehetőségek rejlenek lényünk és a világ kapcsolatában! Lenyűgöző az a szépség, amely összeköt nézőpontokat, gondolatokat, s az alkotás gyönyörű rímeit találja látszólag messzi tárgyak kalandjai között feszülni. Köszönet és Gratuláció a remek munkákért!!!

Richard Thompson2009-09-06 17:55:24
Awesome. Where can I get a print?

E. Perez2009-08-21 18:18:28
Escher was wonderful! His work shows that it takes a genius to create and mathematicians to decipher. See more about conformal mappings at

James Clint Lucas2009-08-21 01:12:21
.....M C Escher has very little over much of my work.....I can put my money where my mouth is.....check it out that ia lower case"L",not a one James Clint Lucas

Sun Yu2009-07-09 14:42:55
Hi, I'm a Chinese student and I want to learn this method very there a way to make pictures like that?

Duilio Carpitella2009-07-08 09:54:05
I wish to copy on CD the zooming image of Escher's "Gallery" for my students. How is it possible to do? (WINDOWS XP)

kristina2009-07-01 16:57:31
This is a Very nice site! I just saw Portland Art Museum exhibit in Oregon. I was transfixed by Angels& Demons tesselation/fractalization draft.

andy2009-05-26 00:38:40
So where do we download the program you used to create the pictures? I'm sorry but I couldn't find it. Is it some sort of Photoshop plugin? Or is it a just program that produces JPEGs with the parameters you entered? Thanks.

Connie Voight2009-05-22 18:06:14
I was most pleased to find this website as I am teaching my 5th and 6th grade students to draw with distorted grids and using Print Gallery as a model. I had the pleasure of Hendrik's company in Berkeley at my son, John's, graduation dinner. My best wishes to him and many thanks for this excellent site.

Paul Bodoni2009-05-15 12:18:05
Mycket Bra! Äntligen! Ska Mejla Det Här Till Min Syster, Som En Gĺng I Tiden Introducerade Mig I Eschers Värld... MVH Paul Bodoni

charles2009-05-06 18:45:11
use to creat your images

charles2009-05-06 18:45:07
use to creat your images

Michael Peter Rolnecki2009-04-26 14:16:32
This is a most interesting site, I have always loved the art and science of a man that was a gentle soul the world has treated with repect.

Katie2009-04-14 14:20:56
What a great site!

Gustavo Alkindar Brandâo Maia2009-04-03 16:33:03
Parece que Escher năo teve grandes estudos de Matemática, particularmente de Topologia. O que reforça o pensa,mento de Einstein: "A imaginaçăo vale mais que o conhecimento". Uso frequentemente os trabalhos de Escher nas minhas aulas.

Tos Berendschot2009-03-27 12:18:16
Some time ago I watched the paradiso lecture on the effect by Prof Lenstra. It has long been in archive online, but I cannot find it anymore. I would like to watch the lecture ones more with my son. Is there a possibility?? with regards, Tos Berendschot

Constantino Landa2009-03-12 16:22:31
Excelent!! I am an Industrial Designer teaching in Mexico City and have been using your work for about 2 years. It is a great way to understand patterns and geometry in a practical exercise. Thank you very much!

Hans Krol2009-02-24 10:23:16
Interesting site honouring the excellent artist M.C.Escher. Hans Krol (Heemstede)

Bryan Kaye2009-02-20 06:39:28
An artistic expression of mathematics...I like it!