Escher and the Droste effect


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Hannah2006-10-15 15:06:17
whateva M.C Esher is a loser

Rehcse2006-10-14 23:20:57
¡Fantástico! Impresionante

usha2006-10-14 14:37:06
nice site

oloman2006-10-14 11:40:19
I liked this site. Original.

polly2006-10-12 17:39:09
hia i love eschers work and im doing my GCSE course art at the moment (im in year 10) i need some of the drawings he does of different things put together inn like a collage kinda. u might not no but thts the onli way i can describe it. bie bie x xx

RAYMOND FABRIZIO2006-10-04 09:18:11
Great work. Please let me know of other Escher interactive websites that can help me understand his work as well as you do. Thanks, and congratulations!

t.molleman2006-10-02 12:29:18
Heerlijk, dat mensen zich met dit soort zaken bezig houden!!! Moesten we allemaal meer doen.

marja Mellink2006-09-30 09:21:02
Leuke effecten van Escvher in de wiskunde lessen

Susan J. Smith2006-09-26 22:55:03

someone2006-09-22 19:42:57
Hey dude nice site

danny adams2006-09-19 09:51:38
im doing a project on escher and i was wandering if you can send me some facts about him?

Ferran Utzet2006-09-18 08:04:07
Hello, I am a maths teacher in a design school in Barcelona preparing my course. My Maths in Design course insists on Escher's work to open their creativity (and technique!). I think you've really done a good job, I planned to talk about Print Gallery but I didn't know about that Droste effect (which can also help me to introduce fractals). Congratulations!

flo2006-09-17 10:19:07
Eineschern per Droste-Effekt...Yeah!

p.j.goldap20062006-09-15 23:59:49
This site is great; i love the animations!!!

Guillermo Garcia-Huidobro2006-09-09 03:27:32
M.C. Escher is a genious. I love his work

Zoey2006-08-28 23:11:54
what inspiured M.C. Escher?

Anna Mezheritskaya2006-08-26 04:33:35
This project is off the wall!!! I think you did an amazing job. Thank you for the enlightenment on Escher's work!

HJ2006-08-09 20:31:04
I first saw this picture in a book about Escher and his drawings, belonging to my grandfather. Escher and mathematics have always intrigued me. Like the guys and girls that have participated in this project, I always wondered what would fill the gap, thanks to them, I know now... Thanks a lot and compliments on your work...

bas2006-07-13 11:38:58
leuke site

bas2006-07-13 09:35:33
wie is esscher????????

dlde2006-07-12 15:44:38
???? I don't think I got it.

ryan2006-07-11 06:09:45
I encountered an article on the droste effect and was enamoured of the very idea of it. It was only on following up on the term that I became educated as to it's influence on an artist such as the brillant Escher. Fascinating!

philippe rivrain2006-07-06 16:39:55
j'ai commencer à m'intéresser aux vision de mr escher il y a 30 ans déjà! je continue, tout simplement; je suis artite plasticien depuis lors et, mes recherches rejoignent celles de mr escher avec l'imagerie stéréoscopiques négative implosée... si ce sujet vous pose des questions, je suis disposé à vous repondre quand vous voulez! à bientôt!

Ferl Bomia2006-07-04 20:29:48
Wow I can't wait to show my grandson this.

khaiyin2006-07-04 12:24:05
your pictures r very nice... pls continue to draw more picts about hybridising thanks we appreicate it...

R C Levy2006-07-04 00:37:05
Wonderful. I don't really understand it all but it gave me some insight into the Escher world.

arnold bernstein2006-06-23 16:42:00
i wisplease advise h to purchase droste superior extra dark cocoa bars

me2006-06-23 07:43:17
didnt find this site helped me alot and neither do any of the others as i am lookin for information on what materials he used in him work! but thanx anyway!

Mark2006-06-22 16:46:19
Interesting site, I have always been delighted with Esher's works and find the mathmatical aspect to be fascinating!!!

Ashley2006-06-21 19:37:52
Amazing! I love Escher's work and this piece is one of my favorites, but I never realized the depth of it until now. Thank you for enlightening me!

Shirley2006-06-18 10:14:44
Mooi website, ik heb er echt respect voor. Je legt het heel mooi uit en zo te zien is het een succes geworden. _____ Nice website, I show respect. You explain it perfectly, and by the looks of it, it has become a succes.

Bart Feringa2006-06-18 06:40:11
Did M.C.Escher do any wood carvings of a hand holding a pen? and how did he sign his carvings

kimberly2006-06-09 09:08:17
Mn MaiL iS tRouwEns..: Ik Had Dit MailtJuH gETyPd,,: Haloo,, 'K bN KiMm,, iK hB dRInGeND JulLiej HulP nODuUwHg,,!! ik ZOek iNFo Ovr EschER eN Z'N VlaKvuLliNge... Als JuLlIEj iEtS WetE,, kUnNe JuLlIEJ Da Wa Vn jUh LatuH HorE,,?? StUuR Da AuB mYH Vor 16-06-2006 Un MaAiLtjE.. xXx KiMm,,!!

kimberly2006-06-09 09:07:04
Haloo,, 'K bN KiMm,, iK hB dRInGeND JulLiej HulP nODuUwHg,,!! ik ZOek iNFo Ovr EschER eN Z'N VlaKvuLliNge... Als JuLlIEj iEtS WetE,, kUnNe JuLlIEJ Da Wa Vn jUh LatuH HorE,,?? StUuR Da AuB mYH Vor 16-06-2006 Un MaAiLtjE.. xXx KiMm,,!!

seralf2006-06-06 04:49:19
very amazing. wonderful idea, for celebrating M.C.E.! :-) Alfredo

alex2006-06-05 20:24:34
in tro esting beeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeyond earth

Edward Harriott2006-05-23 13:54:45

jacob2006-05-19 09:38:45
it is sad. het is echt diep triest. ik wou dat hioj nog leefde. I want he was living right now.

Fiona2006-05-18 06:17:41
hi, a applaud from China. Just can't helping telling people around about ur amazing talents. I'm all thumbs to math btw;)

A Griffin2006-05-16 08:46:31
Beautiful site! Thank you! Escher is my favorite and now I understand him much more

Anne2006-05-14 18:55:47
Amazing, interesting, beautiful and entertaining. Good Job.

Wally Fields2006-05-11 15:54:02
Your Droste animations are MASTERPIECES! I thought the first one was cool, till I saw your rotating interpretation. I'm sure Escher would have been blown away. Thanks for a mind blower.

Emilio Musso2006-05-11 14:08:27
Great work!

piet vis2006-05-11 13:41:54
heej, wat een leuke site hi, wath a enjoying site

Mariah2006-05-10 13:04:09
Hey, I'm writing a term paper on this guy and this site really helped! Tell anyone you know this is the coolest artist ever!

Tzi U Ting2006-05-08 01:01:16
Wo de dong shi bieng chen hun how de dong shi. shia shia Escher! Je ge hun how de shiang wang. Wo hun shi hwan je ge!

bilal2006-04-26 18:42:41
Hallo ik wil een spreekbeurt over jou houden. Ik weet alleen niet waar ik het kan vinden. Zou u ook zoiets op je site kunnen zetten. bv zijn hele levens beschrijving. Dat zou ik zeer op prijs stellen. Daag

poeS_zer02006-04-26 09:31:48
moet een sectorwerkstuk voor wiskunde maken jahjah.. over Escher ....

antonio2006-04-18 17:03:03
escher's ability in drawing is one of the best human skill that i've ever seen in my life!

Simon Biesheuvel2006-04-13 10:49:05
Mooie animatie, je blijft er naar kijken. Is zo'n animatie als achtergrond op mijn bureaublad te zetten. Hoe doe je dat, of moet die animatie daarvoor worden aangepast. Dat is best de moeite waard denk ik.