Escher and the Droste effect


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fatima2006-04-12 11:37:31
sow wat is dit allemaal ik snap dit egt niet!!!!!(K)

fatima2006-04-12 11:36:50
i'm stupid!!!!! it not a joke!!!

fatine2006-04-12 11:35:43
hallo wat is dit

fatine2006-04-12 11:34:55
geintje it a joke!!!!!

fatine2006-04-12 11:34:32
please will you help me???

ikke2006-04-11 15:10:18
volgens mij is hij dood .... michelle _

david2006-04-06 16:42:30
allo ami ta un mucha homber

YAYANG2006-04-02 15:19:50

geouea2006-03-30 13:53:57
The best Mind Games ever. Apla katapliktikos

michelle2006-03-24 18:22:56
Als deze briev na rEscher komt ik wil hem vraagen of hij een keer naar onzo school komt ik wil eerst een bericht en ik zeg niet welke school ik vraag het eerst niet lullig bedoel maar anders kom je daarlijk wil je ook wat schilderijs van u mee nemen als het kan ?? xxxjes Michelle...

bob goodluck2006-03-24 15:28:03
please i need a combination of ur artistic work images

Ed Hopkins2006-03-24 09:07:37
Wow, very cool stuff, my landlord Bill French is making a rotating globe that is powered by solar that will have a similar effect ... he just told me about this effect, and I wondered if the program was available somewhere? I work as a software / electrical engineer in cancer research lab equipment.

Bill2006-03-24 06:23:05
Hallo you! Great web site. I found exactly the information I was looking for. I will recommend your page to all my friends!

Herman Dijksman2006-03-23 13:46:20
Message for Chris Klootwijk, I think evenso, that this is a splendid website

maria cristina canotilho grácio2006-03-21 01:01:31
I want to know the relation between escher's art and astronomy, namely the the relationship of the work "another world" and the astronomical knowledge of Escher

Jia Deng2006-03-17 20:33:37
Thankyou very much, I'm searching about a example of unintegralable vector field when learning symplectic geometry, i remembered this Escher's product. here i get what i want maybe, thanks again!!

Ana ramos2006-03-11 15:04:30
this site help me to do a work of perception... I need it more escher´s imagem but know I can find it... it´s a great site site... congratulations

Anya Stelmakh2006-03-11 12:31:39
The site really helped me on my comference speech and it was a pleasure to get some piece of art information for myself.

fleur2006-03-07 16:10:38
ik vind het werk van MR Escher echt heel mooi en leuk om na te tekenen ik hou ook mjin spreekbeurt over zjin werk en zjin geschiedenis.Ik zelf heb ook heel veel boeken van hem gelezen.ik weet bjina zeker dat de kinderen uit mjijn klAS het ook een heel leuk onderwerp zouden vinden. kortom ik ben geintreseerd in MR Escher zijn werk!

milan en rosa2006-03-03 19:36:35
hoi allemaal , heel leuk die filmpjes doeei

mary2006-03-02 18:08:39
I'd have impossible immagines of Hescer!Thanks

Hottie2006-02-24 18:34:30
eh wat up yo i need some cool facts about escher

Scipio2006-02-23 19:56:12
Sughanta shemior~ 7aram de luphy! Demor tu sana ve gehui! Domantyu gorz xuis de fefe jukar. Fodui toib vac fahta wai! JOSDAREEIO!

Scipio2006-02-23 19:51:30
Insigya motaya. Spveinta bueco! Tupacta plakdl! Shu yurqwio ve dondiwas shak. Semor hembad faulopu waig.

sam nicole2006-02-22 11:57:55
your website is a load of crap i think the person that made the site is a load of bollacks

Martin2006-02-17 20:39:07
Hi. You have very nice website! Beautiful design and very interesting content.

alexis2006-02-15 16:58:02
Do you know anything by MC Escher!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

hagrid2006-02-14 15:09:29
hoe ben uw o p het idde gekomen om te ga an schi lderen

Leica Lucien2006-02-13 02:39:05
Does anybody know anything about MC Escher's inspiration for his picture, smaller and smaller!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

nicole2006-02-09 13:38:28
thanks for the beautiful pictures on this website

mirjam2006-02-07 14:42:42
hebben jullie voor mij wat info over escher

Keith Borrett2006-01-30 14:13:39
Greetings from Needham Market Middle School, Needham Market, Suffolk England

Michael2006-01-30 13:21:17
Never have i been more excited about grids and illusions

Albert2006-01-26 19:01:43

hello kitty2006-01-26 14:21:21
coooool Doing work for school, really helps this!

Jacob2006-01-26 02:29:05
i never knew what the Droste effect was until i saw this site....

David Lane2006-01-25 18:54:33
Some of the pictures make me dizzy! What a fabulous site.

MARIA MARTINS2006-01-23 22:18:33

jess2006-01-23 03:00:58
This website is so awesome! Finding information on Escher is extremely fascinating and i'm happy my teacher gave me this as a project.

Richard Nap2006-01-22 11:21:40
Thanks a lot for this phantastic animation. The work bz Esscher is original and absolutelz brilliant. You added an extra dimension. SUPER !!

julia2006-01-21 16:29:12
hallo. Kunnen jullie mij mischien wat informatie stuuren voor mijn spreekbeurt, dat zou heel erg fijn zijn.Het is mijn eerste spreekbeurt van de nieuwe school.Het zou leuk zijn als het begrijpelijk was uitgelegd, niet met zoo'n moeilijke woorden.hahah. alvast bedankt, Julia

Taysia Glover2006-01-15 18:42:39
What a fascinating convergence of math and art. I am so glad to know that there is such a devotion to this kind of study.

cicela2006-01-12 19:19:42

Tammy2006-01-05 22:14:11
I am trying to find an interpretation to the words on Emblemata it says Signum immortalitatis fragile admodum Zwenkend over de bloemen, bijster van een plicht, is mijn broosheid te roemen, die uw broosheid richt. If you could help I would really appreciate it. Thank you Tammy

aliya2006-01-05 12:52:53
need information about esher

Andrew Meade2006-01-05 03:50:11
I love this site expecialy the loop movies simply amazing i never saw a seem!!!! please keep adding! my art teacher loves this place!

Bas2006-01-03 18:25:58

G.A. Escher2006-01-03 11:03:11
hallo Escher is miojn jongste zoon lazer OP!

Peter Guimoye B.2006-01-01 23:46:20
Abracadabra!!! Fascinante, M.C.Escher es mi gurú y maestro. El site es magnífico, los felicito. Pueden mostrar más animaciones de sus Obras? Pedrin Guimoye B. Lima-Perú

Laszlo2005-12-30 12:22:47