Escher and the Droste effect


Dave Rsh2003-06-26 20:04:45
ive been looking for a M C ESCHER picture that i cant find anywhere--a friend of mine has it in costa rica and i would like a copy or just have it on my computer- the picture looks like a large circle with 3 snakes interlocked kinda in a triangle--the circle has lots of little circles being large around the edge and continues to get small into the centre--this is probably a poor explanation of the picture but only seeing it once in a dif country you'll have to bear with me-the whole picture is blue and grey and the circles seem to be weaved together- i was blown away by this picture and would love to see it again- as before i cant find this picture in any web site and im positive it was an escher piece--if you have a site or any info of where this picture can be down loaded then plz contact me at my email above-or email to tell me you have know idea what im talking about-thanks dave-