Escher and the Droste effect


Hanns Porr2003-12-05 17:27:13
You finally solved the riddle of the white spot. Hofstaedter, in 'Goedel, Escher, Bach', only gets to Print Gallery after 700+ pages, and he writes "that center of the whorl is--and must be--incomplete. ... Escher has thus given a pictoral parable for Goedel's incompleteness theory." Well, now you have shown that this is not so, but that we are dealing with an infite discontinuity. It is not incomplete, we just 'can't ever get there', like Zeno's paradox... I wonder if this can be taken even further, maybe by using higher dimensions, so that we end up with a true tangled hierarchy, which wraps back completely onto itself and would end up at the *exact same* place where we came from when we enter into the white spot. (Maybe the image is then the 2D projection of such a space? ) That would the equivalent of what Escher did in the 2D ciruclar layout, but in multiple dimensions. This might also be a mathematical model for the 'net of indra'. But then, what really *is* a complex number ? Philosophy speaking, we don't really know what they mean ontologically... It may be a strange loop after all. A hint to the fabric of reality? Maybe? At any rate: Bravo! Hanns Porr, Orlando, FLorida hanns 'at' backpacker dot com