Escher and the Droste effect


Andrew Morley2004-07-18 16:47:50
I recently appealed (on an Ebay page advertising a tin for sale), for help with a word to define 'a picture replicating itself within itself'. The tin I had for sale was a Huntley & Palmer's Cocktail assortment, the image on the lid of which has this replicating in reducing stages effect. I noted that the Droste Cocoa tin has the same effect, as does the Royal Baking Powder tin and the more obscure 'After Dinner' cigarettes tin. Hannah Smael saw my appeal for information, and was kind enough to alert me to the 'Droste effect' term, used in the Dutch language, and to point me to this site. I have had an admiration for Escher since 1969, so finding these two interests 'meeting' here was a great pleasure for me. Thanks for the excellent website!