Escher and the Droste effect


RES2005-02-21 17:26:54
so, even though the method is cool and suspected to be known, what's the point? Is this simply an artistic rendering of light's convective properties or a lesson on infinity or some such thing? Or, is there another meaning here? I appreciate the artist's graphic representation of logarithmic values, etc. but perhaps the hole in the middle of the drawing represents something else. Maybe the hole in the artist's life, a hole which is ever expansive and eternally deep, filled with meaning, complexities, unexplained anomolies. Perhaps the futility of ever learning and never knowing or, ever learning but never grasping meaning behind knowledge? Or, that life philosophically, continually bends in upon itself bringing higher revelation and inner reflective process. Or, maybe the artist simply painted himself into a corner, uh, I mean, the middle, and needed a place to put his name since he was full of inner pride and wanted to show the world how smart he was and how stupid we were! Or, it wasnt' pride at all, just grateful acceptance of being able to see and show us the inner world of math artistically. Thanks for the site. res