Escher and the Droste effect


Claire Kaye2005-11-11 19:45:22
Absolutely fascinating. Many thanks to the hole-filling animators! And what a genius that man was, both artistically and mathematically. I'd much rather have an Escher than half a pickled shark any day... And to those people who feel like leaving rude or sarcastic messages on this site: don't bother 'cos the rest of us who do appreciate the effort the animators have put in really don't want to read your unpleasant comments. Perhaps you have no sense of wonder... Like the Wise Rabbit Thumper says in the Disney film "Bambi": IF YOU CAN'T SAY SOMETHING NICE THEN DON'T SAY ANYTHING AT ALL! (Well, actually, I think Thumper says "don't say nothing at all", but that would be a double negative, so I'll stick with my version if you don't mind...)