Escher and the Droste effect


Erik Zuurbier2002-08-27 10:09:24+00
I think the whole point of Escher's original print was to achieve the Droste-effect (endless inclusion) without repeating any detail. So for instance there should not be any tiny copies of the boy watching the painting. If Escher ever stated he didn't know how to fill the gap, I guess he meant he knew of no grid that 1) achieved the Droste-effect 2) does not repeat any detail 3) does not contain a hole. When I zoom in to the pictures generated at Leiden University, I do find tiny copies of the boy watching the painting. Therefore I do not consider this work a solution of the problem posed by Escher. They did what Escher routinely did in many other prints: ever smaller repetitions of details. So, after this false start, will you REALLY tackle Escher's problem?