Escher and the Droste effect


Joshua E. Barnes2002-07-31 05:53:53+00
Great work, and a splended presentation. I'd like to see a version of the animation with a straight zoom of the filled-in image,in addition to the combination of zoom and rotation which you offer now. I realize that the rotation makes the animation periodic (in the sense that the final frame is identical to the initial frame). But I think an un- rotated version, perhaps continued through several cycles, might give a better understanding of the transformation underlying the "Print Gallery". On a more trivial level, it would be fun to zoom out, instead of in. Just a matter of playing the frames in reverse order! As several people have already suggested, some other Escher prints might also lend themselves to animations. "Smaller and Smaller" and "Path of Life" could be zoomed in (or out) to create animations which repeat periodically. One could also pan along the "House of Stairs". Translating over the plane in the various "Circle Limit" prints might help visualize non-euclidean geometry. Josh Barnes