Escher and the Droste effect


Samuel Verbiese2003-01-14 15:09:48
Bart de Smit kindly answered our questioning with an excellent article from SIAM (probably well-known to mathematicians...)that not only clearly explains the way the project was initiated and conducted, filling a few holes in the present site, but above all, reinstalling the flawless reputation of the team versus the memory of Escher, something the press wasn't always producing. I thus would urge all people interested to read this text asap, and would hope that the really interesting discussion started here with the provision of this guestbook might continue, namely to bring the team into proving all of us that modern mathematics together with computer and software science are not bounded by frozen functions but are now most capable to indeed follow very precisely the subtleties of almost any modelling. One day perhaps, they will come forward with a Print Gallery that, in addition to "augmenting" the work with this breathtaking optional center, will precisely follow the details of Escher's original print, which does not contain shortcomings but "corrections" to please the eye. Isn't this what art is all about ? Finally, in this art-icle it is mentioned that a private collector in Connecticut owns Escher's original studies for the Print Gallery : could it be possible to convince this collector, for the sake of science and art, to make this first-hand material available to this team ? Grateful thanks again, Bart, for having brought this important information at our disposal.