Jesse Vogel

In September 2020, I started as a PhD candidate at the Mathematical Institute at Leiden University, under the supervision of Márton Hablicsek. I am interested in algebraic geometry, character stacks, the Grothendieck ring of varieties and stacks, and automated theorem proving.

Contact info

Gorlaeus building room BW.1.19 Einsteinweg 55 2333 CC Leiden ln.vinunediel.htam@legov.t.j


Cohomology of Character Stacks via TQFTs
Preprint (2024)
On the Motivic Higman Conjecture
Journal of Algebra 651, 51 pages (2024)
Arithmetic-Geometric Correspondence of Character Stacks via Topological Quantum Field Theory
with Á. González-Prieto and M. Hablicsek (2023)
A Topological Quantum Field Theory for Character Varieties of Non-orientable Surfaces
Submitted (2023)
Virtual Classes of Character Stacks
with Á. González-Prieto and M. Hablicsek (2022)
Virtual Classes of Representation Varieties of Upper Triangular Matrices via Topological Quantum Field Theories
with M. Hablicsek | SIGMA 18, 095, 38 pages (2022)


PhD thesis (2024) at Leiden University Motivic Invariants of Character Stacks
Master thesis (2020) at Leiden University Computing Virtual Classes of Representation Varieties using TQFTs
Bachelor thesis (2018) at University of Groningen Generalized Geometry and DFT Applications to Closed String Theory


Intercity Number Theory Seminar An Arithmetic-Geometric Correspondence for Character Stacks
Mixed Hodge Structures Seminar Mixed Hodge Complexes
Junior Belgian-Dutch Algebraic Geometry Seminar An Arithmetic-Geometric Correspondence for Character Stacks
Étale Cohomology Seminar Henselian Rings
Algorithms in Algebra Seminar Gröbner Bases
Intercity Seminar Condensed Mathematics Solid Abelian Groups
ICMAT Geometry Seminar Representation Varieties for Upper Triangular Matrices
Lean Workshop Introduction to Lean
Lean User Meeting Automated Construction of Examples in Algebraic Geometry
Mathematical Physics and Algebraic Geometry Seminar Virtual Classes of Character Stacks
Non-commutative Seminar Deformation Quantization
Algebraic Groups Seminar Solvable and Triangularizable Groups
Non-commutative Geometry Seminar An Introduction to Symplectic Geometry
Effective Methods in Algebraic Geometry Computing E-polynomials
DIAMANT Symposium Computing Virtual Classes of Representation Varieties using Topological Quantum Field Theories
Leiden Algebra, Geometry, and Number Theory Seminar Representation Varieties and Topological Quantum Field Theories
Log Geometry Seminar Log Smooth, Étale and Differentials


Leiden University

Linear Algebra II (Fall 2022) Topics in Algebraic Geometry (Spring 2020 & 2021 & 2022 & 2023) Lineaire Algebra I (Fall 2020 & 2021) Numerieke Wiskunde (Spring 2019 & 2020) Differentiable Manifolds I (Fall 2019) Algebra II (Fall 2018)

University of Groningen

Geometry (Spring 2018) Metric Spaces (Spring 2017) Group Theory (Fall 2016 & 2017) Ordinary Differential Equations (Fall 2016 & 2017) Propaedeutic Project (Spring 2016 & 2017)