Deformation Week:
April 16 - 19, 2013
Mathematical Institute, Oxford

Deformation week is a workshop on different aspects of deformation theory in various fields, funded by the Mathematical Institute, Oxford.

It is mainly aimed at graduate students and postdocs who wish to learn about the ideas coming from the theory of deformations, or wish to use these ideas in a sophisticated way. The talks are given by researchers from different areas in pure mathematics, and will indicate how these ideas continue to stimulate current developments throughout mathematics. The emphasis will be on applications in geometry, number theory and algebraic topology, even though people from any mathematical or physical background are welcome to register.

The workshop will take place immediately after the Clay workshop Higher Structures in Topology and Number Theory, which will be held April 15-16th in Oxford. We hope that the topics are sufficiently similar for people to be interested in both.

Deformation week is a workshop organised by graduate students Emily Cliff, Kristian Strømmen and Jan Vonk. It is mainly aimed at young researchers, although we already expect a substantial number of more senior researchers.

Invited speakers

The talks will take place in the Mathematical Institute in the afternoon.
There will be preparatory lectures for graduate students every day before noon. See the schedule for more information.

Practical information

Deformation week will take place April 16-19 at the Mathematical Institute, Oxford. Unfortunately, we are unable to arrange accommodation for participants. If this prevents you from attending, please contact the organisers. There will be a conference picnic on Thursday 18th. For more information about the workshop or accommodation in Oxford, see the links below.



Practical information

Schedule and abstracts
