How TST is built

The Tissue Simulation Toolkit consists mainly of C++ code, but there are also parts written in Python, it depends on several externally developed libraries, and it uses the Qt framework for graphics. As a result, building a working model from the sources takes quite a few steps. It’s all automated, so doing it should be relatively easy, but if you need to change something then you need to understand how it all works, and that’s what this document explains.

The compilation process is driven my the Makefile in the root of the repository. It defines two main targets as well as a number of additional targets that are useful while developing. The main targets are all, which builds all the C++ code and the C++-only models, and with_adhesions which builds everything needed for a coupled CPM-ECM simulation with adhesions, as needed to model adhesions in detail. This second target will also build Python and MUSCLE3, as they are needed for that setup. Some of the TST code comes with unit tests, which can be built and run using make test.


The basic target in the central Makefile for building the C++ CPM-only simulations is all. This builds a set of executables in the bin/ subdirectory from the main model definitions in src/models.

These models plot their state on the screen, for which they use the Qt framework. Qt comes with its own build tool called qmake, which generates a Makefile from which an executable can then be built. In the src/ directory, you’ll find a .pro file for each model with settings specific to that model. The file Tissue_Simulation_Toolkit.pri contains all the shared definitions.

So, to build a model binary, the main Makefile, in its bin/% target, calls QMake in the src/ directory to create a src/Makefile from src/<model>.pro, and then it calls make in src/ to build the model. Running QMake again will overwrite the generated src/Makefile, so the models have to be built one after the other. Fortunately, GNU make can do that if we tell it to using .NOTPARALLEL.


Some of the C++ code has unit tests, which are located in various tests/ subdirectories within src/. Each of these directories has a Makefile that can build and run the tests in that directory. These directories are referenced from the main Makefile and they’re not discovered automatically, so if you add tests in a new directory, then that directory needs to be added in the main Makefile for them to be built and run. make test will call make in each of these directories to build and run the tests. Note that QMake isn’t used here.


The C++ code has several dependencies, which can be found in the lib/ directory. These are developed externally, but are included in the git repository as submodules. Git submodules are a nice idea, but the user interface is fairly awful, making them tricky to use. It does make sense to use them here though, so we do, and hope that the git maintainers will fix things in the future.

Hopefully, you’ve cloned the repository using git clone --recursive. If you forgot the --recursive part, running git submodule init and then git submodule update should fix things up and get you a complete tree with the TST code in src/ and also the dependencies in lib/.

The main C++ code uses MultiCellDS, libCellShape, json, and Catch2 for the tests. For MultiCellDS and libCellShape, the main Makefile calls their own build systems (which are also make-based) directly. Note that libCellShape depends on MultiCellDS which in turn includes a dependency called XSDE that needs to be built separately, so it’s all a bit messy. You’re unlikely to need to touch this though.

json is a header-only library that does not need to be compiled separately. Catch2 used to be header-only, but unfortunately feature creep has set in and it needs to be compiled and installed these days. There’s a separate lib/Catch2/Makefile that takes care of this. Catch2 is built using CMake, so the Makefile calls cmake and make to build it, and then installs Catch2 into lib/Catch2/catch2. The Makefiles for the tests will pick it up there (see below).

hoomd is a molecular dynamics package that we use to simulate the extracellular matrix in TST-ECM coupled simulations. It is written in C++ but has a Python interface, so it needs to be compiled first, and then installed with the rest of the Python code (see below for that). The setup is the same as for Catch2, there’s a lib//hoomd/Makefile which calls hoomd’s build system.

MUSCLE3 is a model coupling framework that we use to connect the Cellular Potts Model and the hoomd-based ECM simulation together. Like Catch2 it needs to be compiled and installed, which is done by lib/muscle3/Makefile after which lib/muscle3/muscle3 contains a working libmuscle library that the C++ code in TST can link against. There’s also a Python version of libmuscle, which is installed separately with the rest of the Python parts.


Some parts of the Tissue Simulation Toolkit are written in Python, in particular the coarse-grained molecular dynamics-based simulation of the extracellular matrix. Python source code, like the C++ source code, lives in the src/ subdirectory. When building with make python, a Python virtual environment will be set up in venv/, and the Python code will be installed into it. This is done using pip install -e, which results in a so-called editable install. What that means is that you don’t need to reinstall after changing any of the Python code, you can just rerun and the changed will be available immediately.

The Python code does not currently have any unit tests, but it does have type annotations which can be checked using mypy. To do this, you need to install the mypy and tox Python packages, and then run make test. Settings for all this are in pyproject.toml as usual for Python packages.

A few things are worth noting:

  • The src/ directory gets mapped to a top-level tissue_simulation_toolkit package, so that e.g. the class MDState in /src/ecm/ can be imported from Python using from tissue_simulation_toolkit.ecm.ecm import MDState.

  • hoomd cannot be installed from PyPI, so it’s not listed as a dependency in pyproject.toml. Instead, the main Makefile will build it (as described above) and then install it into the venv/ virtual environment as needed.

  • mpi4py can be installed from PyPI, but requires an MPI library with development headers to be available to install correctly. It’s installed by the main Makefile only if building with_adhesions, because it’s needed for that. Building with make python will not install mpi4py, so that any Python parts we may make in the future that don’t use MPI can be used without installing an MPI library.

  • muscle3 can be installed from PyPI, but this will only install the main system and the Python bindings. The C++ bindings need to be compiled and installed separately (see above). The version needs to be the same on both sides for the Python-based ECM and the C++-based CPM to be able to talk to each other, so if you upgrade, make sure to update both the submodule and the pyproject.toml to the same new version.


As mentioned, we use the MUSCLE3 model coupling framework to connect the Cellular Potts Model to the Extracellular Matrix simulation. In a MUSCLE3 coupled simulation, each model is its own separate program. These programs run simultaneously and exchange messages over the network (see `cpm_ecm.rst`_ for a detailed description).

In the CPM-ECM case, the CPM part is a normal TST model (see src/models/adhesions.cpp) that is built as described above using QMake, except that it has an additional dependency on MUSCLE3 (which is built as described above). The ECM model is a Python script (see src/ecm/ that gets installed into the virtual environment at venv/ with the rest of the Python code.

The coupled simulation is controlled by a configuration file called the yMMSL file. This is a YAML file that contains a description of which models there are, how they can be started, how they should be wired together, and it has a list of settings that models can access.

The main configuration file for the CPM-ECM simulation is built from a source file in src/models/ by the main Makefile. This step really just replaces the string Tissue-Simulation-Toolkit with the actual directory that you cloned TST into, so that MUSCLE3 can find the virtual environment and the model executables. The result is placed in ymmsl/, from where it can be used to start the simulation as described in `cpm_ecm.rst`_.