Algebraic Number Theory - Mastermath 2014

organization description schedule grading

This course is part of the mastermath program.

Lecturers: Peter Stevenhagen and Bart de Smit

Time: Tuesdays 10:15 - 13:00, Sep 15 - Dec 16

Place: VU Amsterdam, room C-121


Course material: lecture notes [PDF] by Peter Stevenhagen.

Teaching assistants: Raymond van Bommel, Abtien Javanpeykar, Carlo Pagano and Pavel Solomatin

Homework: to submit homework, or ask questions about homework please send email to

Exam: Tuesday January 27, 10:00-13:00 at the VU, room FG1 (Medical Faculty). During the exam the use of lecture notes is allowed. Moreover, the use of a nongraphing calculator will also be allowed.

Last update January 26, 2015, 18:16