Local fields - Spring 2011

schedule organization description grading

Speaker topic section
Feb 7 Bart de Smit Introduction: p adic numbers
Feb 14. Krzysztof DorobiszOstrowski's theorem, normalized valuations, product formulaII §1
Remy van Dobben de BruynExtensions and completion II §2,3
Feb 21. Abtien Javanpeykar DVR: equal characteristic II §4
Maarten Derickx DVR: unequal characteristic [notes] II §5
Feb 28 Wouter Zomervrucht Witt vectors II §6
Raymond van Bommel Discriminants of lattices III §1,2
Mar 7 Joey van der Leer Duran Different and discriminant III §3,4
Eric Stansifer Unramified extensions III §5
Mar 14. Johan Commelin Ramification groups IV §1
Rob Eggermont The quotients G_i/G_{i+1} IV §2
Mar 21 No class
Mar 28. Michiel KostersUpper numbering of ramification groupsIV §3
Joey van der Leer Duran The norm in the unramified case V §1,2
Apr 4. Rob Eggermont Norms in the cyclic prime degree ramified case V §3
Abtien Javan Peykar Norms and unramified base change V §4
Apr 11 No class
Apr 18 Remy van Dobben de Bruyn Norms in the totally ramified case V §5,6
Wouter Zomervrucht Artin representation VI §1,2
Apr 25 No class
May 2 No class
May 9 Maarten Derickx Newton polygons
Eric Stansifer Cyclic extensions of degree p
May 16. Johan, Raymond Abelian extensions of Q_p and Q

We are planning a sequel in the fall of 2011 on the rest of the book: a cohomological approach to local class field theory.

Last update April 20, 2011, 15:00