An open source implementation of the quadratic camera by Bart de Smit and Willem Jan Palenstijn is available here (GNU GPL license).

To use the software under Linux, download the tar file with the source here:

see the file INSTALL for instructions on how to compile it. For use under Windows, we have compiled a static binary:
At present, our program does not run on a Macintosh but there is an independent implementation for Macintosh by E.I. Sparling:

Command line options

qcam [--fs | --nofs] [--device <dev>] [--size <width> <height>]

  --fs           : Start in fullscreen (default)
  --nofs         : Start in windowed mode
  --size <w> <h> : Set window/fullscreen resolution to w by h
                   The default for a window is 1024x768;
                   the default for fullscreen mode is the desktop resolution.
  --device <dev> : Video device to use.
                   In Linux, specify a device (such as /dev/video0).
                   In Windows, a number.
                   By default it scans for cameras and uses the first one.
                   If using the default, cycle through cameras with the 'c' key.

Keyboard shortcuts:

  s        : Take a screenshot.
             It is stored in screen_###.bmp, with ### an incrementing number.
  c        : Cycle through the available cameras.
             This is disabled if you use the --device command line option.
  f        : Toggle windowed/fullscreen.
  p        : Pause the current frame.
  z        : Choose between three available zoom types.
  v        : Choose between four available non-quadratic preview window sizes.
  Esc      : Quit.


This software is offered ``as is''. Use at your own risk.