Topics in field theory - Fall 2013

organization schedule description homework

Sep 2Overview (hwl);
infinite Galois theory (bds)
Sep 9Profinite groups and infinite Galois Theory
Sep 16Grothendieck's formulation of Galois theory;
transcendence degree;
purely inseparable extensions
Sep 23Tensor products
Tensor products: Atiyah-Macdonald, Introduction to commutative algebra, Chapter 2 and Lang's Algebra Chapter XVI (both over commutative rings only), Bourbaki, Algebra 1, Chapter II, section 3.
Sep 30 no class
Oct 7 Semilinear group actions (hwl) Semilinear group actions: Bourbaki, Algebra 2, Chapter V (Commutative fields), section 10, nr. 4 (Galois descent).
Hilbert 90: Lang's Algebra, Chapter VI, section 10;
Oct 14 Kummer theory (bds)
Oct 21 Normal basis theorem (hwl) Normal basis theorem: Jacobson, Basic algebra I, section 4.14.
Normal basis theorem for infinite Galois extensions:
Indecomposable modules and the theorem of Krull-Remak-Schmidt: Lang's Algebra, Chapter X, section 7.
Oct 28Differentials (bds) Matsumura, Commutative ring theory, sections 25, 26; Jacobson, Basic Algebra II, sections 8.15, 8.16.
Nov 4 no class
Nov 11 End of proof of theorem of Krull-Remak-Schmidt, proof of the normal basis theorem, real closed fields (hwl) Real closed fields: Lang, Algebra, Chapter XI; Emil Artin, Collected papers, nr. 21; Alexander Tonkelaar, Reëel afgesloten lichamen ( bachelorscriptie, in Dutch)
Nov 18Separable extensions (bds) Matsumura, Commutative ring theory, sec 26.
Nov 25Semisimple modules, density theorem, Jacobson-Bourbaki correspondence (bds) Jacobson, Basic Algebra, sections 3.5, 4.3, 8.2
Dec 2Real closed fields (hwl)
Dec 9Real closed fields (hwl)

Last update November 25, 2013, 15:23