Topics in field theory - Fall 2013

organization schedule description homework

Each week, students have to hand in four exercises from that week's assigment.
We strongly encourage everyone to use TeX or LaTeX to typeset the answers.
You can also hand in homework by email to Michiel Kosters.

A correct solution to a problem (preferred problem) is worth 2 (respectively 3) points. The grade for the homework is determined by the formula grade=9*(sum of obtained points for 4 exercises)/12+1.

due date assignment
Sep 2First class - no assignment
Sep 9 Exercise set 1
Sep 16 Exercise set 2
Sep 23 Exercise set 3
Oct 7 Exercise set 4
Oct 14 Exercise set 5
Oct 21 Exercise set 6
Oct 28 Exercise set 7
Nov 4 No class
Nov 11 Exercise set 8
Nov 18 Exercise set 9
Nov 25 Exercise set 10
Dec 2 Exercise set 11
Dec 9 Exercise set 12

The grades sofar are listed here.

Last update March 4, 2014, 11:29