Mathematics for a general audience

Speeltuin van de wiskunde Speeltuin van de wiskunde
Veen Magazines 2003, Fourth printing
Editors: Jaap Top, Bart de Smit
Collection of articles in Dutch at the level of junior college
Complete content online since 2011
IMO 2011 For the IMO 2011 here are the 6 problems [PDF] with answers, that the jury chose from the shortlist [PDF].
Escher and the Droste effect Escher and the Droste effect is a project of Hendrik Lenstra and Bart de Smit that filled the mysterious hole in Escher's lithograph Print Gallery
- article for mathematicians
- MAA distinguished lecture 2011
- chapter in Dutch [PDF] in the book above
- De wiskunde achter escher
Reken mee met ABC The ABC conjecture is a major open research problem that can be formulated at high school level.
- Reken mee met ABC
- radio interview [mp3, Dutch]
- paper in Dutch [PDF] and update.
- BOINC project []
Droste effect and the exponential transform More examples of the Droste effect, changing images by conformal mappings, and the complex exponential map are in a paper [PDF] for Bridges conference 2005 in Banff Pi in de Pieterskerk During the event Pi in de Pieterskerk a memorial stone for the 16th century mathematician Ludolph van Ceulen was revealed by the Dutch Crown Prince.
- Picture that appeared in Science.
- Pi in de pers [PDF]
- Radio interview [mp3, Dutch] with the letter cutter
- papers by several authors: pdf pdf pdf pdf
Van Gogh meets Riemann Van Gogh meets Riemann [PDF]: a visualization of the Riemann zeta function. Also available as animation [13M, MPEG1], where the pole is a sink, and the zeros are sources.