Aguirre, Pablo -
CT6 - Waves
Monday July 8 - 17:50
Invariant manifolds organising the propagation and control of dengue
Aiki, Toyohiko -
CT9 - Mathematical Modelling
Tuesday July 9 - 08:45
Diffraction problem for parabolic equations describing experiments on the Soret effect
Akkoyunlu, Canan -
CT18 - Numerical Techniques
Thursday July 11 - 08:45
Partitioned Average Vector Field Method for Nonlinear Schrödinger Equation
Albouy, Alain -
MS27 Part 1 of 2
Wednesday July 10 - 08:45
Transformation of the equations of dynamics
Allen, Damien -
CT3 - Mathematical Modelling
Monday July 8 - 15:00
Point island dynamics under fixed rate deposition
Alonso, Clementa -
CT7 - Bifurcations & Chaos
Tuesday July 9 - 08:45
On the stratification of the dynamics of three-dimensional real vector fields
Arancibia-Ibarra, Claudio -
Poster Session
Tuesday July 9 - 19:00
Spatial patterns in a diffusive modified Holling-Tanner predator-prey model
Ashwin, Peter -
MS26 Part 1 of 2
Wednesday July 10 - 10:15
Computational properties of excitable network attractors
Avalishvili, Gia -
CT9 - Mathematical Modelling
Tuesday July 9 - 09:25
On investigation of a dynamical thermoelastic piezoelectric model
Bahsoun, Wael -
MS15 Part 1 of 2
Wednesday July 10 - 09:45
Variance continuity for Lorenz flows
Bakker, Bente Hilde -
MS14 Part 1 of 1
Wednesday July 10 - 08:45
Large fronts in nonlocally coupled systems using Conley-Floer homology
Baptista, Ricardo -
MS28 Part 2 of 2
Thursday July 11 - 10:15
High-dimensional Bayesian filtering with nonlinear local couplings
Barker, Blake -
MS1 Part 2 of 2
Monday July 8 - 16:30
Rigorous verification of wave stability
Batkhin, Alexander -
CT7 - Bifurcations & Chaos
Tuesday July 9 - 09:05
Reduced normal form of the periodic Hamiltonian system
Batkhin, Alexander -
MS27 Part 1 of 2
Wednesday July 10 - 10:15
Bifurcations of families of doubly symmetric periodic solutions
Baudoin, Fabrice -
MS32 Part 1 of 2
Monday July 8 - 14:00
Hypocoercive diffusions
Beck, Margaret -
Plenary Talk 5
Wednesday July 10 - 11:30
Spectral Stability and the Maslov Index
Behr, Marek -
MS3 Part 2 of 2
Monday July 8 - 18:00
Space-Time Finite Elements for Level-Set-Based Flow Simulation
Benes, Michal -
CT17 - Perturbations and Approximations
Thursday July 11 - 09:05
Homogenization of coupled transport processes in heterogeneous porous media
Benzoni-Gavage, Sylvie -
MS21 Part 2 of 2
Tuesday July 9 - 15:30
Modulation stability for dispersive periodic waves
Berglund, Nils -
MS19 Part 2 of 2
Friday July 12 - 10:15
Trace process and metastability
Bertoglio, Cristóbal -
MS33 Part 2 of 2
Friday July 12 - 08:45
Reducing the impact of geometrical errors in flow computations by assimilation of velocity data
Bertozzi, Andrea -
Plenary Talk 11
Friday July 12 - 14:45
Tears of Wine and Shock Dynamics
Bianchi, Luigi Amedeo -
MS10 Part 2 of 2
Monday July 8 - 17:00
Modulation equation for SPDEs in unbounded domains with coloured noise
Bick, Christian -
MS4 Part 1 of 1
Monday July 8 - 15:30
Asynchronous phase oscillator networks
Bisconti, Luca -
CT2 - Fluid Dynamics
Monday July 8 - 14:00
On the existence of an inertial manifold for a deconvolution model of the 2D mean Boussinesq equations
Björn, Schmalfuss -
MS19 Part 2 of 2
Friday July 12 - 08:45
Synchronization of stochastic and random evolution equations
Blömker, Dirk -
MS19 Part 1 of 2
Thursday July 11 - 17:30
Approximate slow manifolds for SPDEs
Blumenthal, Alex -
MS15 Part 1 of 2
Wednesday July 10 - 08:45
Lagrangian chaos for models in fluid mechanics
Bolsinov, Alexey -
MS13 Part 2 of 2
Friday July 12 - 10:15
Open problems in FDIS (discussion session)
Bora, Swaroop Nandan -
CT16 - Fractional Derivatives
Thursday July 11 - 08:45
Existence results for Sobolev type fractional differential equations with delay
Bora, Swaroop Nandan -
Poster Session
Tuesday July 9 - 19:00
Wave interaction with a semi-porous cylindrical storage tank
Borluk, Handan -
CT16 - Fractional Derivatives
Thursday July 11 - 09:05
Stability Properties of Solitary Waves for a Generalized Fractional BBM Equation
Boscain, Ugo -
MS32 Part 2 of 2
Monday July 8 - 16:30
Heat and Schroedinger evolution in almost-Riemannian geometry
Bouchet, Freddy -
MS30 Part 1 of 2
Tuesday July 9 - 15:30
Rare event and large deviation theory for climate and the solar system dynamics
Bouin, Emeric -
MS5 Part 2 of 2
Thursday July 11 - 08:45
Bramson delays in non-local KPP problems
Boukrouche, Mahdi -
CT15 - Fluid Dynamics
Wednesday July 10 - 08:45
3D unsteady Navier-Stokes problem with memory and subdifferential boundary condition
Branicki, Michal -
MS28 Part 1 of 2
Wednesday July 10 - 09:15
Accuracy of some approximate Gaussian filters for dissipative PDEs with spatially sparse nodal observations
Breden, Maxime -
MS1 Part 2 of 2
Monday July 8 - 17:00
A computer-assisted study of the equilibria of a cross-diffusion system in population dynamics
Brooks, Jacob -
MS9 Part 1 of 2
Tuesday July 9 - 10:15
Existence of stationary fronts in a coupled system of two inhomogeneous sine-Gordon equations
Brunet, Gaëlle -
Poster Session
Tuesday July 9 - 19:00
Computation of Killing vector fields on compact manifolds
Bruno, Alexander -
CT19 - Methodology
Thursday July 11 - 16:50
Expansion of ODE solutions into transseries
Bruno, Alexander -
MS27 Part 2 of 2
Thursday July 11 - 08:45
Newest methods of celestial mechanics
Campbell, Sue Ann -
MS26 Part 2 of 2
Thursday July 11 - 09:15
Chaos in homeostatically regulated neural systems
Cano, Begoña -
CT18 - Numerical Techniques
Thursday July 11 - 09:25
Exponential quadrature rules without order reduction for integrating linear initial boundary value problems
Carter, Paul -
MS8 Part 3 of 3
Tuesday July 9 - 08:45
Spike-adding canard explosion of bursting oscillations in a class of square-wave bursters
Cerrai, Sandra -
MS19 Part 1 of 2
Thursday July 11 - 18:00
Averaging and large deviations for SPDEs
Chiba, Hayato -
MS5 Part 1 of 2
Wednesday July 10 - 09:15
Dynamics of the second-order Kuramoto model on networks
Choi, Nari -
CT22 - Special solutions
Thursday July 11 - 16:30
Classification of Radial Solutions for gravitational O(3) gauge field model
Chong, Christopher -
MS11 Part 2 of 2
Thursday July 11 - 09:15
Dispersive Shock Waves in Granular Chains
Chugaynova, Anna -
CT24 - Special solutions
Friday July 12 - 09:05
Uniqueness of self-similar solutions obeying the problems of arbitrary discontinuity disintegration for the generalized Hopf equation
Cioica-Licht, Petru -
MS18 Part 1 of 2
Thursday July 11 - 17:00
SPDEs on domains with corner singularities
Clément, Frédérique -
MS24 Part 1 of 1
Wednesday July 10 - 08:45
Deterministic and stochastic multiscale modeling for cell dynamics in developmental biology
Coombes, Stephen -
Poster Session
Tuesday July 9 - 19:00
Understanding sensory induced hallucinations: from neural fields to amplitude equations
Cordoba, Diego -
MS23 Part 2 of 2
Thursday July 11 - 09:15
Fluid-squeezing singularities for the free boundary Euler equations.
Cortazar, Carmen -
CT8 - Asymptotics
Tuesday July 9 - 08:45
Large-time behavior of the solution of the time-fractional heat equation
Cottini, Francesca -
MS6 Part 2 of 2
Tuesday July 9 - 17:30
Random evolution on combinatorial and metric graphs
Cox, Sonja -
MS18 Part 2 of 2
Friday July 12 - 10:15
Convergence in Hölder and Sobolev norms for approximations of Gaussian fields
Creaser, Jennifer -
MS25 Part 2 of 2
Friday July 12 - 09:15
Seizure onset patterns are encoded by domino-like transient dynamics
Črnjarić-Žic, Nelida -
Poster Session
Tuesday July 9 - 19:00
Data-driven predictions of dynamical systems in healthcare
Dabas, Jaydev -
Poster Session
Tuesday July 9 - 19:00
Novel mesh free scheme for solving the inverse problem of heat conduction
Daffertshofer, Andreas -
MS25 Part 2 of 2
Friday July 12 - 08:45
Multifrequency coupling and partial synchronisation in encephalographic signals
Daffertshofer, Andreas -
MS4 Part 1 of 1
Monday July 8 - 14:30
The Kuramoto model with compact bimodal frequency distributions and first-order phase transitions
Danesi, Veronica -
Poster Session
Tuesday July 9 - 19:00
On the continuation of degenerate periodic orbits in nearly integrable Hamiltonian systems: normal form approach and possible applications
Dario, Paul -
MS20 Part 1 of 2
Thursday July 11 - 17:00
Quantitative rate of convergence for the surface tension of the grad phi model
Day, Sarah -
MS29 Part 2 of 2
Tuesday July 9 - 09:45
Computational topology and the study of changing patterns in coupled-patch population models
Day, Sarah -
MS1 Part 1 of 2
Monday July 8 - 15:00
Sofic shifts via Conley index theory: computing lower bounds on recurrent dynamics for maps
De Maesschalck, Peter -
MS8 Part 3 of 3
Tuesday July 9 - 09:45
Progress in the study of canards through folded nodes
De Rijk, Björn -
MS9 Part 2 of 2
Tuesday July 9 - 16:00
Dynamics in reaction-diffusion systems near the Eckhaus boundary
De Wolff, Babette -
CT21 - Spectral theory
Thursday July 11 - 18:10
Pseudospectral approximation of the Hopf bifurcation for delay differential equations
Del Pino, Manuel -
Plenary Talk 1
Monday July 8 - 10:00
Gluing methods for Vortex dynamics in Euler flows
Del Pino, Manuel -
MS7 Part 1 of 1
Tuesday July 9 - 08:45
Infinite time singularity formation for the Keller-Segel system
Den Hollander, Frank -
MS34 Part 3 of 3
Tuesday July 9 - 15:30
Gibbs-Non-Gibbs Transitions Under Stochastic Dynamics
Derakhshani, Maaneli -
MS31 Part 2 of 2
Friday July 12 - 09:45
Problems with the Semiclassical Approximation in Quantum Geometrodynamics
Derakhshani, Maaneli -
CT23 - Dynamics & Applications
Friday July 12 - 08:45
Unimodular Bohmian Geometrodynamics
Derks, Gianne -
MS35 Part 1 of 2
Monday July 8 - 15:00
One-dimensional periodic solutions in a three-component reaction-diffusion system
Dias, Ana -
MS4 Part 1 of 1
Monday July 8 - 15:00
Synchronization in feed-forward networks
Diekmann, Odo -
MS17 Part 1 of 2
Tuesday July 9 - 08:45
Twin semigroups and pseudospectral approximation
Dietert, Helge -
MS21 Part 1 of 2
Tuesday July 9 - 09:15
High frequency instabilities in the unsteady Interactive Boundary Layer model
Disser, Karoline -
MS22 Part 1 of 2
Thursday July 11 - 17:30
Global existence and stability for dissipative processes coupled across volume and surface
Doelman, Arjen -
MS35 Part 1 of 2
Monday July 8 - 14:00
Pulse solutions for an extended Klausmeier model with spatially varying coefficients
Dohnal, Tomas -
MS2 Part 2 of 2
Friday July 12 - 08:45
Coupled Mode Equations and Solitary Waves for Periodic Structures in $d$ Dimensions
Dolník, Matej -
CT12 - Planar systems
Tuesday July 9 - 15:50
On periodic boundary value problem for certain planar systems of nonlinear ordinary differential equations
Došlá, Zuzana -
MS16 Part 1 of 2
Monday July 8 - 15:30
Ground state solutions to nonlinear equations with p-Laplacian
Dostalík, Mark -
CT25 - Stability
Friday July 12 - 09:05
Finite amplitude stability of internal steady flows of the Giesekus viscoelastic rate-type fluid
Dragicevic, Davor -
CT20 - Nonlocal Systems
Thursday July 11 - 16:30
Smooth linearization of nonautonomous systems with a nonuniform dichotomy
Dragicevic, Davor -
MS15 Part 2 of 2
Thursday July 11 - 09:15
Limit laws for random hyperbolic dynamical systems
Dražić, Ivan -
Poster Session
Tuesday July 9 - 19:00
1-D flow of a $p$-th power viscous micropolar and heat-conducting fluid
Drubi, Fatima -
CT23 - Dynamics & Applications
Friday July 12 - 09:45
Understanding Bacterial Cheating: Biological and Practical Implications
Du, Yihong -
CT8 - Asymptotics
Tuesday July 9 - 09:05
The Fisher-KPP equation over simple graphs: Varied persistence states in river systems
Dubinkina, Svetlana -
MS28 Part 2 of 2
Thursday July 11 - 09:45
Bayesian approach to elliptic inverse problems
Duerinckx, Mitia -
MS20 Part 2 of 2
Friday July 12 - 08:45
Long-time homogenization of wave equations
Düll, Wolf-Patrick -
MS10 Part 1 of 2
Monday July 8 - 14:30
Validity of the Nonlinear Schrödinger Approximation for the Two-Dimensional Water Wave Problem With and Without Surface Tension
Dullin, Holger -
MS13 Part 2 of 2
Friday July 12 - 09:45
Symplectic Invariants in Integrable Hamiltonian Systems
Duruk Mutlubas, Nilay -
CT5 - Fluid Dynamics
Monday July 8 - 16:50
On the periodic solutions to a highly nonlinear shallow water equation
Efstathiou, Konstantinos -
MS13 Part 1 of 2
Thursday July 11 - 17:30
Bifurcations and Monodromy of the Axially Symmetric 1:1:-2 Resonance
Eigentler, Lukas -
MS5 Part 2 of 2
Thursday July 11 - 10:15
How does nonlocal dispersal affect dryland vegetation patterns?
El Hajj, Layan -
CT12 - Planar systems
Tuesday July 9 - 17:10
Polyharmonic mappings and linearly connected domains
Elling, Volker -
CT15 - Fluid Dynamics
Wednesday July 10 - 09:05
Self-similar 2d Euler solutions with vorticity of mixed sign
Elyseeva, Julia -
MS16 Part 2 of 2
Monday July 8 - 18:00
Oscillation numbers in spectral theory of linear Hamiltonian systems
Enatsu, Yoichi -
CT1 - Delay Equations
Monday July 8 - 14:00
Dynamical behavior of an SIS epidemic model with delays
Engel, Maximilian -
MS8 Part 1 of 3
Monday July 8 - 14:00
Discretized fast-slow systems near singularities
Engl, Dominik -
Poster Session
Tuesday July 9 - 19:00
An analytical discussion of polycrystalline structures in single-slip crystal plasticity
Erkip, Albert -
CT20 - Nonlocal Systems
Thursday July 11 - 16:50
Zero dispersion limit of the convolution-type wave equation
Esquivel-Avila, Jorge -
CT22 - Special solutions
Thursday July 11 - 16:50
Etchegaray, Christèle -
MS22 Part 2 of 2
Friday July 12 - 09:45
Active fluid models for cell biology
Fabbri, Roberta -
MS16 Part 2 of 2
Monday July 8 - 16:30
On the solvability of the Yakubovich minimization problem
Faver, Timothy -
CT6 - Waves
Monday July 8 - 16:50
Nanopteron traveling waves in mass-in-mass lattices under the small mass limit
Faver, Timothy -
Poster Session
Tuesday July 9 - 19:00
Singular perturbations and nanopteron traveling waves in nonlinear lattices
Fencl, Martin -
CT25 - Stability
Friday July 12 - 09:25
Reaction-diffusion systems: an influence of unilateral terms on Turing's patterns
Feng, Jin -
MS34 Part 2 of 3
Tuesday July 9 - 09:15
A Hamilton-Jacobi theory on fluctuation structures for a stochastic Carleman model
Fenucci, Marco -
MS27 Part 2 of 2
Thursday July 11 - 10:15
Symmetric periodic orbits of charges moving under the Coulomb force
Ferreira, Jaqueline -
CT20 - Nonlocal Systems
Thursday July 11 - 17:10
Nonlocal diffusion equation with impulsive action and remark about estimates of growth
Figalli, Alessio -
Plenary Talk 9
Friday July 12 - 11:30
Stable solutions to semilinear elliptic equations
Finkelshtein, Dmitri -
MS5 Part 2 of 2
Thursday July 11 - 09:15
Doubly nonlocal Fisher-KPP equation: Features and peculiarities
Fischer, Julian -
MS20 Part 1 of 2
Thursday July 11 - 16:30
The choice of representative volumes for random materials: Structure theorems for fluctuations in stochastic homogenization and their consequences
Fischer, Markus -
MS34 Part 1 of 3
Monday July 8 - 14:30
Subsolutions for convex optimal control problems
Franceschi, Valentina -
MS32 Part 1 of 2
Monday July 8 - 15:30
Hardy inequalities in the Heisenberg group
Frank, Jason -
MS15 Part 2 of 2
Thursday July 11 - 09:45
Stochastic thermostats for equilibrium sampling
Frank, Jason -
MS30 Part 2 of 2
Wednesday July 10 - 10:15
The stochastic limit of backward error analysis of two-scale systems
Franzen, Anne -
MS31 Part 1 of 2
Thursday July 11 - 18:00
Flat Friedmann-Lema\^itre-Robertson-Walker and Kasner Big Bang singularities analyzed on the level of scalar waves
Froyland, Gary -
Plenary Talk 6
Thursday July 11 - 11:30
Learning geometry and statistics from the spectrum of time-dependent dynamics
Fukao, Takeshi -
CT8 - Asymptotics
Tuesday July 9 - 09:25
Convergence to equilibrium for the equation and dynamic boundary condition of Cahn-Hilliard type
Gaiko, Valery -
Poster Session
Tuesday July 9 - 19:00
Limit cycle bifurcations in multi-parameter polynomial dynamical systems
Galakhov, Evgeny -
CT4 - Well-Posedness
Monday July 8 - 16:30
Nonexistence for Some Quasilinear Elliptic Inequalities
Galić, Marija -
CT4 - Well-Posedness
Monday July 8 - 16:50
Existence of a weak solution to a nonlinear, moving boundary FSI problem
Gallay, Thierry -
MS21 Part 1 of 2
Tuesday July 9 - 10:15
Spectral stability of inviscid vortex columns
Garbuno Iñigo, Alfredo -
MS28 Part 1 of 2
Wednesday July 10 - 10:15
Calibration Techniques for Uncertainty Quantification in Inverse Problems
García-Ferrero, María Ángeles -
CT17 - Perturbations and Approximations
Thursday July 11 - 09:25
Approximation theorems for parabolic equations and applications
García-Ferrero, María Ángeles -
MS33 Part 2 of 2
Friday July 12 - 09:15
Strong unique continuation for higher order fractional Schrödinger equations
Garcia-Huidobro, Marta -
CT22 - Special solutions
Thursday July 11 - 17:10
Radial solutions of scaling invariant nonlinear elliptic equations with mixed reaction terms
Gauß, Nicole -
MS10 Part 2 of 2
Monday July 8 - 17:30
Global existence for the Swift-Hohenberg equation coupled to a conservation law
Gerencsér, Máté -
MS18 Part 2 of 2
Friday July 12 - 09:15
Quasilinear singular SPDEs within regularity structures
Gess, Benjamin -
MS18 Part 2 of 2
Friday July 12 - 09:45
Random dynamical systems for stochastic PDE with nonlinear noise
Geyer, Anna -
MS9 Part 1 of 2
Tuesday July 9 - 09:15
Instability and uniqueness of the peaked periodic traveling wave in the reduced Ostrovsky equation
Giacomelli, Lorenzo -
MS7 Part 1 of 1
Tuesday July 9 - 09:15
A nonlinear fourth-order approximation of forward-backward parabolic equations
Giunti, Arianna -
MS20 Part 1 of 2
Thursday July 11 - 17:30
Homogenization in randomly perforated domains
Giusti, Chad -
MS29 Part 2 of 2
Tuesday July 9 - 10:15
Path space cochain models for analysis of population dynamics
Glass, Olivier -
MS22 Part 2 of 2
Friday July 12 - 08:45
Dynamics of solids in a perfect fluid and vortex systems
Gloria, Antoine -
MS20 Part 2 of 2
Friday July 12 - 09:45
Some new results in stochastic homogenization
Gnann, Manuel -
MS18 Part 1 of 2
Thursday July 11 - 16:30
Nonnegative martingale solutions to the stochastic thin-film equation with Stratonovich noise
Gołębiewska, Anna -
CT10 - Bifurcations & Chaos
Tuesday July 9 - 16:30
Bifurcation of solutions of the Neumann problem
Gottwald, Georg -
MS19 Part 1 of 2
Thursday July 11 - 17:00
A collective coordinate framework to study the dynamics of travelling waves in stochastic partial differential equations
Grafke, Tobias -
MS30 Part 1 of 2
Tuesday July 9 - 16:00
Extreme Event Quantification for Rogue Waves in Deep Sea
Grathwohl, Christine -
MS33 Part 1 of 2
Thursday July 11 - 16:30
Imaging with the elliptic Radon transform in 3D
Grinfeld, Michael -
CT6 - Waves
Monday July 8 - 17:10
Minimality conditions for travelling waves in an anisotropic Smectic C* liquid crystal
Gronchi, Giovanni Federico -
MS27 Part 1 of 2
Wednesday July 10 - 09:45
On the restricted three-body problem with crossing singularities
Gu, Yu -
MS20 Part 2 of 2
Friday July 12 - 09:15
The Edwards-Wilkinson limit of the KPZ equation in d>=2
Guillamon, Antoni -
MS26 Part 1 of 2
Wednesday July 10 - 09:15
Quasi-periodic perturbations of heteroclinic attractor networks in models of bistable perception
Gümüş, Serap -
CT15 - Fluid Dynamics
Wednesday July 10 - 09:25
Finite-parameter feedback stabilization of original Burgers' equations and Burgers' equation with nonlocal nonlinearities
Habermann, Karen -
MS32 Part 1 of 2
Monday July 8 - 15:00
Small-time fluctuations for conditioned hypoelliptic diffusions
Haloi, Rajib -
Poster Session
Tuesday July 9 - 19:00
Weighted norm inequality for maximal function
Haloi, Rajib -
CT5 - Fluid Dynamics
Monday July 8 - 17:50
On generalized energy inequality for solutions to Damped Navier-Stokes equations
Hamster, Christian -
Poster Session
Tuesday July 9 - 19:00
Noisy Patterns
Han, Jongmin -
CT13 - Bifurcations & Chaos
Wednesday July 10 - 08:45
Bifurcation and phase transition of 1d Brusselator model
Hashimoto, Itsuko -
MS21 Part 2 of 2
Tuesday July 9 - 16:00
asymptotic stability of radially symmetric solutions of multi-dimensional Burgers equation
Hensel, Sebastian -
CT2 - Fluid Dynamics
Monday July 8 - 14:20
Weak-strong uniqueness for the Navier-Stokes equation for two fluids with surface tension
Hetebrij, Wouter -
MS14 Part 1 of 1
Wednesday July 10 - 09:45
Homoclinic orbits and bifurcations in the Circular Restricted Four Body Problem
Higaki, Mitsuo -
MS22 Part 2 of 2
Friday July 12 - 09:15
Navier wall law for nonstationary viscous incompressible flows
Higaki, Mitsuo -
MS21 Part 1 of 2
Tuesday July 9 - 08:45
Stability of planar stationary flows in an exterior domain without symmetry
Hilder, Bastian -
Poster Session
Tuesday July 9 - 19:00
Stability of fast fronts in a Ginzburg-Landau equation with additional conservation law
Hill, Daniel -
Poster Session
Tuesday July 9 - 19:00
Localised radial spots on the free surface of a ferrofluid
Hissink Muller, Victor -
Poster Session
Tuesday July 9 - 19:00
A biofilm growth model - A two-fold degenerate reaction-diffusion system
Hittmeyer, Stefanie -
CT12 - Planar systems
Tuesday July 9 - 15:30
Generalized Mandelbrot and Julia sets in a family of planar angle-doubling maps
Hittmeyer, Stefanie -
Poster Session
Tuesday July 9 - 19:00
Existence of Blenders in a Hénon-Like Family: Geometric Insights from Invariant Manifold Computations
Höfer, Richard -
MS22 Part 1 of 2
Thursday July 11 - 17:00
On the sedimentation of spherical inertialess particles in Stokes flows
Hofmann, Matthias -
MS6 Part 2 of 2
Tuesday July 9 - 16:00
On the existence of solutions to nonlinear equations on metric graphs via energy methods
Hohloch, Sonja -
MS13 Part 2 of 2
Friday July 12 - 09:15
Focus-focus singularities in semitoric systems and beyond
Holman, Sean -
MS33 Part 2 of 2
Friday July 12 - 10:15
Simultaneous reconstruction of attenuation and source density under a multibang assumption
Homburg, Ale Jan -
MS19 Part 1 of 2
Thursday July 11 - 16:30
Asymptotics for a class of iterated random cubic operators
Hoshino, Masato -
MS18 Part 2 of 2
Friday July 12 - 08:45
A relation between modelled distributions and paracontrolled distributions
Huisinga, Wilhelm -
MS25 Part 1 of 2
Thursday July 11 - 16:30
Understanding and reducing large-scale ODE-based reaction networks based on a novel input–response index
Humphries, Antony -
MS17 Part 1 of 2
Tuesday July 9 - 09:15
Age-structured models and Distributed Delay Differential Equations
Hung, Kuo-Chih -
CT10 - Bifurcations & Chaos
Tuesday July 9 - 15:50
A global bifurcation theorem and its application
Ifrim, Mihaela -
MS23 Part 2 of 2
Thursday July 11 - 08:45
Dispersive decay of small data solutions for the KdV equation
Ignatenko, Vera -
MS17 Part 1 of 2
Tuesday July 9 - 10:15
Existence of homoclinic and stable periodic solutions for a family of delay differential equations.
Ishida, Sachiko -
Poster Session
Tuesday July 9 - 19:00
Boundedness, asymptotic behaviour vs. finite-time blow-up for quasilinear Keller-Segel model
Ishii, Yuta -
CT25 - Stability
Friday July 12 - 09:45
Stability of multi-peak symmetric stationary solutions for the Schnakenberg model with periodic heterogeneity
Ivanov, Alexey -
CT17 - Perturbations and Approximations
Thursday July 11 - 08:45
Chaotic trajectories of adiabatically perturbed systems with bifurcations
Jaibi, Olfa -
Poster Session
Tuesday July 9 - 19:00
Mathematical Tales of Fairy Circles
James, Guillaume -
MS11 Part 2 of 2
Thursday July 11 - 08:45
Solitary waves with Kuwabara-Kono numerical dissipation
Janoušek, Jakub -
CT7 - Bifurcations & Chaos
Tuesday July 9 - 10:05
Bifurcation results for a nonlinear model of a suspension bridge with variable stiffness
Jaquette, Jonathan -
MS1 Part 2 of 2
Monday July 8 - 17:30
Validated computation of infinite dimensional stable manifolds in a PDE
Jaramillo, Gabriela -
MS5 Part 1 of 2
Wednesday July 10 - 10:15
Rotating spirals in oscillatory media with nonlocal coupling
Jardon, Hildeberto -
MS8 Part 2 of 3
Monday July 8 - 17:00
Some applications of geometric singular perturbation theory to control systems
Jorba, Angel -
MS12 Part 1 of 2
Tuesday July 9 - 09:15
Reducibility and fractalization of invariant curves
Joudioux, Jérémie -
MS31 Part 1 of 2
Thursday July 11 - 17:30
Gravitational spin Hall effect for Maxwell fields
Jukic, Mia -
Poster Session
Tuesday July 9 - 19:00
Dynamics on Planar Lattices
Kajikiya, Ryuji -
CT21 - Spectral theory
Thursday July 11 - 17:10
A priori estimate for the first eigenvalue of the p-Laplacian
Källblad, Sigrid -
MS34 Part 2 of 3
Tuesday July 9 - 09:45
Kania-Błaszczyk, Maria -
CT9 - Mathematical Modelling
Tuesday July 9 - 10:25
MHD equations in a bounded domain
Kano, Risei -
CT9 - Mathematical Modelling
Tuesday July 9 - 09:45
The non-linear hardening model and some properties
Kaper, Tasso -
MS8 Part 3 of 3
Tuesday July 9 - 10:15
Theory and Applications of delayed passage through Hopf bifurcations in reaction-diffusion equations
Kato, Nobuyuki -
CT8 - Asymptotics
Tuesday July 9 - 10:05
Linearized stability for abstract size-structured population equations with delay
Kenens, Karel -
MS8 Part 1 of 3
Monday July 8 - 14:30
Gevrey asymptotic properties of slow manifolds
Kennedy, Benjamin -
CT13 - Bifurcations & Chaos
Wednesday July 10 - 10:05
A state-dependent delay equation with chaotic solutions
Kennedy, James -
MS6 Part 1 of 2
Tuesday July 9 - 08:45
Spectral geometry of quantum graphs via surgery principles
Kepley, Shane -
CT19 - Methodology
Thursday July 11 - 16:30
A database approach for rigorous falsification of dynamical models
Kerner, Joachim -
MS6 Part 1 of 2
Tuesday July 9 - 09:15
On spectral properties of a pair of particles on the half-line
Kibkalo, Vladislav -
MS13 Part 1 of 2
Thursday July 11 - 17:00
Bifurcations of Lagrangian fibrations of Kovalevskaya-type integrable Hamiltonian systems.
Kiessling, Michael -
MS31 Part 1 of 2
Thursday July 11 - 16:30
On static solutions of the Maxwell-Born-Infeld field equations with point sources
Kim, Young-Ho -
Poster Session
Tuesday July 9 - 19:00
An Existence of the solution to neutral stochastic functional differential equations
King, John -
MS7 Part 1 of 1
Tuesday July 9 - 09:45
Singular behaviour in quasilinear diffusion
King, John -
MS24 Part 1 of 1
Wednesday July 10 - 09:45
Asymptotic analysis of simple stochastic models for gene regulatory processes
Kisiel, Konrad -
CT3 - Mathematical Modelling
Monday July 8 - 14:00
Prandtl-Reuss model without safe-load conditions
Kiss, Gabor -
MS17 Part 2 of 2
Tuesday July 9 - 17:00
Equilibria and oscillations of a regulated two--gene model
Knobloch, Edgar -
MS8 Part 1 of 3
Monday July 8 - 15:00
From noise-sustained structures to nonlinear absolute instability
Koenig, Armand -
MS32 Part 2 of 2
Monday July 8 - 18:00
Control of a degenerate parabolic equation: minimal time and geometric dependance
Kok, David -
Poster Session
Tuesday July 9 - 19:00
Stability and bifurcations of homoclinic stripe patterns near a saddle-node bifurcation
Kokocki, Piotr -
CT23 - Dynamics & Applications
Friday July 12 - 09:05
Riemann-Hilbert problem and singularity formation in the localized induction approximation
Kornev, Sergey -
Poster Session
Tuesday July 9 - 19:00
On some versions of the coincidence degree theory
Kornev, Sergey -
CT21 - Spectral theory
Thursday July 11 - 16:30
On some generalizations of the integral guiding functions method
Kosiuk, Ilona -
MS8 Part 1 of 3
Monday July 8 - 15:30
Slow-fast systems in cell biology: new challenges for GSPT
Kosugi, Chiharu -
Poster Session
Tuesday July 9 - 19:00
Mathematical model for rotational motion of shape memory alloy ring partially within hot water
Kotrla, Lukas -
CT24 - Special solutions
Friday July 12 - 09:25
Multi-bump Solutions in Parabolic Problem with the $p$-Laplacian.
Kraaij, Richard -
MS34 Part 1 of 3
Monday July 8 - 15:00
Large deviations for weakly coupled two-scale jump-diffusion systems
Kramer, Mark -
MS26 Part 2 of 2
Thursday July 11 - 08:45
Applications of techniques in mathematics and statistics to study human seizures.
Krauskopf, Bernd -
MS17 Part 2 of 2
Tuesday July 9 - 16:30
Pulse train dynamics in an excitable laser with delayed optical feedback
Kruff, Niclas -
MS8 Part 2 of 3
Monday July 8 - 16:30
Identifying critical parameters for singular perturbation reductions of reaction networks and population models
Kučera, Petr -
CT2 - Fluid Dynamics
Monday July 8 - 14:40
Kudryavtseva, Elena -
MS13 Part 1 of 2
Thursday July 11 - 18:00
Symplectic invariants of typical degenerate orbits of integrable systems
Kuehn, Christian -
MS10 Part 1 of 2
Monday July 8 - 14:00
Nonlocal PDE and Modulation Equations
Kuehn, Christian -
MS2 Part 1 of 2
Thursday July 11 - 08:45
Patterns and Waves for SPDEs
Kumar, Sanjeev -
CT18 - Numerical Techniques
Thursday July 11 - 09:45
CNN-based Solution Scheme of Diffusion PDEs with Applications in Image Processing
Kumar, Sanjeev -
Poster Session
Tuesday July 9 - 19:00
A novel chaos based approach in conjunction with Pairing Function for Image Encryption
Kumazaki, Kota -
CT3 - Mathematical Modelling
Monday July 8 - 14:20
Global existence of a solution of a two-scale model describing moisture transport in porous materials
Kuo, Hung-Wen -
CT9 - Mathematical Modelling
Tuesday July 9 - 10:05
Effect of abrupt change of the wall temperature in the kinetic theory
Kurima, Shunsuke -
CT18 - Numerical Techniques
Thursday July 11 - 09:05
Time discretization and error estimate for a nonlinear phase field system in general domains
Kuruk, Gamze -
CT24 - Special solutions
Friday July 12 - 09:45
Comparison of solutions of some pairs of nonlinear wave equations
Kuske, Rachel -
Plenary Talk 2
Monday July 8 - 11:30
Design of large scale optimization algorithms from stochastic non-smooth dynamics perspectives
Kuusi, Tuomo -
MS20 Part 2 of 2
Friday July 12 - 10:15
Homogenization, linearization and large-scale regularity for nonlinear elliptic equations
Lacave, Christophe -
MS22 Part 1 of 2
Thursday July 11 - 18:00
Long time and small obstacle problem for the 2D Navier-Stokes equations
Laister, Robert -
CT4 - Well-Posedness
Monday July 8 - 18:10
$L^1$ Well-posedness for semilinear heat equations.
Langer, Ulrich -
MS3 Part 2 of 2
Monday July 8 - 16:30
Space-Time Finite Element Methods for Parabolic Initial-Boundary Value Problems
Lannes, David -
MS23 Part 1 of 2
Wednesday July 10 - 09:45
The contact line problem in wave-structure interactions
Lannes, David -
MS22 Part 1 of 2
Thursday July 11 - 16:30
Waves interacting with a partially immersed obstacle in the Boussinesq regime
Lawless, Amos -
MS28 Part 2 of 2
Thursday July 11 - 09:15
The conditioning of variational data assimilation with correlated observation errors
Lazar, Omar -
MS23 Part 2 of 2
Thursday July 11 - 09:45
On the Cauchy problem for the Muskat equation in Sobolev spaces.
Lazu, Alina -
CT14 - Control and Optimization
Wednesday July 10 - 08:45
On the equivalence of minimum time and minimum norm control
Lehrenfeld, Christoph -
MS3 Part 2 of 2
Monday July 8 - 17:00
Geometrically higher order unfitted space-time FEM
Leibold, Jan -
MS2 Part 1 of 2
Thursday July 11 - 09:15
Numerical analysis of nonlinear wave equations with dynamic boundary conditions
Léna, Corentin -
MS6 Part 1 of 2
Tuesday July 9 - 09:45
Minimal and nodal partitions on quantum graphs
Leocata, Marta -
MS18 Part 1 of 2
Thursday July 11 - 17:30
Systems of stochastic reaction diffusion equations
Lerman, Lev -
MS13 Part 2 of 2
Friday July 12 - 08:45
3 d.o.f. integrable Hamiltonian systems: semi-local structures and bifurcations
Lessard, Jean-Philippe -
MS1 Part 2 of 2
Monday July 8 - 18:00
Rigorous integration for some infinite dimensional dynamical systems
Lienert, Matthias -
CT1 - Delay Equations
Monday July 8 - 15:00
How to implement interactions with time delay in the Schrödinger equation?
Lienert, Matthias -
Poster Session
Tuesday July 9 - 19:00
Multi-time wave equations
Lin, Hueili -
Poster Session
Tuesday July 9 - 19:00
Existence of solutions for the perturbed fourth-order Kirchhoff type elliptic equations
Lissy, Pierre -
MS32 Part 2 of 2
Monday July 8 - 17:30
Singular Optimal Control of a 1-D Parabolic-Hyperbolic Degenerate Equation
Lizarraga, Ian -
MS8 Part 2 of 3
Monday July 8 - 17:30
Approximating invariant slow manifolds and fast fibers in nonstandard slow-fast systems
Lloyd, David -
MS2 Part 1 of 2
Thursday July 11 - 10:15
Invasion Fronts Outside the Homoclinic Snaking Region in the Planar Swift-Hohenberg Equation
Lloyd, Alun -
Poster Session
Tuesday July 9 - 19:00
After the Honeymoon, the Divorce: Unexpected Outcomes of Disease Control Measures
Loevbak, Emil -
Poster Session
Tuesday July 9 - 19:00
An asymptotic preserving multilevel Monte Carlo method for particle based simulation of kinetic equations
Łukaszewicz, Grzegorz -
CT5 - Fluid Dynamics
Monday July 8 - 16:30
Rayleigh-Benard heat convection problem for the micropolar fluid and Navier--Stokes models
Maderna, Ezequiel -
MS27 Part 2 of 2
Thursday July 11 - 09:45
Hyperbolic expansions with arbitrary limit shape
Mailybaev, Alexei -
CT23 - Dynamics & Applications
Friday July 12 - 09:25
Calculus and flows on logarithmic lattices
Mailybaev, Alexei -
MS15 Part 2 of 2
Thursday July 11 - 08:45
Spontaneously stochastic solutions in dynamical systems with singularities
Makino, Tetu -
CT9 - Mathematical Modelling
Tuesday July 9 - 09:05
Equations of Linear Non-Radial Oscillations of Gaseous Stars
Malaguti, Luisa -
MS16 Part 1 of 2
Monday July 8 - 15:00
Nonlocal solutions of parabolic equations
Maliki, Olaniyi -
CT19 - Methodology
Thursday July 11 - 17:30
On Some Important q-calculus Results in Quantum Geometry with Applications
Maltsev, Anna -
MS6 Part 2 of 2
Tuesday July 9 - 17:00
Localization and landscape functions on quantum graphs
Manasevich, Raul -
CT11 - Mathematical Modelling
Tuesday July 9 - 15:30
Some nonlinear models for crime with theoretical and applied results
Manhart, Angelika -
MS9 Part 1 of 2
Tuesday July 9 - 08:45
Counter-propagating wave patterns in a swarm model with memory
Manhart, Angelika -
MS29 Part 1 of 2
Monday July 8 - 16:30
Can computers learn how animals flock?
Manojlovic, Jelena -
MS16 Part 1 of 2
Monday July 8 - 14:00
Asymptotic analysis of regularly varying solutions of half-linear differential equations
Marangell, Robert -
MS9 Part 2 of 2
Tuesday July 9 - 16:30
(In)Stability of travelling waves in a model of haptotaxis
Martin, Calin -
CT25 - Stability
Friday July 12 - 10:05
Stability of stratified equatorial flows in spherical coordinates
Martynchuk, Nikolay -
MS13 Part 1 of 2
Thursday July 11 - 16:30
Energy level approach to monodromy
Matsuzawa, Hiroshi -
CT22 - Special solutions
Thursday July 11 - 17:30
Asymptotic profiles of solutions and propagating terrace for a free boundary problem of nonlinear diffusion equation with positive bistable nonlinearity
Matthies, Karsten -
MS11 Part 2 of 2
Thursday July 11 - 09:45
Nonlinear stability of high-energy solitary waves in Fermi-Pasta-Ulam-Tsingou chains
Mayboroda, Svitlana -
Plenary Talk 7
Thursday July 11 - 13:45
The hidden landscape of localization
McCalla, Scott -
MS5 Part 1 of 2
Wednesday July 10 - 08:45
Nonlocal interfacial dynamics in biological systems
McGuirl, Melissa -
MS29 Part 1 of 2
Monday July 8 - 17:30
Quantifying Zebrafish Patterns: A Study of Pattern Variability and Robustness
Memin, Etienne -
MS30 Part 2 of 2
Wednesday July 10 - 09:15
A consistent framework for stochastic representation of large-scale geophysical flows
Miao, Zhouqian -
Poster Session
Tuesday July 9 - 19:00
Oscillations in a cAMP signaling model for cell aggregation -- a geometric analysis
Mikami, Toshio -
MS34 Part 2 of 3
Tuesday July 9 - 08:45
Regularity of Schrödinger's functional equation
Mireles James, Jason -
MS1 Part 1 of 2
Monday July 8 - 14:30
The parameterization method, transverse intersections, and computer assisted proof in celestial mechanics
Mizukami, Masaaki -
CT17 - Perturbations and Approximations
Thursday July 11 - 09:45
The fast signal diffusion limit in a minimal Keller--Segel system under smallness conditions for initial data
Moinat, Augustin -
MS18 Part 1 of 2
Thursday July 11 - 18:00
Space-time localisation for the dynamic $\Phi^4_3$ model
Mokhtari, Fahimeh -
CT7 - Bifurcations & Chaos
Tuesday July 9 - 09:25
Algebraic structure study of vector fields near the triple-zero bifurcation point
Montalto, Riccardo -
MS12 Part 2 of 2
Tuesday July 9 - 15:30
KAM theory and long time dynamics around finite gap solutions of KdV equations
Moreau, Clément -
CT14 - Control and Optimization
Wednesday July 10 - 09:05
Necessary Condition for Local Controllability
Moskvin, Viktor -
Poster Session
Tuesday July 9 - 19:00
Topology of saddle atoms-bifurcations for the billiards in non-convex domains
Motonaga, Shoya -
CT13 - Bifurcations & Chaos
Wednesday July 10 - 09:05
Nonpersistence of periodic orbits, homoclinic orbits, first integrals, and commutative vector fields in perturbed systems
Muha, Boris -
CT4 - Well-Posedness
Monday July 8 - 17:10
Existence and regularity for the non-linear Koiter shell interacting with the $3d$ incompressible fluid
Mujica, Jose -
CT7 - Bifurcations & Chaos
Tuesday July 9 - 09:45
Interacting manifolds and recurrent dynamics near a slow-fast Shilnikov homoclinic bifurcation
Murase, Yusuke -
CT3 - Mathematical Modelling
Monday July 8 - 14:40
Existence of solutions for mathematical model of brewing Sake and some properties of solutions
Musslimani, Ziad -
MS11 Part 1 of 2
Tuesday July 9 - 15:30
Inverse scattering transform for the integrable nonlocal nonlinear Schrödinger equation
Mydlarczyk, Wojciech -
Poster Session
Tuesday July 9 - 19:00
Nonuniqueness of solution for a sytem of nonlinear Volterra type integral equations
Naito, Yuki -
CT24 - Special solutions
Friday July 12 - 10:05
Threshold solutions for semilinear heat equations with polynomial decay initial data
Nakata, Yukihiko -
MS17 Part 1 of 2
Tuesday July 9 - 09:45
Period two solutions of distributed delay differential equations
Nechvátal, Luděk -
CT13 - Bifurcations & Chaos
Wednesday July 10 - 09:25
Comparison of integer-order and fractional-order chaotic systems from the stability viewpoint
Neel, Robert -
MS32 Part 1 of 2
Monday July 8 - 14:30
Random walk approximations to sub-Riemannian diffusions
Nejjar, Peter -
MS19 Part 2 of 2
Friday July 12 - 09:15
Product Limit Law in ASEP
Neville, Rachel -
MS29 Part 2 of 2
Tuesday July 9 - 09:15
Characterizing Pattern Forming Systems with Topological Data Analysis
Nguyen, Toan -
MS21 Part 2 of 2
Tuesday July 9 - 16:30
Linear inviscid damping and enhanced viscous dissipation of shear flows via conjugate operator method
Niederman, Laurent -
MS27 Part 1 of 2
Wednesday July 10 - 09:15
Quasi periodic coorbital motions
Niikuni, Hiroaki -
Poster Session
Tuesday July 9 - 19:00
On the eigenvalues in the spectral bands for carbon nanotubes with impurities
Noble, Pascal -
MS23 Part 1 of 2
Wednesday July 10 - 08:45
2D versus 1D Shallow Water equations
Nyquist, Pierre -
MS34 Part 1 of 3
Monday July 8 - 14:00
Min-max representations of viscosity solutions of Hamilton-Jacobi equations
Obukhovskii, Valeri -
CT14 - Control and Optimization
Wednesday July 10 - 09:25
Some optimization problems for fractional order feedback control systems
Ohnishi, Isamu -
CT11 - Mathematical Modelling
Tuesday July 9 - 15:50
Existence theorem of PDE model of pattern formalization with some hysterical switching mechanism and its application to heterocyst differentiation of Terrestrial Cyanobacteria of Nostochineae
Ohnishi, Isamu -
Poster Session
Tuesday July 9 - 19:00
Hysterical Bifurcation Structure of modified Asakura-Honda model and its application to Circadian Rhythm and Biological Nitrogen fixation in a cell of Cyanobacteria
Okumura, Makoto -
CT18 - Numerical Techniques
Thursday July 11 - 10:05
A structure-preserving scheme for the Cahn-Hilliard equation with a dynamic boundary condition
Olle, Merce -
MS27 Part 2 of 2
Thursday July 11 - 09:15
Ejection-collision orbits in the restricted three-body problem
Omel'chenko, Oleh -
CT6 - Waves
Monday July 8 - 17:30
Traveling chimera states
Opluštil, Zdeněk -
Poster Session
Tuesday July 9 - 19:00
Oscillation and non-oscillation criteria for certain two-dimensional system of non-linear ordinary differential equations
Orlov, Vladimir -
CT16 - Fractional Derivatives
Thursday July 11 - 09:25
On Fractional Models of Viscoelastic Fluids
Osinga, Hinke -
CT13 - Bifurcations & Chaos
Wednesday July 10 - 09:45
Robust chaos: a tale of blenders, their computation, and their destruction
Panayotaros, Panayotis -
MS11 Part 2 of 2
Thursday July 11 - 10:15
Localized oscillations in inhomogeneous FPU lattices
Pasqualotto, Federico -
MS31 Part 1 of 2
Thursday July 11 - 17:00
Global stability for nonlinear wave equations with multi-localized initial data
Pauthier, Antoine -
MS35 Part 2 of 2
Monday July 8 - 17:30
Dynamics of advection-diffusion equations with a non-linear boundary condition
Peletier, Lambertus -
MS25 Part 1 of 2
Thursday July 11 - 18:00
Michaelis-Menten from an In Vivo Perspective: Open Versus Closed Systems
Pelinovsky, Dmitry -
MS6 Part 2 of 2
Tuesday July 9 - 15:30
Unstable drift of spectrally stable shifted states on star graphs
Penati, Tiziano -
CT6 - Waves
Monday July 8 - 16:30
Existence and nonexistence of degenerate phase-shift multibreathers in Klein-Gordon models via dNLS approximation.
Pereira, Marcone -
CT20 - Nonlocal Systems
Thursday July 11 - 17:30
Nonlocal equations in perforated domains
Petkoski, Spase -
MS25 Part 2 of 2
Friday July 12 - 09:45
Personalized brain network models in clinical translation
Pinzari, Gabriella -
MS12 Part 1 of 2
Tuesday July 9 - 08:45
On the co-existence of maximal and whiskered KAM tori in the three-body problem
Plum, Michael -
MS1 Part 1 of 2
Monday July 8 - 14:00
Computer-assisted existence and multiplicity proofs for semilinear elliptic boundary value problems
Pokorny, Milan -
CT2 - Fluid Dynamics
Monday July 8 - 15:00
Weak solutions for some compressible multicomponent fluid models
Potthast, Roland -
MS26 Part 1 of 2
Wednesday July 10 - 08:45
Data Assimilation and Kernel Reconstruction for Neural Field Dynamics
Prandi, Dario -
MS32 Part 2 of 2
Monday July 8 - 17:00
Weyl law for singular Laplace-Beltrami operators
Premoselli, Bruno -
MS31 Part 2 of 2
Friday July 12 - 10:15
Existence of infinitely many solutions for the Einstein-Lichnerowicz system
Prugger, Artur -
Poster Session
Tuesday July 9 - 19:00
Stability and Nonlinear Waves in Damped Driven Rotating Shallow Water Models
Queirolo, Elena -
MS14 Part 1 of 1
Wednesday July 10 - 09:15
Numerical validation of Hopf bifurcation in Kuramoto-Sivashinki PDE
Rademacher, Jens -
MS2 Part 2 of 2
Friday July 12 - 09:45
Accumulation of eigenvalues for traveling waves and scale separation
Radulovic, Marko -
CT5 - Fluid Dynamics
Monday July 8 - 17:10
Asymptotic analysis of the nonsteady micropolar fluid flow in a curved pipe
Radunovic, Goran -
CT10 - Bifurcations & Chaos
Tuesday July 9 - 15:30
Towards bifurcations of complex dimensions
Ratliff, Daniel -
MS10 Part 1 of 2
Monday July 8 - 15:30
Entirely Out of Character? Dispersive Dynamics in the Moving Frame
Rebiai, Salah-Eddine -
CT1 - Delay Equations
Monday July 8 - 14:20
Stability of the transmission plate equation with a delay term in the boundary feedback
Redig, Frank -
MS34 Part 3 of 3
Tuesday July 9 - 16:00
Gibbs-non-Gibbs transitions and shocks
Reitmann, Volker -
CT1 - Delay Equations
Monday July 8 - 14:40
Dimension-like properties and almost periodicity for cocycles generated by variational inequalities with delay
Remond-Tiedrez, Antoine -
MS23 Part 1 of 2
Wednesday July 10 - 09:15
The Viscous Surface Wave Problem with Generalized Surface Energies
Resman, Maja -
CT12 - Planar systems
Tuesday July 9 - 16:10
Formal classification of parabolic Dulac maps
Reusken, Arnold -
MS3 Part 2 of 2
Monday July 8 - 17:30
Space-time trace FEM for PDEs on evolving surfaces
Rezakhanlou, Fraydoun -
MS34 Part 3 of 3
Tuesday July 9 - 17:00
Stochastic Solutions to Hamilton-Jacobi Equations
Rodrigues, M. Manuela -
CT16 - Fractional Derivatives
Thursday July 11 - 09:45
Fundamental solutions of the time-fractional telegraph equation with Laplace or Dirac operators
Rodrigues, Luis Miguel -
MS9 Part 1 of 2
Tuesday July 9 - 09:45
Stability of traveling waves in balance laws
Roininen, Lassi -
MS28 Part 2 of 2
Thursday July 11 - 08:45
Hyperparametric Random Fields, Deformations and Heavy-tailed Distributions with Applications in Bayesian Inversion
Romani, Giulio -
Poster Session
Tuesday July 9 - 19:00
Unexpected behaviour of fundamental solutions of general higher-order elliptic operators
Roos, Valentine -
MS34 Part 3 of 3
Tuesday July 9 - 16:30
Variational and viscosity solutions of the evolutionary Hamilton-Jacobi equation
Rothos, Vassilios -
MS11 Part 2 of 2
Thursday July 11 - 09:15
Periodically forced Nonlinear Lattices-Applications in Metamaterials and Acoustic Vacuum
Rottschäfer, Vivi -
MS10 Part 2 of 2
Monday July 8 - 16:30
Patterns and coherence resonance in the stochastic Swift-Hohenberg equation with Pyragas control
Rousset, Frederic -
MS21 Part 2 of 2
Tuesday July 9 - 17:00
Inviscid limit in the presence of dispersion
Ruiz-Herrera, Alfonso -
MS17 Part 2 of 2
Tuesday July 9 - 15:30
Criteria of Global Attraction in Systems of Delay Differential Equations with Mixed Monotonicity
Rüland, Angkana -
MS33 Part 2 of 2
Friday July 12 - 09:15
On the fractional Calder\'on Problem
Ruschel, Stefan -
CT21 - Spectral theory
Thursday July 11 - 17:50
The spectrum of linear delay differential equations with multiple hierarchical large delays
Ryszewska, Katarzyna -
CT16 - Fractional Derivatives
Thursday July 11 - 10:05
A semigroup approach for solving the space-fractional diffusion equations
Salnikova, Tatiana -
CT11 - Mathematical Modelling
Tuesday July 9 - 16:10
Sánchez Umbría, Juan -
MS2 Part 1 of 2
Thursday July 11 - 09:45
Axisymmetric flows of convection in rotating fluid spheres
Sandstede, Björn -
MS35 Part 2 of 2
Monday July 8 - 16:30
Wave propagation in microtubule networks
Sanz-Alonso, Daniel -
MS28 Part 1 of 2
Wednesday July 10 - 08:45
Data-Driven Forward Surrogates for Bayesian Inversion
Sarels, Benoit -
Poster Session
Tuesday July 9 - 19:00
Calcium in the egg is traveling, but is it a traveling wave?
Sauer, Timothy -
MS29 Part 2 of 2
Tuesday July 9 - 08:45
Consistent manifold learning from data
Savostianov, Anton -
CT4 - Well-Posedness
Monday July 8 - 17:30
Smooth uniform attractors for measure driven quintic damped wave equations on 3D torus
Sayli, Mustafa -
Poster Session
Tuesday July 9 - 19:00
Synchrony: From Franklin Bells to Brain Dynamics
Schlottbom, Matthias -
MS33 Part 2 of 2
Friday July 12 - 09:45
Parameter identification in a structured population model
Schlottke, Mikola -
MS34 Part 1 of 3
Monday July 8 - 15:30
Large deviations in two-scale systems characterized by principal eigenvalues
Schouten-Straatman, Willem -
MS5 Part 1 of 2
Wednesday July 10 - 09:45
Travelling waves in discrete FitzHugh-Nagumo type systems
Seo, Insuk -
MS19 Part 2 of 2
Friday July 12 - 09:45
Scaling limit of metastable diffusion processes
Serban, Calin -
CT22 - Special solutions
Thursday July 11 - 17:50
Strictly positive solutions for non-potential and non-radial Dirichlet systems with Minkowski operator
Serio, Andrea -
MS6 Part 1 of 2
Tuesday July 9 - 10:15
Optimal potentials for quantum graphs
Shi, Junping -
MS6 Part 2 of 2
Tuesday July 9 - 16:30
Existence of solutions for the nonlinear Schr\"odinger equation on metric graphs in supercritical case
Shilnikov, Andrey -
MS26 Part 1 of 2
Wednesday July 10 - 09:45
Mathematical models of rhythm-generating circuits
Shioji, Naoki -
CT12 - Planar systems
Tuesday July 9 - 16:30
Uniqueness of a positive solution of a second-order ordinary differential equation and its application to elliptic problems
Sieber, Jan -
CT1 - Delay Equations
Monday July 8 - 15:20
Non-smooth saddle-node bifurcation in a non-autonomous delay differential equation
Siero, Eric -
MS2 Part 2 of 2
Friday July 12 - 09:15
Pattern selection in advective reaction-diffusion systems
Silva, Ricardo -
CT17 - Perturbations and Approximations
Thursday July 11 - 10:05
Non-dissipative system as limit of a dissipative one
Sim, Inbo -
CT21 - Spectral theory
Thursday July 11 - 17:30
Properties of eigenvalues and some regularities on fractional $p$-Laplacian with singular weights
Simon Hilscher, Roman -
MS16 Part 2 of 2
Monday July 8 - 18:30
Singular Sturmian theory for linear Hamiltonian systems
Sirlanci, Melike -
CT3 - Mathematical Modelling
Monday July 8 - 15:20
Modeling Glucose-Insulin Regulation System in Humans
Skalak, Zdenek -
CT2 - Fluid Dynamics
Monday July 8 - 15:20
One component regularity for the Navier-Stokes equations
Skeldon, Anne -
MS25 Part 2 of 2
Friday July 12 - 10:15
Mathematical modelling of human sleep/wake patterns: the interaction of light, sleep, circadian and social rhythms
Slavík, Antonín -
MS16 Part 2 of 2
Monday July 8 - 17:30
Lotka-Volterra competition model on graphs
Smears, Iain -
MS3 Part 1 of 2
Monday July 8 - 15:00
Time-parallel iterative solvers for parabolic evolution equations
Sonner, Stefanie -
CT25 - Stability
Friday July 12 - 10:25
Stabilization by boundary noise: a Chafee-Infante equation with dynamical boundary conditions
Spendlove, Kelly -
MS14 Part 1 of 1
Wednesday July 10 - 09:15
Computational Connection and Transition Matrix Theory
Stalker, John -
MS31 Part 2 of 2
Friday July 12 - 08:45
Exact solutions to classical diffraction problems with an application to General Relativity
Stanislavova, Milena -
MS9 Part 2 of 2
Tuesday July 9 - 17:00
Uniform $L^2$ bounds for semigroups generated by Hamiltonian linearizations
Stefaniak, Piotr -
CT10 - Bifurcations & Chaos
Tuesday July 9 - 16:50
Global bifurcation index of critical orbit of strongly indefinite functional
Stehlik, Petr -
MS16 Part 1 of 2
Monday July 8 - 14:30
Mutlichromatic Travelling Waves for Lattice Nagumo Reaction Diffusion Equation
Steinbach, Olaf -
MS3 Part 1 of 2
Monday July 8 - 14:00
Coercive space-time finite element methods
Steinherr Zazo, Miriam -
CT10 - Bifurcations & Chaos
Tuesday July 9 - 16:10
Analysis of Some Non-Smooth Bifurcations with Applications to Ship Maneuvering
Sterk, Alef -
MS15 Part 1 of 2
Wednesday July 10 - 09:15
Extreme value laws and mean squared error growth in dynamical systems
Stevenson, Rob -
MS3 Part 1 of 2
Monday July 8 - 15:30
Stability of Galerkin discretizations of parabolic evolution equations
Stolk, Chris -
MS33 Part 1 of 2
Thursday July 11 - 17:00
The inverse problem of transient states MRI: Analysis of MR fingerprinting
Strzelecki, Daniel -
CT10 - Bifurcations & Chaos
Tuesday July 9 - 17:10
Periodic solutions of symmetric Hamiltonian systems
Suda, Tomoharu -
Poster Session
Tuesday July 9 - 19:00
Characterization of Filippov’s definition of the sliding vector field
Susanto, Hadi -
MS35 Part 2 of 2
Monday July 8 - 17:00
Localised waves in inhomogeneous sine-Gordon equations
Svensson Seth, Douglas -
CT5 - Fluid Dynamics
Monday July 8 - 17:30
Three-dimensional steady water waves with vorticity
Szmolyan, Peter -
MS8 Part 3 of 3
Tuesday July 9 - 09:15
Periodic solutions and and switching behavior in a model of bipolar disorder
Taddei, Valentina -
MS16 Part 2 of 2
Monday July 8 - 17:00
An approximation solvability method for semilinear equations in Banach spaces
Takayasu, Akitoshi -
MS1 Part 1 of 2
Monday July 8 - 15:30
Rigorous numerics for nonlinear heat equations in the complex plane of time
Tanaka, Haruyoshi -
Poster Session
Tuesday July 9 - 19:00
Perturbed finite-state Markov systems with holes and Perron complements of Ruelle operators
Tanaka, Satoshi -
CT12 - Planar systems
Tuesday July 9 - 16:50
Perturbations of half-linear differential systems and its application to quasilinear elliptic equations
Teramoto, Takashi -
MS35 Part 1 of 2
Monday July 8 - 15:30
Localized solutions in a three-component FitzHugh-Nagumo model
Thieullen, Philippe -
MS34 Part 2 of 3
Tuesday July 9 - 10:15
Discrete Aubry-Mather theory in a quasi-periodic environnement
Tice, Ian -
MS23 Part 1 of 2
Wednesday July 10 - 10:15
The stability of contact lines in fluids
Titi, Edriss -
Plenary Talk 3
Tuesday July 9 - 11:30
Analysis of Oceanic and Tropical Atmospheric Models with Moisture: Global Regularity, Finite-time Blowup and Singular Limit Behavior
Titi, Edriss -
MS30 Part 2 of 2
Wednesday July 10 - 09:15
Uniform error estimates for a downscaling data assimilation algorithm
Tkachov, Pavlo -
MS5 Part 2 of 2
Thursday July 11 - 09:45
Pattern formation in non-local analogues of the Fisher-KPP equation
Tomasek, Petr -
Poster Session
Tuesday July 9 - 19:00
Stability region analysis of a linear delay system with two parameters
Topaz, Chad -
MS29 Part 1 of 2
Monday July 8 - 18:00
Open discussion
Toprak, Ebru -
MS31 Part 2 of 2
Friday July 12 - 09:15
The effect of threshold energy obstructions on the $L^1 \rightarrow L^{\infty}$ dispersive estimates for some Schrodinger type equations
Totz, Nathan -
MS10 Part 1 of 2
Monday July 8 - 15:00
Global Well-Posedness and Higher Sobolev Bounds for Non-Focusing NLS Equations on Mixed Domains
Trélat, Emmanuel -
Plenary Talk 8
Thursday July 11 - 14:45
On the turnpike property
Turbin, Mikhail -
CT14 - Control and Optimization
Wednesday July 10 - 09:45
Ulbrich, Dennis -
Poster Session
Tuesday July 9 - 19:00
Dynamics and topological entropy of 1D-Greenberg-Hastings cellular automata
Ulianova, Elena -
CT21 - Spectral theory
Thursday July 11 - 16:50
On spectral properties of a class of differential operators
Umezu, Kenichiro -
CT22 - Special solutions
Thursday July 11 - 18:10
Existence of a loop of positive solutions for concave-convex problems with indefinite weights
Ushijima, Takeo -
Poster Session
Tuesday July 9 - 19:00
On traveling wave solution for a diffusive simple epidemic model with a free boundary
Uzal, José -
CT24 - Special solutions
Friday July 12 - 08:45
Solutions of impulsive BVPs via a generalized Poincaré-Miranda theorem
Valdebenito, Dario -
MS12 Part 2 of 2
Tuesday July 9 - 16:00
Quasiperiodic solutions of elliptic equations on the entire space
Van den Berg, Jan Bouwe -
Plenary Talk 10
Friday July 12 - 13:45
Computer-assisted theorems in dynamics
Van der Schaft, Arjan -
MS4 Part 1 of 1
Monday July 8 - 14:00
Dynamical distribution networks
Van Heijster, Petrus -
MS9 Part 2 of 2
Tuesday July 9 - 15:30
Pulse dynamics in reaction-diffusion equations with strong spatially localised impurities
Van leeuwen, Tristan -
MS33 Part 1 of 2
Thursday July 11 - 18:00
A kernel method for joint parameter and state estimation
Vasilyev, Vladimir -
Poster Session
Tuesday July 9 - 19:00
On some discrete elliptic boundary value problems
Vasilyev, Vladimir -
CT19 - Methodology
Thursday July 11 - 17:10
On some operator calculus and its applications
Vedyushkina, Viktoria -
Poster Session
Tuesday July 9 - 19:00
The foliation on the Lens space as Liouville foliation of the integrable billiards.
Veerman, Frits -
MS35 Part 2 of 2
Monday July 8 - 18:00
Toll roads and freeways: Defects in bilayer interfaces in the multi-component functionalised Cahn-Hilliard equation
Vercauteren, Nikki -
MS30 Part 1 of 2
Tuesday July 9 - 17:00
Towards stochastic modeling of turbulence in the stably stratified atmospheric boundary layer
Vermolen, Fred -
MS24 Part 1 of 1
Wednesday July 10 - 09:15
Mathematical models for simulation of skin behavior after burn injuries
Vieira, Nelson -
CT16 - Fractional Derivatives
Thursday July 11 - 10:25
Time-fractional diffusion-wave and parabolic Dirac operators and their fundamental solutions
Vo, Theodore -
MS8 Part 2 of 3
Monday July 8 - 18:00
Delayed Bifurcation Phenomena in Multi-Timescale Reaction-Diffusion Equations
Von der Heydt, Anna -
MS30 Part 1 of 2
Tuesday July 9 - 16:30
Uncertainty quantification of climate sensitivity: State-dependence, extreme values and the probability of tipping
Vorushilov, Konstantin -
Poster Session
Tuesday July 9 - 19:00
Jordan-Kronecker invariants of semidirect sums of semisimple Lie algebras with a commutative ideal
Voulis, Igor -
MS3 Part 1 of 2
Monday July 8 - 14:30
A Space-Time Approach to Two-Phase Stokes Flow
Vrbaski, Anja -
CT11 - Mathematical Modelling
Tuesday July 9 - 16:30
Mathematical analysis of Barenblatt's non-equilibrium model for two-phase flow in porous media
Wacheux, Christophe -
MS13 Part 2 of 2
Friday July 12 - 10:15
About the integral affine structure associated to integrable systems with focus-focus singularities
Wagener, Florian -
MS12 Part 1 of 2
Tuesday July 9 - 09:45
Double Hopf bifurcations at normal-normal resonance
Wanner, Thomas -
MS29 Part 1 of 2
Monday July 8 - 17:00
Combinatorial Topological Dynamics
Watanabe, Takeshi -
MS35 Part 1 of 2
Monday July 8 - 14:30
Collision dynamics of traveling spots against axisymmetric heterogeneity
Watanabe, Hiroshi -
CT6 - Waves
Monday July 8 - 18:10
Traveling wave solutions for parabolic-hyperbolic conservation laws
Waters, Alden -
MS33 Part 1 of 2
Thursday July 11 - 17:30
Hybrid Inverse Problems for Nonlinear Elasticity
Wattis, Jonathan -
MS11 Part 1 of 2
Tuesday July 9 - 17:00
Extended integrable lattices and their asymptotic behaviour
Wayne, C. Eugene -
MS2 Part 2 of 2
Friday July 12 - 10:15
Asymptotic Stability of the Toda m-soliton
Wechselberger, Martin -
Plenary Talk 4
Tuesday July 9 - 13:45
Two-stroke relaxation oscillators -- not all is van der Pol
White, Jane -
MS25 Part 1 of 2
Thursday July 11 - 17:30
How mathematical modelling can help to improve our understanding of topical and transdermal drug delivery
White, Carla -
MS25 Part 1 of 2
Thursday July 11 - 17:00
Modelling cooperativity and the effects of the dimerisation of receptors on ligand binding
Wolfrum, Matthias -
CT11 - Mathematical Modelling
Tuesday July 9 - 16:50
Temporal dissipative solitons in a DDE model of a ring laser with optical injection
Wouters, Jeroen -
MS30 Part 2 of 2
Wednesday July 10 - 09:45
Stochastic model reduction for slow-fast systems with moderate time-scale separation
Wu, Wei -
MS20 Part 1 of 2
Thursday July 11 - 18:00
Scaling limits and surface tension for gradient field models
Yadeta, Hailu Bikila -
CT20 - Nonlocal Systems
Thursday July 11 - 17:50
A Cauchy Problem for Some Nonlinear Nonlocal integro-partial differential equation
Yagasaki, Kazuyuki -
MS11 Part 1 of 2
Tuesday July 9 - 16:30
Bifurcations of homoclinic orbits in reversible systems
Yamazaki, Noriaki -
CT14 - Control and Optimization
Wednesday July 10 - 10:05
Singular optimal control problems for quasi-variational evolution equations
Yamazoe, Shotaro -
MS11 Part 1 of 2
Tuesday July 9 - 16:00
Pitchfork bifurcations and linear stability of solitary waves in coupled nonlinear Schrödinger equations
Yanchuk, Serhiy -
MS17 Part 2 of 2
Tuesday July 9 - 16:00
Temporal dissipative solitons in delay feedback systems
Yang, Jichen -
Poster Session
Tuesday July 9 - 19:00
Turing instability and energy estimates for reaction-subdiffusion equations
Yayla, Sema -
CT8 - Asymptotics
Tuesday July 9 - 09:45
Long-time Behavior of the Semi-linear Beam Equation with Localized Viscosity
Yokota, Tomomi -
CT4 - Well-Posedness
Monday July 8 - 17:50
Global existence and finite-time blow-up in a quasilinear degenerate chemotaxis system with flux limitation
Yokoyama, Tomoo -
CT15 - Fluid Dynamics
Wednesday July 10 - 09:45
Topological methods analyzing incompressible fluids on multi-connected domains and their implementations
Zanna, Laure -
MS30 Part 2 of 2
Wednesday July 10 - 08:45
Deep Learning for Ocean Data Inference and Turbulence Parameterisation
Zhang, Zhifei -
MS21 Part 1 of 2
Tuesday July 9 - 09:45
Linear inviscid damping for shear flows via the vector field method
Zlotnik, Alexander -
Poster Session
Tuesday July 9 - 19:00
Analysis of a finite element method for measure-valued optimal control problems governed by the 1D wave equation
Zlotnik, Alexander -
CT2 - Fluid Dynamics
Monday July 8 - 15:40
On the strong continuity on data in weaker norms of global weak solutions to 1D viscous compressible Navier-Stokes equations and an error of their two-scale homogenization
Zvyagin, Andrey -
CT15 - Fluid Dynamics
Wednesday July 10 - 10:05
Alpha model for viscoelastic fluid with memory
Zvyagin, Victor -
CT15 - Fluid Dynamics
Wednesday July 10 - 10:25
Weak solvability and attractors for model of viscoelastic fluid with memory motion
Zygalakis, Konstantinos -
MS28 Part 1 of 2
Wednesday July 10 - 09:45
Explicit stabilised Runge-Kutta methods and their application to Bayesian inverse problems