Local class field theory - Fall 2011

organization schedule description grading

Sep 5 Chap 0 Milne, p. 1-5
Sep 12 Profinite groups; infinite galois theory;
Formulation of LCFT Milne chap 1.
Sep 19 Due date Homework 1:
Choose 4 exercises from 1.9 through 1.18 of Lenstra's text Galois theory for schemes [PDF]
Erratum: $R\times R$ should be $RxR$ in 1.18 (a)
Solutions [PDF]
Sep 26 Chap 1, section 2,3 of Milne. See also Chapter 8 [PDF] of Fesenko's book.
Oct 3 No class
Oct 10 Finish Chap 1, §3
Due date Homework 2:
Choose 2 of the exercises 1-6 of Section 1 of Chapter 8 [PDF] of Fesenko's book
and choose 2 exercises out of 2.3, 2.10, 2.11, 2.13 in Lenstra's text Galois theory for schemes [PDF].
Solutions [PDF]
Oct 17 Chap 2: Cohomology groups, bar-resolution
Oct 24 No class
Oct 31 Derived functors, ext and tor, and Tate cohomology groups,
Nov 7 Inflation and restriction, Cohomology of cyclic groups, H_1(G,Z), cupproduct
Homework 3: Choose 4 exercises from o3.pdf.
Solutions [PDF]
Nov 14 Herbrand quotient, Tate's theorem (part 1), cohomology of profinite groups
Nov 21 Tate's theorem (part 2), cohomology of local units in the unramified case
Nov 28 Proof of the main results
Dec 5 Proof of the main results
Homework 4: do all 4 exercises of o4.pdf.
Solutions [PDF]
Dec 12 Hilbert symbol
Dec 19 Global class field theory
Due date Homework 5: do 4 of the 5 exercises of o5.pdf.
Solutions [PDF]

Last update January 30, 2012, 18:29