This page contains some of my mathematical research and code.
Here is a list of my mathematical publications.
H. Darmon, J. Vonk
p-Adic Green's functions for real quadratic geodesics
Submitted (pdf)
J. Vonk
Rigid cocycles and singular moduli for real quadratic fields
Submitted (pdf)
J. Balakrishnan, N. Dogra, S. Müller, J. Tuitman, J. Vonk
Quadratic Chabauty for modular curves
Compositio Math., Vol. 159, No. 6 (2023), 1111-1152 (pdf | journal)
H. Darmon, A. Pozzi, J. Vonk
The values of the Dedekind-Rademacher cocycle at real multiplication points
J. Eur. Math. Soc. (JEMS) Vol. 26, No. 10 (2024), 3987-4032 (pdf | journal)
H. Darmon, J. Vonk
Real quadratic Borcherds products
Pure Appl. Math. Q. (Special Issue in honor of Dick Gross), Vol. 18, No. 5 (2022), 1803-1865 (pdf | journal)
J. Vonk
Overconvergent modular forms and their explicit arithmetic
Bull. Amer. Math. Soc., Vol. 58, No. 3 (2021), 313-356 (pdf | journal)
H. Darmon, J. Vonk
Arithmetic intersections of modular geodesics
J. Number Theory (Prime), Vol. 230 (2022), 89-111 (pdf | journal)
A. Lauder, J. Vonk
Computing p-adic L-functions of totally real fields
Math. Comp., Vol. 91, No. 334 (2022), 921-942 (pdf | journal)
H. Darmon, A. Pozzi, J. Vonk
Diagonal restrictions of p-adic Eisenstein families
Math. Ann., Vol. 379, No. 1 (2021), 503-548 (pdf | journal)
J. Balakrishnan, A. Best, F. Bianchi, B. Lawrence, N. Triantafillou, S. Müller, J. Vonk
Two recent p-adic approaches towards the (effective) Mordell conjecture
"Arithmetic L-Functions and Differential Geometric Methods", Progress in Math., Vol. 338, 31-74, Birkhäuser (pdf | book)
J. Balakrishnan, N. Dogra, S. Müller, J. Tuitman, J. Vonk
Explicit Chabauty-Kim for the non-split Cartan modular curve of level 13
Ann. of Math. (2) Vol. 189, No. 3 (2019), 885-944 (pdf | journal)
H. Darmon, J. Vonk
Singular moduli for real quadratic fields: A rigid analytic approach
Duke Math. J., Vol. 170, No. 1 (2021), 23-93 (pdf | journal)
J. Vonk
Modular eigenforms at the boundary of weight space
Res. Number Theory, Vol. 4, No. 2 (2018) (pdf | journal)
J. Vonk
Crystalline cohomology of towers of curves
Int. Math. Res. Not. (IMRN), Vol. 2020, No. 21, 7454-7488 (pdf | journal)
J. Vonk
Computing overconvergent forms for small primes
LMS J. Comp., Vol. 18, No. 1 (2015), 250-257 (pdf | journal)
R. Möller, J. Vonk
Normal subgroups of groups acting on trees and automorphism groups of graphs
J. Group Theory, Vol. 15, No. 6 (2012), 831-850 (pdf | journal)
My publication profile on external databases:
Some expository mathematical notes for talks, mini-courses, etc.
Rational points on modular curves
ICTS Bangalore, September 2023
Notes from a lecture series at the
ICTS Summer School on rational points on modular curves. The focus of this course
was on arithmetic properties of cusps and CM points, and to illustrate the works of Mazur and Gross-Zagier in an examples-based way.
Torsion points on elliptic curves
Hay-on-Wye, August 2022
Notes from a mini-course at the
CMI Graduate Summer School on elliptic curves,
held at Baskerville Hall. The lectures were on the theme of torsion points on elliptic curve, and center around two foundational
results: The theorem of Mazur on torsion of elliptic curves over Q, and the open image theorem of Serre.
Rigid cocycles and singular moduli for real quadratic fields
Park City Utah, August 2022
Notes from a mini-course at the PCMI 2022 Graduate Summer School,
held in Park City. The theme of the programme was Number Theory Informed by Computation, and these lectures focus on the computation
of rigid cocycles, and how experiments played a role in the development of their theory.
Topics in Number Theory: p-Adic L-functions
Leiden, Spring 2021
Notes for part of a master course at Leiden. The aim is to give a friendly introduction to the theory of
p-adic measures and Mellin transforms, and how they are used to define the Kubota-Leopoldt p-adic zeta function. The approach
borrows from the beautiful treatment by Pierre Colmez.
Some spectral questions over R and Qp
IAS Princeton, Spring 2020
Expanded notes that grew out of an experimental talk in the Séminaire Shimizu. Its aim was to give an introduction
to the subject of p-adic modular forms, and explore experimentally a number of analogies with the spectral theory of
the Laplacian on Maass forms suggested by Frank Calegari.
Overconvergent modular forms and their explicit arithmetic
Bordeaux, June 2019
Notes from a mini-course at the Iwasawa 2019 summer school. The lectures
were about the basic theory of overconvergent modular forms, and their explicit computation following the algorithm of Lauder.
An expanded version of these notes was later published in the Bulletin of the AMS.
Rigid meromorphic cocycles
Barcelona, June 2017
A rough set of notes from a series of lectures on joint work with Henri Darmon, given during the summer of 2017 at UPC Barcelona,
as part of a seminar run by Víctor Rotger.
Some code written as part of my mathematical research, also available on
Rigid meromorphic cocycles
Henri Darmon and I wrote a Magma package to compute spaces of rigid meromorphic cocycles,
as introduced in our papers
- Singular moduli for real quadratic fields (Duke Math. J. 2021)
- Arithmetic intersections of modular geodesics (J. Number Theory 2022)
- Real quadratic Borcherds products (Pure Appl. Math. Q. 2022)
It computes rigid meromorphic theta cocycles, their RM values, their cuspidal values, as well as
Stark-Heegner points on elliptic curves.
Overconvergent modular forms
This code builds on the code of Alan Lauder, and some parts of it were also written jointly with him.
It has three main branches, which compute:
- Spaces of overconvergent modular forms for any prime p, as well as routines
to compute eigenforms, projections, and Chow-Heegner points on elliptic curves.
Computing overconvergent forms for small primes (LMS J. Comp. 2015)
- Spaces of overconvergent modular forms at the boundary of weight space.
Modular eigenforms at the boundary of weight space (Res. Number Theory 2018)
- p-Adic L-functions of totally real fields (with A. Lauder).
Computing p-adic L-functions of totally real fields (Math. Comp. 2022)
Quadratic Chabauty
The following code, building crucially on code written by Jan Tuitman, is based on the following papers with Jennifer Balakrishnan, Netan Dogra,
Steffen Müller, and Jan Tuitman
- Explicit Chabauty-Kim for the non-split Cartan modular curve of level 13 (Ann. Math. 2019)
- Quadratic Chabauty for modular curves (Compos. Math. 2023)